Some children like to read, so their vocabulary is very limited. Other unsociable, and their language skills are rarely used. Others are too active and literally choking words, not dogovarivaya phrase to the end. But a common problem of all these guys is the frequent use of pronouns and interjections, words-parasites - such as "therefore", "it", "like" and replacing the words with gestures. Experiencing difficulties in expressing their thoughts, children begin to imitate their peers, resulting digest is not the best language.
There are age-related features of underdevelopment of speech. Children usually do not have enough vocabulary, they can use words in the wrong value and speak simple sentences. Because of this retelling of the text may be incomplete and disjointed.
Older children are so accustomed to use slang in spoken language that it is difficult literature to Express their thoughts in writing. It is not surprising that in their work found similar to "pearl": "Sailed from the shore, his feet became entangled in the mud" or "Othello respirable and strangled Desdemona". The senior pupils also causes difficulty allocation of common sense works of art and the description of the characters of the main characters.
The development of active speech teachers, speech therapists and neuropsychologists to be simultaneously in several directions, which include enriching vocabulary learning sequential retelling and independent compilation of short stories, the activation of the associative relationships between words.
Call a spade a spade
Children often confuse similar words: for example, gloves are called mittens, saucer - plates, etc. So that the child saw the differences, you can suggest to him to draw close cousins and analyze the details that characterize each of them. Then ask the child to Supplement made by you identical blanks. For example, let it perisheth cuff to the mitten and glove. Reliance on visual analyzer will allow the child to visualize and better to remember these words.
For vocabulary, you can use another exercise, which also uses visual "clues". Create and write a story, where instead of nouns will be painted small pictures, and ask the child to read it.
Children of secondary school age will enjoy jobs where you have to guess words based on erudition. For example: "Find the word that referred to fish and inclined surface" (Answer: scat). Or: "How could equally be called the shop and the bench? (Answer: the shop).
Establish relationships between words
This type of exercise allows you to speed up the play of words the child and make it passive vocabulary into active. Student is offered a word game, the rules of which gradually become more complex. At the beginning of the child must be in response to spoken adult word to refer to any noun, adjective, or other part of speech that comes into his head. For example, "table may cause the following word-Association: "kitchen", "round", "swinging", "wooden", and so on, Then the child is invited to respond only nouns in the singular. This exercise should be done separately with adjectives, verbs, and words that will cause taste or colour of the Association. For example, you can ask your child to name just sweets or objects red.
Young children for the development and strengthening of associative relationships, it is useful to think of a riddle: "Who in the forest in the winter cold haunting grey, angry, hungry? "
Understand figuratively
Thinking younger students is concreteness.However, for 8-9 years they should be able to capture the hidden thoughts of the author of the text that are not derived directly from the written words. Not possessing this skill, kids and in my own speech allow excessive detail, not highlighting the main.
An excellent model for training comprehension portable meaning of sayings are Proverbs and sayings. The simplest game is that you say the child is saying, and then give a list of four others, in which he must choose close in meaning.
For example: "Which of the options reflects the same idea that is encapsulated in the saying "On bezrybe and cancer - fish"? "
"Not immediately Moscow was built";
b) once you pledge - don't tell, don't hedge";
"Among the blind curve and the leader";
g) "the Appetite comes while eating".
Then you can complicate the job and offer the child to explain the meaning of Proverbs and sayings. No less useful to teach children to give separate definitions. Let it be well familiar words, such as "table", "sandwich", "sun". This type of job also teaches the child coherently and collectively to Express their thoughts.
See causation
Reasoning children may seem illogical or even absurd due to the fact that they correctly Express the causal relationships between events. Words do not exist in isolation from each other, and in the Russian language can be found sustainable grammatical combinations, determining the meaning of the whole utterance. Discuss with your child especially those language constructs that he uses is incorrect. For example, if the spoken phrase "in order", it means, that soon must appear "to".
Write a few sentences that are missing part of sustainable structures, for example: "yesterday, today ... the weather is warm" (omit the "and"). The child should insert the missing words.
Read and retells
Retelling texts - a task that accompanies a child throughout the school. In the early grades is an oral presentation or hear or read, in the senior - written.
The most common disadvantages of retelling are remembering the beginning and end of the text with the "loss" mid or a detailed summary of the first proposals and superficial mention about the main content of the work. To make the narration more uniform will help plan. To start is to ask your child to name each paragraph and then use the headings in the form of a support of the proposals. Then you can come up with names for larger parts of the text. To make the job more fun, ask the child to retell his favorite works: "Harry Potter", "Arthur and the mountains", etc.
Younger students when retelling of help text pictures. Take any richly illustrated children's book with a well-known tale and, flipping through the pages, ask your child to make drawings of the story.
Get rid of "words-parasites"
Talk to your child about the system of penalties and incentives for the use of and, respectively, skipping his favorite "like", "well", "so", etc. for example, you can accrue points, which at the end of the day will be exchanged for candy. Also ask the child replacement "words-parasites". Instead of consuming them, you can simply pause, to twist the wrist watch or look at the interlocutor. However, all of these exercises will not bring the desired effect, if the parents are not regularly discuss with the child the events that occurred during the day, read books and watched movies. The more the student communicates by listening to the examples of correct and beautiful speech, the better he expresses his thoughts.
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