Saturday, August 2, 2014

4 types of massage for a loved

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. And only? Even if it is, then the path to the mood wanders at different points on the male body.

4 types of massage for a loved

Massage for tidal energy

If he is tired and falls exhausted, return them to help massage that is based on vibrating motion and gentle strokes. From the side you might think: who would want to be beaten! But actually these movements improve circulation and lead to tone muscles. And for these purposes there is no more effective technique than the beats.

Lay the favorite on my stomach. Place your hands so that they were perpendicular to his body. And move from the shoulders to the waist quick hitting movements. The shock-pie and sharp, are alternately edges slightly compressed fists. After you give your hands a Cup shape and rhythmically stroke the skin with both hands on the queue.

Between your hand and his skin should be a place to create a vacuum. Thus you will achieve the effect of pulling the skin. If you do the massage to give it vitality, try to alternate Pat and effleurage with squeezing and kneading.

But it is important to remember that if you want to achieve exactly tonic effect, it is necessary to observe a particular sequence of massage. Start with a back massage, go to the pelvic area and back of the thighs, then massage the chest, front legs and thighs.

Massage to relieve fatigue and relax

We all know that stress is the cause of many unpleasant surprises that can throw our bodies. For example, insomnia and muscular tension. In such situations, massage can help.

In moments of strong mental excitement muscles tense and relax them, it is just a massage. And when they relax, the brain signal, which relieves tension.

In connection with this feature of massage for relaxation is the prevalence of exceptionally soft and smooth movements. For example, rubbing and stroking.

Best to start with the feet, because feet is a lot of active points. Take the tips of the fingers and the pads of the foot in your hand and press down. Pressing need is strong enough and make circular movements. This massage is done with thumbs. Start with the toe and work your way to the heel. The same movement repeat on the way from the ankle to the toes. And remember to massage each finger will be enough just to pull it. At this point, press down firmly on the nail of each finger and let it go.

Usually fatigue and stress affect our neck - it's very tense. Therefore, it is useful not to forget about this area while relaxing massage. Place your index fingers on the side of the neck and push 3-4 times, very much. After you put 4 fingers on the back of his neck, the little finger should be on the hairline. Push alternately with each hand on this area. Once on the right, the other left. But each press should be no longer than three seconds, because of the risk of damage passes close under the skin vessels and nerves. Ask a loved one to close his eyes and relax facial muscles to the brain did not receive excitatory impulses.

There is a separate technique of relaxing massage for the muscles along the spine. You want to place the index and middle finger on both sides of the spine at the base and move along it to the neck of small trembling movements. That should be the end of a relaxing massage.

Massage for excitation

4 types of massage for a loved

If you know the secrets of the exciting massage sensation honeymoon you will be guaranteed even after the celebration of the Golden wedding.

As relaxing, exciting massage involves only soft movement, besides their well to dilute it with kisses.

Start with his hands and feet. This will increase blood circulation and relieve fatigue. But remember that some men can "get" from massage big toes, some they are an erogenous zone. Start with the little finger. Gently pull it, gently press several times fingertips on the interdigital area and proceed to the next finger. Then pull and push. And so on. The same technique transfer onto the fingers of his hands. After all hands have the same number of active points.

After the feet move back. Virtually weightless touch the back of his hand is your first step. Rise up from the lumbosacral up to the seventh cervical vertebra, symmetrical pressing palms along the spine on the back. But back down in a different way. Also along the spine, but we press already phalanges. Pay some attention and trapezius shoulder muscle. You can place the technique slack "sasia". After massage his head movements, similar to washing your hair.

On the most interesting. Massage of the buttocks. Here is strictly prohibited rubbing! Extremely gentle stroking! Only the palms touch the area of the lumbar-sacral spine to the buttocks. Toes should be turned towards the shoulders. But here it is necessary to do not sliding movement, and kneading. That is, touch and release, refer below and over again. Hand movements are symmetrical. So we strengthen the blood circulation in the pelvic area. And we know that it leads to sexual arousal.

After the massage, his "polypipe" go to the stomach and chest. Breasts need to stroke, sinking lower and lower. The area just below the navel virtually all men has erogenous point. And if you touch it, it will be ready for a passionate night.

And the best assistant in arousing massage will massage oil, your love and imagination!

Morning Express massage

To the morning he was cheerful and full of energy, can be varied Breakfast one simple "dish" - a quick massage of the ears. Bend forward with your fingers in your ears and push to the head of the ear, then release. Repeat this several times. Then proceed to the next movement. Grab both lobes of the ears and the pads of your thumb and index finger. Pull down and release. Such manipulation should be done 5-6 times. Next put in the external auditory opening the thumb forefinger and push the protrusion of the auricle. Slightly crush it and turn in different directions about 20-30 seconds. Another technique at the rear of the external ear canal is cartilaginous protrusion. Hold his index finger and thumb and slide up and down.

Massage the ears activates in the ear point and quickly activates dormant after a night in the reserves of the body.

This massage "on time" will banish all the sleepiness.



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