The fridge is a place that put different Goodies-Goodies, to a very questionable food. However, eyes falling on a daily basis, the group's products "undesirable" quite go for the ordinary yummy. What? Ready to see the truth, that is, in the eyes of your fridge?
So, Women's Magazine has prepared a list of products that are better left in the supermarket than to resettle on the shelf of your refrigeration Cabinet.
Enemy number one and the first contender for a place in the trash bin - mayonnaise. This is a very high-calorie, containing a huge number of transgenic fats.
The composition of ketchup contains a large amount of salt and sugar, modified starch and other food additives. The consumption of this product in large quantities can lead to serious diseases of the stomach, for example, ulcerative gastritis.
Sugary drinks
Sweet drinks, fruit drinks and cold teas, too, will not benefit health, but will only saturate the body with many useless calories.
When alcohol enters the body, it is broken down to fatty acids that accumulate in the liver. If you drink alcohol in large doses, the cells in the brain and liver just die.
They contain large amount of fat and sodium, and preservatives. The use of these products increases the risk of colorectal cancer, high blood pressure and increases the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction.
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