Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How to prepare your child for kindergarten

How to prepare your child for kindergartenNow came the moment when the child is in the age in which psychologists and doctors recommend leaving it in kindergarten. Where to start preparing a visit to the institution, where your baby will spend more than one year?

As a rule, lead to the first child in kindergarten need in September, so galatella all summer screening of doctors and specialists in the clinic. Also the summer season, the time when we have more opportunities to fill our body with beneficial vitamins, abundance and cheapness of fruits and vegetables in this very helpful. Let the baby more fresh and wholesome food.

Spend more time in the waking, walking on the street. This will allow your child to learn to interact with other children. In the garden the little man will be very useful skills to meet and communicate. Tighten the skills of the child in the accuracy and independence. Make sure that the baby can eat with a spoon, wash with soap and water, use a towel and handkerchief, asking for a pot, to sleep without a lullaby.

Talk with your child about kindergarten, tell him in detail when and where he will go, what will do, what people will be next to it in your absence. Try the house to set the mode of the day kid kindergarten (early hours of eating, walking, sleeping hours, educational games).

Start hardening, talk with your pediatrician about means to improve the immunity of the baby. Reconsider baby closet, clothing and footwear should be comfortable, light in undoing that doesn't hinder movement, breathing and color not very easily soiled, this children's clothing online store perm.berito.ru.

Meet the Tutors and nannies, tell us about the character and habits of your child, learn the plan of training and topics of educational games.

In the beginning, the time of stay of the child in child care should be a couple of hours a day. The child must adjust and adapt. Gradually, this period should be increased. And after a week or two, the child may remain on full day kindergarten. All children are different, and as you like it in the garden for your child depends on many factors. But usually, even the most vulnerable children get used to a new way of life already in the first month.

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