Tuesday, September 30, 2014

on August 14, the First Honey Spas (Macovei)

on August 14, the First Honey Spas (Macovei)

on August 14, the First Honey Spas (Macovei)

Holiday Makovey or first saved celebrated on 14 August in all Orthodox churches. Believers remember the seven brothers martyrs Makoveev and their mother Solomia who died for the Christian faith. People come to the Orthodox churches with wildflowers, to receive the blessing of Holy water.


They lived for a century and a half before the birth of Christ and suffered for their faith, which is not betrayed, when the pagan king wished they went to paganism. Makovey resigned and took grievous torments. They were tortured in front of his mother and their teachers demanding that those affected brothers, persuaded them to renounce their faith in order to save his life.

But mother and Eliezer cheered and martyrs, that held steady parental faith and was not afraid of pain and suffering for her.

All brothers habim, Antonin, Gury, Eliezer, Esebon, Alim, MARKAL, as well as their mother and the teacher remained faithful to the true God and went to martyrdom for the faith.

These sufferings of the Holy martyrs of the Maccabees even for a century and a half before the birth of Christ seems to have started the way of the cross of suffering, which then went many Christian martyrs for the faith, he did not want to betray Christ.

This is the way in which the Savior bore his cross to Calvary and was crucified, because he hath not given God the Father for the sake of those who call themselves "fathers and teachers on earth".

On holiday Makovey in the middle of the Church in Ukraine to Vinnitsa cross, decorated with flowers for worship and the veneration of the faithful. It seems no accident that all suffering for eternal ideals of truth and good people are always honored flowers. But in the vastness of human life, sprinkled with sweat and blood, plowed plow suffering can grow fragrant flowers, healing potion, rich in the fruits of the earth.

In this warm summer months, steadily coming to the harvest of autumn, when assembled first Agency agricultural work, according to ancient Ukrainian tradition people are in the Church flowers, vegetables and herbs, to sanctify them, and to invoke God's blessing on the future harvest.

on August 14, the First Honey Spas (Macovei)Ukrainian customs:


A day Panteleimon the healer have a national holiday Palikea or char.

If anyone in this day stings or drove stacks, they could be burned, and then the whole yard. Therefore, people in this day fasted and prayed to save those cops that are still in the field, from lightning strikes.

Sprinkle the girl Vodice

Holiday Makovey the people are called "the First of the Savior" or "Saviour on the water". on 14 August, the river water is considered to be curative.

Patients with fever bathe in the river to recover. With translations it is known that in Kiev there was a custom: all of Kiev came on this day to the Dnieper to sanctify the water. Men should appear on this holiday in Cossack dress.

Flowers dedicated on this day in churches, put insults and stored until spring. And poppy, consecrated Makovey, scatter in the garden, dry same flowers on the Annunciation girls weave into a braid, "to no hair fell out.

On Makovey more often swatt and Mac vidoc used against magic: they showered the house that all witch tricks disappeared.

In this day bake pies with poppy, but the main ritual food is "kites". Their recipe: bake cakes, break them into small pieces and pour honey pounded poppy.

on August 14, the First Honey Spas (Macovei)

Feast on saved:

Potato soup with zucchini

1 carrot, 1 parsley, 1/4 stalk leeks, 5-6 potatoes, 1 zucchini, 1 pod of pepper, 2 tomatoes, 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Salt, dill and parsley to taste.

Carrots, parsley and leeks, cleaned, washed, cut into thin slices, put them into a saucepan, add the vegetable oil, thinly sliced bell pepper and fry until cooked. Potatoes and zucchini, cleaned, washed, cut lengthwise into two halves and cut into semi-circles thickness of 1/2 see In boiling water or vegetable broth, omit the potatoes, allow to boil, lower the zucchini, sauté vegetables, allow to boil and then simmer cook for 5-10 minutes. At the end of cooking to put red tomatoes, cut into slices, season with salt. When serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Pancakes with boiled potatoes

6-8 raw and 2-3 boiled potatoes, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 Cup of vegetable broth, salt, spices to taste, oil for frying.

Raw potatoes to grate, squeeze, boiled - mince or mash, add the broth, flour, salt, pepper and other spices to taste and mix everything carefully. Fry in vegetable oil, placing 1 tbsp. spoon of weight on a very hot pan. Serve with onion sauce.

Casserole of potatoes and cabbage

5-6 potatoes, 1 Cup of vegetable broth, 1/2 kg fresh cabbage, 1/2 teaspoon dill seed 1 onion, 4 tablespoons vegetable oil, salt, spices to taste.

The casserole is cooked in refractory clay or cast iron pan on the pan. Before baking utensils should be well greased with vegetable oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Serve in the pan in which the cake was ready.

Peeled potatoes to boil, mash, pour the hot broth, add salt, add spices, add the dill seed and mix well. Cabbage washed, cut into several parts and scald salted boiling water, and then chop. In prepared dishes layers to lay mashed potatoes, chopped onion, cabbage and again mashed potatoes. On top drizzle with oil and bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Submit to dinner with a salad or fresh cucumbers.


On holiday Makovey or Saviour (August) baked fresh and lean cakes, smeared with honey, sprinkled with poppy seeds. Eat them within just two weeks of fasting on the Saviour. Take 1 pound of flour, mix it with 1 egg, 1 spoon sugar, 1/2 Cup water and 60-80 g paramytha poppy. Roll out thin cakes and bake in the oven. Prepare poppy milk with sugar and water, break the cookie monster on 3-4 pieces and mix with the milk.

Dressing (milk rice): steamed poppy grind in a pan, add sugar, honey and diluted with boiled water.
Need: Mac - 200 g water 200 g sugar - 100 g honey 100 g

The Apple salad with raisins

3 apples, a handful of raisins, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 lemon, handful of walnuts.

Peeled apples cut into strips, sprinkle with lemon juice. Raisins to sort, wash, scald, cool. Nuts to clean, grind, dry. Prepared foods to combine, season with lemon juice with sugar, sprinkle with nuts and garnish with lemon.

Salad fruit and vegetable

20 g of horseradish root, 2 apples, 2 carrots, 1/2 lemon or citric acid, 1 teaspoon sugar, salt.

Carrots, apples and horseradish RUB on a small grater. Add the lemon juice, some fresh zest, salt, garnish with stars from carrots.

Vitamin Salad

2 apples, 2 oranges, 2 bananas.

Fruit peel, cut into slices or cubes, stir, adding a little sugar (5 g). Put in a cool place for 1 - 1 1/2 hours to ensure that the fruit has allocated juice. Optionally, you can add any juicy, sweet fruits (apricots, melons, strawberries, and others). You can fill the salad 1 teaspoon liqueur.

Salad "Favorite"

100 g of melon, 100 g of pears, 100 g plums or apricots, 20 g sugar, 2 tablespoons of jam seedless.

Fruit peel, remove core, cut into slices or cubes, put in a salad bowl, sprinkle with powdered sugar or drizzle with jam.

The dressing for the salad can be prepared from ripe apricots or fresh strawberries. To do this, apricots or strawberries should be rubbed through a sieve and combine with sugar. The resulting puree to mix with jam and pour over the sliced fruit.

Apple "hedgehogs"

1/2 litre of Apple juice, 100 g of almonds, 1 Cup cranberry juice, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon of potato starch.

It is advisable to choose the compote, in which apples cut into halves. Take them out of the compote, put on a dish, each piece pierced with almond halves. In boiling compote add cornstarch, stir in cranberry juice, and sugar to taste, stir and heat. The finished pudding carefully pour into bowl with "hedgehogs" (try not to pour! ).

Apples stuffed with

4 Apple, 2 tbsp raisins, 1 tablespoon of walnut kernels, a pinch of vanilla, 4 tablespoons of sugar.

To remove the peel apples, remove the core, put them into boiling water, add sugar, vanilla and cook over low heat, preventing the cooking apples. Remove apples with a slotted spoon, let them cool down, the middle to fill in the washed scalded raisins and crushed nuts. Put apples on plates.

Apples baked

4 large apples, 2 tablespoons sugar, raisins, nuts, vanilla or cinnamon.

Apples wash, carefully remove the core and fill them with a mixture of raisins, sugar, crushed nuts with vanilla or cinnamon. The shape of the line oiled parchment paper or foil, put the apples, bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

Pears with ginger (cinnamon)

800 g of pears, 150 g sugar, ginger, or cinnamon sticks, 1/2 liter of water, citric acid.

Water to boil with sugar, add a little citric acid to the boiling syrup to lower the halved pears and cook until tender, not giving her seethe. Remove pears with a slotted spoon, arrange in a La carte dishes. To the syrup add ginger or cinnamon and, when cool, pour it over the pears.

Apple puree with semolina porridge

500 g peeled, finely chopped apples, 2 tablespoons sugar, a pinch of ground cinnamon, chopped lemon rind, 2 tablespoons semolina 1 tablespoon powdered sugar for sprinkling.

Peeled peeled and chopped apples, pour hot water and simmer until soft. Then add sugar, cinnamon, a little chopped lemon peel, semolina; mass simmer until the semolina will not inflate. Cooked Apple puree with semolina porridge put on a plate, sprinkle with powdered sugar mixed with cinnamon.

Plum (cherry) sauce

1 l of water, 200 g drain (cherry), 100 g sugar, cloves or cinnamon, 1 tablespoon starch.

Plum washed, scalded with boiling water, rinse with cold water. After scalding with drain easily removed peel. Remove the seeds from the fruit. The skin and bones, cover with water, boil, drain the liquid and add the sugar, spices, boil half plums, boiled, enter the diluted starch, warm, not boiling. Preparing the sauce of cherries, the skin is not removed. Bring to lean baking.

Apple (pear) sauce

1 l of water, 200-300 g of apples, a pinch of vanilla sugar, 1 tablespoon starch.

Remove from apples peel, remove core. Cut apples dipped in 1/2 liter of boiling water, add sugar, utensils close the lid. The skin and the core cover with cold water, boil (simmer for), drain the liquid. Fluid flushed add to the apples, bring to boil, pour the diluted with cold water starch, vanilla, boil the mixture and remove from heat. It is advisable not to seethe apples. If the sauce add the red juice (strawberry, strawberry, currant juice, cranberry, barberry), then he will get a beautiful color.

The sauce will be sharper, if instead of vanilla to it to add a clove or a crust of cinnamon. When the sauce has cooled, take them out, otherwise they give the sauce an unpleasant bitter taste.

Honey jelly

1/4 Cup lemon juice 300 g of honey, 1/3 Cup sugar, 3 tablespoons of potato starch, 6 1/2 cups of water.

Dissolve in hot water half the norm of honey, add sugar and bring mixture to a boil. Potato starch diluted with cold boiled water, brew them, stirring, boiling syrup. Remove the mixture from heat and pour the remaining honey and lemon juice. Pudding mix well, cool.

Scented custard sbiten

1 kg of white honey, 40 g of hops, spices (cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, mint and others) to taste, 3 l of water.

Honey dissolved in 3 l of boiling water, mix well and keep for days. Then, with continuous stirring, boil it on low heat for two hours (removing the foam).

15 minutes before end of boil in the honey, add hops and spices.

Pour the mixture into a clean barrel, when it cools, add half a Cup of liquid yeast. Barrel cork and to bear in glacier for 14 days.

After exposure sbiten strain and pour into bottles, store that in the fridge.


The Christian calendar

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