Friday, August 1, 2014

Male cockroaches", which is the hardest to deal

Male cockroachesWe all have our so-called "cockroaches" - character traits or flaws that sometimes prevent to live to ourselves and others.

Some of the "cockroaches" easy to put up, and some can be very difficult. Therefore, they often become a cause of marital strife, conflicts and even divorces.

That's what male "cockroaches" women are considered the most terrible (information taken from real women's forums).

1. Carelessness and indifference. Compliment from such men you not to wait. He couldn't care less what you're wearing and what colour your hair. Well describes such a man, an old story, when his wife was not able to attract the attention of her husband and finally, in desperation, put on his gas mask, which was followed by a laconic male question: "Eyebrows that I have wysopal? "

2. Excessive care. Such a man, on the contrary, begins to solve it for you everything: what handbag you buy, what lipstick is a secret, what length of hair you grow.

3. Sendnote no sense of humor. "Why are you looking at me like that", "why do you have such a voice, "why did you put me 10 dumplings, not 9"...

4. Hypochondrical. He constantly finds himself all new diseases. Day and night says about their diseases. The pair can make a man to unsettle. Covered with a blanket, he will moan, whine, talk about how it is bad.

5. The foolhardiness. At the sight of steering such men is distraction, which becomes the thought that he Schumacher, racing to the finish line.

6. The love of friends and gatherings. He constantly invites to the home of friends, relatives, buddies or he is constantly lost from them.

7. Love to mother (sissy). Sissy forever torn between his mother and wife. They are self-centered and spoiled around them must spin the universe. They consulted with my mother, do what mom wants, his mother is always right. The best praise of such men will be: "You have done as my mother"...

8. Unwillingness to have children. Says that children are a burden and problems. Avoid any conversations about children or, on the contrary, loves to talk about how bad it is when they are there.

9. Unreliability. Promised to call today - got a call a week later. They said they would buy the plane tickets - buy on the train. Promised to meet - not met.

10. Indecisiveness. He waits for him who has something to decide. In the store, to avoid responsibility, he gladly agrees with the choice of a wife. He can't pay the rent, to buy pants.

11. Miserable Outlook. Briefly the thinking men can be described as follows: "to Me the whole world should not give, and I'm not going to ask".

12. Overeating. He always wants to eat. He exhausts all his talk about food. How such a man neither feed, he's still in the fridge looks.

13. Pathological neatness and love of order. Such a man the first thing coming in the house, checks, removed dust in the far corner under the Cabinet. It's not laziness, it will push back.

14. Pathological lying. Constantly lying, often even where this is not necessary.

15. Polygamist (womanizer, a lover of women). Never misses skirts, including alien...

16. Primitivity. He is not interested. His favorite thing is to eat on the sofa. TV - his best friend. He is ready to carry out all the time.

17. The distraction. He is constantly in the clouds, all the time something confuses you, forgets or loses.

18. Narcissism. This man talks about himself. If someone starts talking about something else, can't maintain a conversation he immediately becomes boring and uninteresting.

19. Arrogance and overconfidence. At first he reckless and mountains on the shoulder. He knows everything. Other people's advice is not needed, and then he blames everyone and everything in their failures.

20. Avarice. Counts every penny. Constantly talks about how much that costs. Torturing relatives validation checks and accusations of excessive spending.

21. Players wasting a lot. Such a man, on the contrary instantly spends all the money it gets.

22. Fine mental organization. Says strange things for others. Reads strange books. Removes a separate apartment to be alone.

23. Workaholism. There are many, rather, always. Everything else he did not have time.

A list of these cockroaches can be continued indefinitely. But is it important? The most important thing to cockroaches got on with yours.



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