Friday, August 29, 2014

First trip to the hairdresser. Precautions.

First trip to the hairdresser. Precautions.Typically, a young child is very grasp new things and going to places where he hasn't had the chance, but first going to the hairdresser may still be scared of it. If you properly give Chad and replenishes this exciting event, for the sentence: "And let us go to the hairdresser," the child will not only respond with pleasure, but will even offer to go to get a haircut.

Preparing for the haircut

It is quite natural that, once in the cabin, where many unusual adaptations, strange smells and unfamiliar aunt clicks scissors just above the ear, the baby may start to spin, capricious and will go home. So be sure to tell your child about what will happen to him in the cabin and how he should behave. It would be better if the first time the child will be in a barbershop as a spectator: if you or husband is going to fix hairstyle, grab the baby "on tour". While all your show, how do you like it here and how are you satisfied with the action wizard. By the way, if you have your hairdresser, you sure put the crumbs to it. Only pre-check whether the wizard experience of children's haircuts. If not, be sure to choose a salon where there is a children's room. First, wizards out there have experience of working with smaller clients. Secondly, the seat size is designed for children and rise to the desired height and may have suspended the TV, which will distract the child. But still, just in case, grasp for Chad, a couple small toys. Ideally, if something you buy on the way to beauty.

The first hairstyle

Many children even at home not too fond of washing of the head, so this procedure in the salon can turn into a real test for your child, and for the wizard. Wash your hair the son or daughter of the house to the hairdresser only slightly moisten them before mowing. Usually children's haircut lasts about 15 minutes is the optimal time to pipsqueak sat quietly and did not preferencial. During a haircut tell me baby, what hair he had as an adult, praise his behavior and admire a new kind of Chad. Sometimes kids are very scared kind of bobbed hair. If this happens calmly explain to the child that hair occasionally need to cut, but they will grow back again. Suggest him to capture cut hair with them, in memory of his first trip to the salon.

It happens that, despite all the efforts of the mother, the child is worried and does not want to get a haircut in a barbershop. In this case, invite the master to the house in his usual environment, the baby will be easier to relax.

To cut or not to cut?

For a long time it was believed that the first haircut baby must be "zero". But now the majority of pediatricians believe that it can cause irritation on the delicate skin of the baby's head; or even damage hair follicles. As for length, pediatricians recommend not to grow hair baby to 3 years agricultural Until this age fibril kids are very thin and fragile. And long hair more tangled and pulled out when brushing. Besides, long hair must be removed from the face of the baby, using barrettes and elastic bands. The whole day tied hair may gradually recede at the temples and forehead, leaving a zone with a light and delicate bloom. To restore such thinned zone is sometimes impossible.



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