Few days left to celebrate the 20 anniversary of Independence of the Ukrainian State. A long and difficult journey we managed to go through during this time. Was changing around the city, the authority, the fashion, the people themselves. Remains the same national culture and traditional Ukrainian cuisine. Than to treat our loved ones on this festive day? Women's Magazine offers several dishes of national Ukrainian cuisine.
Ukrainian cuisine is one of the richest national cuisines. Its dishes are widely recognized far beyond the borders of Ukraine. For dishes of Ukrainian cuisine is characterized by a large set of components.
Recipes of Ukrainian cuisine includes a variety of fruits and vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, mushrooms and berries.Of meat products the most common is the pork. Meat in a big
the number is part of the first courses, main of which is the soup.It should be noted that Ukrainian borsch - “the father” of many other soups.
Ukrainian borsch
80, beef, 75, beet, 100 g of fresh cabbage, 130, potatoes, 25, carrots, 10, root parsley, 20 g onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 80, tomatoes, 15, bell pepper, 10 grams of melted butter, 15 g fat, 15g.sour cream, 1 teaspoon vinegar, sugar, salt, parsley and dill, chilli pepper, Bay leaf.
For the donuts: 80, wheat flour, 35 g of water, 5 g sugar, 2, 5 g yeast, 2 g of sunflower oil, 1 egg.
For the sauce: 5 g of garlic, 5 g vegetable oil 20 g of water, salt.
Fatty beef (brisket) rinse well with cold water. To do with the inner side over the edges of the incision, cover with cold water and over high heat bring to a boil. When the water boils, remove the foam, reduce the flame and continue to cook at a very low boil, periodically removing (but not waste) from the surface of the broth fat. Prepared meat out of the broth, remove the bones, put in another bowl, lightly salt. Add a little of the broth, cover and put on fire.
Prepare the vegetables. Beets wash, peel, cut into strips, put in a skillet with fat taken from the broth. Add vinegar, sugar, salt and cook on high, and then covered over low heat until almost cooked. Parsley root, carrots cut into strips and fry in oil in a sealed container until ready
Onion cut into strips, lightly fried in ghee. Add pounded with broth
tomatoes, sauté for 10-15 minutes, then combine with carrots and parsley and sauté them. Cabbage chop sticks. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. Pepper remove seeds and stem, chop sticks.
The broth in which the meat cooked, drain, bring to the boil, add the chopped cabbage, some potatoes, chilli bitter pepper and cook for 15-20 minutes at a low boil. Then hot peppers remove, add stewed beets, browned spices, pepper, Bay leaf and cook for another 5-7 minutes to Fill the soup rubbed boiled potatoes and bacon, crushed with garlic, dill and parsley. After filling soup, bring to boil, cover, remove from heat and let stand for 30-40 minutes When serving put in a bowl of sour cream and sprinkle with dill.
Separately apply donuts. Dough to shape the balls weighing up to 30 grams, lay them on a greased baking sheet, allow to stand. Then coat the balls with egg and bake in the oven for 7-8 minutes Donuts pour the sauce (garlic RUB with salt and combine with vegetable oil and cold boiled water).
Sausage fried at home. Ukrainian dish
1 kg of pork, 1/2 cloves garlic, 1/2 tsp. marjoram, pepper, salt, pork small intestine, 150 grams of fat, broth, potatoes.
Pork mince or finely chop, add salt and pepper, grated garlic, onion, oregano, a little broth, sliced salmon, mix all the ingredients and cooked a lot of stuff the pig small intestine. Limit meat intestine, their spin every 15-20 see the ends of the sausages to be tied up. Boil them for 10-15 minutes in salted water. Then fry in fat. Sausages to separate one from the other, put on a dish and pour the fat in which they were roasted. Fried potatoes to put next to the sausages. Separately apply cucumbers, tomatoes, sauerkraut and parsley.
Natural tomato salad Ukrainian
2 kg of green or brown tomatoes 500 g carrots, 500 g onion, 1 kg of sweet pepper, 200 grams of parsley root, 30 g parsley, 0, 15-0, 3 liters of vinegar, 0, 5 litres of vegetable oil, 50-100 g of salt, 10 corns of allspice and black pepper, 10 clove buds, 7-10 Laurel leaves.
Meaty tomatoes of medium size cut into 4-6 wedges. From peppers to cut out the seeds, cut it into pieces the size of 1x2 or 2x2 see the Carrot and parsley root, peel and cut into strips or cubes. Onion peel and cut into rings of a thickness not exceeding 5 mm parsley wash and finely chop. Vegetable oil, bring to boil, boil for 5-7 minutes and allow to cool to 70 degrees. Banks to warm up, pour them in the hot oil and put spices. The prepared vegetables to mix, adding salt and vinegar, and tightly put into the banks with vegetable oil. Sterilize in boiling water: a half-liter jars - 50 minutes, liter - 60 minutes
300 g potatoes - 2 cups beans, 2 tablespoons of poppy seeds, 2 teaspoons sugar, 1 onion, 2 teaspoons of chopped parsley, 0, 1 g of bitter pepper.
Tasty dish get from mixing the boiled beans and potatoes, grated poppy seeds, granulated raw onion and parsley, pepper and a small amount of sugar. All these products are rubbed through a sieve. In the kitchen of their home pounded in a mortar, from which this dish and was named "Tachanka". To beans well fall apart, it sorted before cooking, pour cold boiled water for 8-10 hours Cook under a covered lid 1, 5-2 hours depending on the variety. The poppy is also a good soak, then drain the water out of it and rubbed in a mortar. Mix the prepared food before serving the dish. Beans and poppy seeds soaked in separate vessels. Mack rubbed and beans boiled until tender and strain the broth. Cooked beans warm put in a pan, add the boiled potatoes, grated poppy, crumbling onion, pepper, sugar, salt and chopped parsley. All this stir and RUB until you get a soft and smooth. The buffet served cold.
Poltava dumplings classic
Chicken - 2 pieces onions - 4 PCs, carrot - 1 piece, parsley root - 1 PC, flour 400 g egg - 1 pc., yogurt - 1 Cup butter, melted - 1 tablespoon vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon, ground black pepper, salt, Bay leaf, dill, parsley.
Chickens cut into pieces, cook until foam on the water surface, the resulting broth is poured out. Pieces of poultry pour boiling water, add 2 finely chopped onions, finely chopped parsley root and pepper to taste, cook until the state when the meat is free to pull away from the bone. Remove the chicken to loot the meat and return it back to the pot.
2 onions finely chopped, carrots grate, with a spoonful of oil to make fried (amount to taste). Add zazharku in a saucepan, together with it, Bay leaf, boil 5 minutes, add the dumplings and cook until their ascent.
Dumplings: split in the flour, egg, butter and some yogurt, mixed. If too tight, add more yogurt. Roll into a long sausage, thick one and a half finger, cut into long pieces 2 see, better obliquely.
Salt and finely chopped greens to dobavlyaetsya immediately before use.
Cheesecakes Kiev
750 g of cottage cheese; 2 eggs; 1 Cup flour; 2 tablespoons sour cream; 1 tablespoon butter; 1/4 teaspoon salt.
For the filling: 2 cups sour cream; 4 tablespoons butter.
The pressed cheese is rubbed through a sieve, add sour cream, eggs, butter, sugar, salt, flour. All mix well and again forced through a sieve, then roll the roll, cut into diagonal slices and cook them in salted water for 5-10 minutes until tender.
The finished cake is removed, allowed to drain, put in a deep dish and pour some melted butter. Separately for cheesecakes served with sour cream.
Salad "Bukovina"
The composition for 1 serving: potatoes 30 g, the peppers fresh or canned 20 gr., carrots 15 gr., sausage smoked 25 gr., green peas 20 gr., green onion, salt.
Boiled and peeled potatoes and carrots cut into cubes, add the diced sausage, peppers, green onions, green peas, salt and dress with mayonnaise.
The wheat dumplings with garlic
Wheat flour 80 gr., water 30 g, sugar 5 gr., yeast 2, 5 gr., vegetable oil 5 g, water 20 gr., Sol
Yeast, sugar, salt and flour (1/4 norms) diluted in warm water and knead the dough. Let him come, then add the remaining flour, vegetable oil, mix well and let it go. Formed into rolls weighing 25 g be proved them into the skillet and bake in the oven. Garlic rubbed with salt, diluted with vegetable oil and boiling water. Serve dumplings under the sauce.
Vareniki with cottage cheese
Flour - 1 Cup milk - 1/2 Cup eggs - 3 pieces, cheese - 500 g butter - 3-4 tablespoons, sour cream - 4 tablespoons sugar - 4 tablespoons.
For the dough sift flour and mix with 2 eggs, milk and 1 tablespoon sugar. Knead a soft homogeneous dough and roll it into a thin layer.
To make the filling,
curd grind with egg, 3 tablespoons of sugar and sour cream until smooth.
From the prepared test cut with glass mugs. On each circle put a little bit of cooked stuffing and tightly seal the edges of the dough forming the dumplings. Then lower the dumplings into boiling salted water and cook at a low boil for 5-10 minutes.
Remove the dumplings with a sieve and put into a saucepan with butter. Apply hot with sugar and cream.
And of course
Cheese cake
Ingredients for the cake with cream cheese
1 Cup flour
1 tablespoon sugar
1 egg yolk
5 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon water
1/3 teaspoon salt (without top)
For the filling
5 tablespoons of cottage cheese
1/2 Cup cream or milk;
2 eggs
4 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon zest of lemon and/or orange
Cooking cake with cream cheese
Mix the flour, sugar, salt, pour the egg yolk, melted butter and water. Knead the dough to a ball. Refrigerate for 2 hours. Then roll with a layer thickness of 3 to 5 mm. In a baking pan put a greased parchment on the dough to the wall were also closed. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Prick the dough with a fork, pour the beans (so that the dough did not rise) and send it in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.
To make the stuffing.
Beat the whites, yolks with sugar. Curds through a sieve, add the cream, yolks, whites and zest, stir.
From the dough to remove the beans, put down the filling.
Take a tablespoon of butter and flour mix. Flour a lot to get baby oil. Sprinkle the pie and bake in the oven for another 20 minutes. Remove from the oven, wait until cool.
Bon appetit!
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