Nuts - a delicious and fast food: they are recommended for transition to vegetarian nutrition. In addition, they are a great addition to ceremonial and daily Lunches. However, the nuts do not belong to the category of foods that are light, so keep in mind that consuming them in pure form should be limited. Nutritionists recommend a daily intake of no more than one hand. While eating nuts can control the "problem" increased appetite.
Just look at the most well-known kinds of: walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, peanuts.
Although we are accustomed to think this is all nuts, botanists refer to them only hazelnuts and cashews. Nuts can be considered a fruit with a very hard thick skin and not accrete to her core. Near the fruit can be leaves, the so-called Pluska, but there should be no pulp or other shells. Despite Botanical details, all the fruits that we used to call nuts, very useful.
It grows in North and South America and Asia. The trees can live from 400 to 1,000 years, and are beginning to bear fruit with 10-12 years, the highest yields gives 100-180 years of age. With a single tree, depending on circumstances, can be collected from 10 up to 300 pounds of fruit. All parts of this plant contain a lot of nutrients and vitamins and have found wide application in many areas. Mature nuts are caloric in 2 times higher than wheat bread flour. It is recommended for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, when the lack of vitamins, salts of cobalt and iron in the body. Nuts are high in fiber and oils that can enhance the activity of the intestine. Their use contributes to the normalization of gastric secretion, regardless of whether it is reduced or increased. They are useful for older people and children.
Walnut contains a complex of valuable biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on the brain vessels. The fruits of walnut able to shoot and strong tension. Need walnuts and people activity that requires strenuous exercise, as well as diseases and operations. Walnut softens the body, dissolves the solid matter. It strengthens the dominant organs - brain, heart and liver, sharpens the senses, especially used together with raisins and figs.
However, excessive consumption of walnut causes irritation and inflammation of the tonsils and rash in the mouth. In the fruit of the walnut contains up to 65% fat, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, as well as vitamins B1, E, carotene. Even in dried form walnut retains all its qualities. Because of the presence of minerals (potassium, magnesium, iodine), together with unsaturated fatty acids, it is recommended to include them in the diet in patients with ischemia, heart diseases and hypertension. Very useful walnut with anemia because it contains compounds of iron and cobalt. As prophylaxis it is recommended for people with thyroid disease.
In addition to the cores in the medical purposes use decoctions and infusions of the leaves and bark of the walnut. A variety of drugs using walnut possess antibacterial, tonic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect.
Scientists ' opinions regarding the homeland hazelnut some disagree: Greece or Syria, Asia Minor and the Caucasus - with other data. The hazelnut was considered a symbol of marriage, family happiness, abundance. Health and wealth. Unlike other nut trees, hazelnut tree does not blossom in the spring. Hazelnut is the same hazel, only cultivated, it has more fat, it has a thinner shell and softer taste. In the nuclei of hazelnuts contains 60% oils consisting of glycerides of oleic, stearic and palmitic acids, which inhibit growth of blood cholesterol, protect against cardiovascular diseases, and is also essential for a growing organism. Nutmeg is also characterized by high protein content (20%), vitamin E, minerals: potassium, iron, cobalt.
The most important feature of vitamin E is its ability to prevent the formation of carcinogenic factors in the body: is a powerful preventive against cancer and heart disease and muscular system. Calcium strengthens bones and teeth, iron is essential blood zinc for the production of sex hormones, potassium - activity of the nervous and muscular system. Hazelnut is rich in nutrients, caloric he exceeds 2-3 times bread, 8 times the milk, and chocolate.
As a product of diet is used in diseases of the cardiovascular system and anemia, enlargement of the prostate, varicose veins, phlebitis, venous ulcers Glenny and capillary hemorrhages. It can also be used in people with diabetes, but due to the low content of carbohydrates you can eat and with a very strict diet without the risk of weight. It contains substances that promote the introduction of toxins from the body (especially the liver). The use of hazelnut prevent putrefactive processes, cleanses the body and strengthens the immune system.
The main habitats of almonds - a Small and Central Asia, India, Indonesia and other tropical countries. Now it grows from the Mediterranean to Central Asia, in California, South Africa, South Australia. In the time of flowering, all the trees are covered with caps of colors from white to deep pink, while the delicate almond smell is felt for many miles. Like other nuts, almonds are not only edible, but also used in other areas, for example, in perfumery. Almond tree also has a decorative purpose: the duration of flowering depends on the type and lasts usually from two to five weeks.
Almonds perfectly cleanses the blood, kidneys, opens blockages in the liver and spleen, crushes stones carried by the bile. Eating nuts is better with sugar, which contributes to the rapid digestion of this rather indigestible product. In addition, almonds with sugar and better with honey, significantly increases the potency, which makes it a desirable product in the diet of men. And bitter almonds in ancient times used as anti-hangover remedy. Almonds are very rich in all the necessary food components. This is a great provider of vitamins and minerals. It has medicinal properties, it is produced glenavy drugs. It contains the body needs protein, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and vitamins B2 and B3 promote metabolism, essential for maintaining healthy teeth, hair, skin. Sweet almond cleanses the internal organs, improves eyesight and stimulates brain activity, soothes the throat, together with sugar is useful in asthma and ulcers in the intestine. However, the almonds should not get involved holders weak stomach and intestine is digested it is hard enough.
The birthplace of pistachios - Middle East and Central Asia. The pistachio tree is small, but elegant, with bark gray and grayish-green leaves. Kind of pistachios is very ancient: its individual representatives appeared on Earth in the tertiary period. Blossoms pistachio irregularly, with an interval of 2-4 years. In the autumn of female specimens of trees are covered with bright, collected in the brush fruit. The fruit is a drupe with a very hard shell, many of these seeds are either not formed at all or immature they eat insects. Besides the fruits, pistachio trees is also used resin. In the SAP of wild pistachio 70-75 % resin and 25% aromatic essential oils. It was used during religious ceremonies, for aromatic incense. It is believed that constant chewing pistachio resin eliminates unpleasant odor in the mouth, cleans and strengthens teeth and gums. It was used in the preparation of ointments and plasters, cures rheumatism, wounds, old sores and wounds. Modern pharmacists made from resin pistachios medicine who treat burns, cracks in the skin and sores. The fruit is useful for the brain and heart, palpitations, vomiting, nausea, liver disease, for opening blockages. Pistachios provide a correction help with jaundice.
First peanuts was discovered in Brazil and Peru, now they are in almost all countries with a hot climate. Peanuts are legumes, and its name "peanut" has received because it is formed and matured underground. Peanut and butter from it contain mainly unsaturated fats that help to lower cholesterol levels in the blood. Recent studies have shown that regular consumption of peanuts as part of a healthy diet can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Nuts are a good source of folic acid, which promotes growth and cell renewal. The inclusion of peanuts in the diet has a beneficial effect on sexual potency, improves memory and attention, increases the threshold of hearing sensitivity, useful for very exhaustion and severe disease. Substance that is rich in peanuts, necessary for normal functioning of the nervous tissue, heart, liver and other organs and systems. The peanuts and peanut butter are effective choleretic tools. The so-called vegetable milk and cream of peanuts is a good tool in the treatment of some forms of gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and gastritis. Peanuts can be eaten raw, but he and tastier after moderate roasting. Raw peanuts are badly affects the processes of digestion, and the skin - is a strong allergen. After a short heat treatment of peanut kernels easily released from the skin, rich in crude dietary fiber, not only hindering the splitting of proteins and starch.
The fat content of peanuts is about 50%, while 80% are unsaturated fatty acids. Eating unsaturated fats significantly reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. For protein peanut typical optimum in comparison with other nuts, the ratio of essential amino acids that provides relatively greater absorption of nutrients by our body. In addition, peanuts are rich in potassium, phosphorus. Peanut proteins contain minerals (it is rich in potassium and phosphorus), saturated and unsaturated amino acids, vitamins B1, B2, PP and D, a large number of water-soluble fraction, which indicates the usefulness and high protein digestibility of peanut. An optimal ratio of essential and nonessential amino acids nuts is relatively well absorbed by the body.
According to the magazine "pharmacy and medicine"
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