Wednesday, November 26, 2014

From left to right and Vice versa!

From left to right and Vice versa! As you know, our brain is its appearance resembles a walnut and consists of two parts and connecting them "jumpers". Parts - the left and right hemisphere of the brain. Both hemispheres perform their work and make their unique contribution to the content of each moment of our mental life.

The left hemisphere "thinks" characters (texts) and is responsible for speech, reading, writing, verbal memory. Right hemisphere - images and is responsible for musical hearing, visual-spatial orientation, shaped memory. The left hemisphere predicts the future, and the right is responsible for the perception of the current situation and the connection to the wealth of past experience.

Already from the age of three the child is constantly interacts with the world of logic and characters, words and rules. But images, sounds, imagination, experience the outside world is almost not supported and not investigated. As a result, if the adults did not see a special talent for painting, music, dance, child, with his head dipped into the world of left-brain thinking. We almost all the time are forced to use the advantages of the left hemisphere, which helps us to read, to write, to talk, to think in words and to trace causation. In adulthood any situation automatically analyzed in terms of logic, and the ability of the right hemisphere for solving the problems of the people of our time are not practically used. The right hemisphere can give us many things: intuition, holistic vision, original ideas that are not associated with causal links.

At the workshop we willed decision to ignore logic and speech, and connect to resources on the right hemisphere of the brain.

Purpose: to get a holistic view of the problem situation and to look for ways out of it.

You will need: watercolor brush, a glass of water and a sheet of paper for watercolors.

Statement: take the brush in your left hand (if you are left handed then the right one) and focus on the situation that is bothering you right now, from which we are still unable to find an easy and convenient logical output. Give yourself a few minutes to tune, and depict the situation on paper. Not worth striving for aesthetic perfection and attractiveness, it is important simply to allow the brush to leave a paper trail. Focus on the process and not think about the end result. If it helps you to tune in, do the job to soft relaxing music.

When the picture is finished, put the brush and carefully consider what happened.

Do you like your picture? Pleasant or unpleasant depicted in the picture? What colors and tones you used: bright or dim, positive or negative, light or dark? What are the key objects depicted situation? What is its center, the core, and that is on the periphery? Is there a picture of a picture of the solution or the image of the main hurdles to its development? Whether the problem is more clear and understandable to you?

Professional secrets: the right hemisphere allows you to see the situation as it is, not decomposing it into elements. A holistic vision - this is a huge step to the solution, which we usually miss.

Right thinking creates a context for creativity, visual and sound images. If an artist, musician arises organic lesion of the left hemisphere, it has practically no influence on its core activities. On the contrary, artistic expression can even be brighter. If the lesion affected the right hemisphere, this may cause the complete destruction of the capacity for creative self-expression.


I. Admiral


Our psychology

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