Sex around the world
Traditionally the hottest point on the erotic map of the world is France. After the word "French"" asks the definition of "amazing lover", "title" French women too obliging. The most loving nation works hard image, providing global public proof: the average Frenchman making love 152 times per year (U.S. 2nd place-149 times, Russia 3-m - 135). Experts explain the French temperament kitchen, consisting entirely of aphrodisiacs - onion soup, oysters, cheese, foie Gras and so on.
Another "boiling point" in the world - Thailand. However, experts say that the rumors about refined skills of Thai masseuses are very exaggerated, but hunters exotic it don't stop.
The Germans are the main fetishists of the world. 41 percent of men in Germany collect women's panties, personally selected for your favorite bras, in General, going crazy from satin-lace splendor.
The title of "the Country of permissiveness" rightfully belongs to the Netherlands. In Amsterdam even issued a travel guide to make life easier for sufferers to taste the thrill with this fairway any tourist can freely and safely travel on legalized the hotbed of Vice.
Greece, Crete and Croatia
Nudists believe that the only thing that prevents humanity to connect with nature, is clothing. Nudist beaches are everywhere (except Muslim countries), but especially in Greece, in Crete. International center of nudism is the Istrian Peninsula (Croatia). Here you can walk naked not only on the beach, but in the restaurant, on the tennis court. Newly nudists should know that:
Nudist ethics does not allow to cover himself with a towel or pareo;
The parts of the body, traditionally not subject to sunburn, suffer from the sun in the first place.
Oral sex is most respected by the Spaniards. And people experienced claim: the closer to the southern border of the country, the higher the chances of competent oral sex and quinquinas (oral sex in men's and women's version).
Italy and Argentina
The Italians and Argentines are two of the most romantic nation in the world. To make a woman feel like a Queen, is a matter of honor for them. Get ready for the armful of flowers, serenades, going to the restaurants, in General, to long (even tedious), but very beautiful courtship.
If you ever have to take compliments Japanese fan, don't even try to sanitise pleasure. In the land of the Rising Sun in response to the attentions decided to keep calm and impassive facial expression is valid for men is very exciting.
New Zealand
In New Zealand every second intimacy accompanied erotic dance, after which dancer remains in the buff. The strip is part of the culture. For local men exotics in it no more than the papaya or guava. Has spoilt their Zealand women!
Well, we did not...
Because there still exists the custom of stealing the bride. Compared with the kidnappings temperamental Chileans events "Caucasian captive" is just a fairy tale for preschoolers. The potential groom should not just steal the girl from the father's house, but to precede this action by the government, namely, to strike the unfortunate's head blunt heavy object, then have the nerve to try to persuade her to sex. "Civilization is practically not deformed this touching distinctive custom" (the phrase of the brochure).
Otherwise we would have had to do incredible things! For example, publicly whip whip liked the man, making him at the same time... to dance. This sophisticated custom practiced in the Fulani tribe.
Or participate in a ritual copulation, and simply put - "Threesome". The Nigerians sexual activity is somehow associated with fertility. For high yields, they are not fighting with a hoe or shovel in his hands, and such an intricate way.
The traffic Islands in the stormy ocean of passion is Japan, Hong Kong and Greece. The majority (74%, 65% and 64%, respectively) of the population use condoms.
Without unnecessary delays are Taiwanese, Hispanics and Cubans. Their logic is simple: "Why talk about what a pleasure to do? " Who loves spontaneous sex like.
While in Australia, be careful with lighters. This subject in the woman's hand signal to all males at a distance of 20 meters around: "I'm free". (Sexually nesamotsenna ladies enjoy matches).
In Canada and Portugal love to swear. More than half of men and women admit that foul word spoken in the heat of passion, rekindles the fire of desire even stronger.
In Brazil there are not only many wild monkeys, but also quite civilized men, who, unlike our ancestors, you know that a woman needs not only a piece of bread (or banana), but in a good word. Brazilians - masters of compliments.
Turks and Arabs can look at a woman that is not accustomed to such open displays of affection Severyanka may deem it highly obscene. What temperament southern men and gushes out, demanding immediate implementation of all erotic fantasies.
The Irish and the Irish, love the virtual sex. The people of this country is carried out in the chat most of their free time.
The coldest place on earth - not the Arctic. And even Antarctica. And Hong Kong. Residents of this state have sex only 78 times a year, and the duration of sexual intercourse they do not exceed three and a half minutes.
Foreign women are Ukrainian men are kind, understanding, sympathetic, and very sexy. (They so convincingly tell about them, that even hurt! We agree with them: the Ukrainian men - the best! And most importantly - they don't have far to go.
Well, we did not...
Iran and Pakistan
In these countries, "kissing" bans are not being exchanged. Here is the whole complex of taboo: prostitution, anal sex, oral sex, homosexuality, and premarital sex.
Namely, in the state of Iowa. The local residents from getting used to the idea that the first and most necessary attribute for a kiss -... stopwatch. For kissing more than 5 minutes is considered a violation of the law that threatens arrest for "immoral behavior" and a fine in the amount of the minimum American salary.
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