Friday, September 26, 2014

How to stay on a diet?

How to stay on a diet? It so happens that in a certain period of strict diet, the woman simply does not find the strength to continue to fight against overweight. And come together with food restrictions fatigue leads to the disruption. How to avoid such failures and will not stop halfway in the fight for a slim figure. Here are some tips on how not to fall off the diet.

Change your diet. Long-term diets cause in the body, a deficiency of some nutrients and a surplus of others. So, if you are tired of two weeks to several eat a buckwheat or vegetables, think about changing diet and go, for example, milk or soup diet. Choose a diet, a diet that contains at least 30% will be different from the previous diet.

Eat rationally. Breaking the diet for a few days, go on a balanced diet. This will help the body to recover and to stop fighting with diet. However, it should be remembered that the transition to a balanced diet should not be sharp. If you follow a vegetarian diet, eat the meat will be, at least, stupid.

The psychological tricks. If having tried all possible dieting, you still can't forget the cakes and butter the buns, try option offered by psychologists. Try to convince yourself that in the absence of a ban on sweets have them you do not want. Losing weight will be much easier when you abelite your body that bread, sweets and cakes are not necessary.

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