Different goals, different tools
In the interpersonal relationships of man and woman are configured to achieve different goals. The woman is configured to communication and collaboration, love and understanding. Scientists noted that already in infancy, girls are more emotionally responsive to people's faces, while the boys are in the form of objects.
The man aimed at the conquest of status and power, competition and successful conclusion. Thus, upon entering an unfamiliar room, the first man explores the sources of possible threats, looking at inputs and outputs (for possible deviation), sits with his back to the wall, in order to accurately control the territory. The woman, being with him, picks up the emotional climate, draws attention to the interesting personalities, capable of a few minutes to determine the nuances of the relationship in each pair present.
Man, conceived to be the breadwinner and protector, hates to make mistakes and to show the woman his weakness or failure. He does not like to hear from women tips, suggestions, comments, because he hears them in the rebuke of their incompetence. He will have to exhaustion led his wife and children in an unfamiliar place, but never ask a passer-by the way. It will be painful to go through, but won't say a word to the woman that she did not recognize him as a loser. Therefore, the woman must be very subtly and imperceptibly for the man to direct it where it needs. Generally, a man is very important to hear from women that he really gives her all for her happiness.
What breathes
Sense organs in women is sharper and more sensitive. Sensual setting for women is much higher than men. Women feel a slight change in attitudes and moods, catch of non-verbal signals, the brain continuously receives and analyzes the information from the outside world. The woman had a better understanding of the intricate relationships of the characters in the movies and the books, knows all about the tastes, preferences, and problems of their children - a man can only something happens.
Hearing women by several orders of magnitude superior to men. She is able to separate the sounds, to carry them to different categories, to make a decision about each of them (which gives her the opportunity to argue with her husband, to teach the child and to talk to girlfriend on the phone). Female hearing initially configured on the cry of a child - so the man will be hard to sleep when the baby beats in hysterics, and the woman will Wake up at the first sound.
Boys in adolescence is marked psychological deafness when they don't hear what you don't want to listen. So if your interviewee is a man looking to the side, when you read him the notation, it is likely that he simply does not hear them. If a woman wants to men reached important information, it is better to present it in writing!
The ability to distinguish between the odors of women is also higher, and aggravated it during ovulation. The better man recognizes only bitter and salty (that's where this passion for beer). The woman is capable of scent to decrypt the immune system of men, and, by the way, the sudden feeling women often explained by the recognition of a stronger immune system.
Who loves
About love and sexual relations so much said and written that remains to add that women love is poetry, for men - prose. Man lives with something to do; the deep love he demonstrates actions (like conquering mountain peaks or knock out carpets). A woman longs for a beautiful confession and words (if only because the man and so they skimp). When relationships are at the stage of courtship, the man says to the woman more than the rest of life together - that they need to achieve their goals, zapolucheniya desired girlfriends. In this case, it is necessary to seek a compromise - a man to be romantic times, women appreciate what a man does for them.
And many tears shed by women due to the fact that in intimate relationships men pay little attention to the caresses and touches! The willingness of men to have sex almost any time, in any mood (after a quarrel, during the illness of children, etc.) forces a woman to think that the man simply uses! But look at the science and see that the hypothalamus, where is the center of sex, men much more than women; in addition, the hormone testosterone is responsible for libido, in its content the male body in 10-20 times higher than female. Such is the nature. Truth to tell, I must say that this is a rampant desire has a clear subconscious goal is the continuation of a kind of survival among aggressive environment.
In support of women say that their skin is 10 times more sensitive than the male, it is thinner and equipped with an additional layer. This is why women are in dire need of touch. Men's skin is thicker and is less sensitive to tactile contact (the sensitivity is concentrated in a few places). Under stress, the man avoids touching, woman wants for them. So men should take note: want to hold her more and more iron!
Yes, it is difficult to find a common language so different beings. Natural features layered with different quality, data upbringing, education, life in a particular society. And yet, think whether to be offended by his choice, because he probably had in mind something quite different from what you attribute to him!
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