Of course, no dessert cannot be fully attributed to diet products, - says Elena Tereshina, doctor of biological Sciences, head of the laboratory of lipid metabolism - All of them are made with nutritious ingredients - flour, butter, eggs, sour cream, etc. To select the safest for the beauty of the dessert, read the label.
First, the smaller components included in the Goodies, the less damage it will cause to your body. And secondly, many focus exclusively on the calories. This error! The most harmful desserts are high in fat content. They are deposited on the waist and hips, it is difficult digested and negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract.
What's for dessert?
If desserts you better - just do not know how to choose. There are treats that can afford even thinner model.
Unleavened dough (Philo)
Safest to figure desserts from fresh (lean) test, which is based on flour, water and vegetable oil. From unleavened dough made stru Delhi and all kinds of pies.
Caloric value does not exceed 200 calories. The fat content -1 -2%.
Marshmallows, candy, marmalade
Marshmallows and candy are prepared from fruit th puree, sugar, protein and agar (gelling agents, developed constituent of algae). In the marmalade contains pectin substance, reduce total cholesterol levels in the blood and has a positive influence shining on the gastro-intestinal tract.
Calories about 300 kcal. The fat content is 0%.
Ice cream
One of the most nutritionally balanced foods, raises the tone, activates the metabolism, easily digested and perfectly satisfies cravings for sweets. Slowly digested and long-lasting leaves a feeling of satiety. Goes well with coffee. One briquette due to different additives can be prepared many different desserts. However, jam, nuts, caramel, it is better not to abuse: they make the dish.
Calories - 150 calories. The fat content of 6-10 %.
Choux pastry
Prepared from water, butter, flour and eggs. A fairly easy and harmless to the stomach option. Choux pastry is the basis of a large number of desserts: cream puffs, profiteroles, choux rings. "Hazard ratio" products of choux pastry depends on the filling. The most useful fruit and cheese.
Calories - about 300 kcal. The fat content of 35%.
Biscuits, wafers, crackers
Any culinary products long storage contain a loading dose of sugar and fat. Have zero nutritional value, but also include the so-called TRANS fats - a special type of unsaturated fats, obtained by artificial means. Incorporating into the cells of the body, fats hamper full power cells and contribute to the accumulation of toxins.
Calorie - 450-550 calories. The fat content is 25-40%.
The dough, which includes such high-calorie ingredients, like flour, sugar, eggs, butter (margarine), is the most difficult and unprofitable. Dough often glazes chocolate cream (as in cake "Leningrad"), and it becomes clear why nutritionists are not welcome sandy sweets.
Calories - 430 kcal. The fat content of about 45%.
Puff pastry
The main component of puff pastry - butter (82% fat), to which are added the eggs and flour. If you are ready puff pastry even spread cream (usually use custard, as in the cake "Napoleon") is heavy and overhearing dessert, treat yourself to which it is possible only in exceptional cases.
Calories 400 calories. The fat content is 25, 9%.
Biscuit dough
Biscuit, to prepare which only need flour, sugar and eggs - perfect for new year's eve. This lightweight, highly digestible not too high-calorie dessert. Dieters can fill the cake with a sour cream sauce (sour cream, mixed with powdered sugar or fresh fruit pieces. Others suggest "bird's milk", which is considered a well balanced dessert.
Calories - 280 kcal. The fat content of 10-15%.
By the way
The most high-calorie dessert of all times and Nations - cheesecake - a native of America. In one dessert United butter, sour cream, crushed shortbread cookies, cheese, eggs. The result is unprecedented caloric content of the final product - 680 kcal. Another world-famous dessert - tiramisu, despite the high caloric content (450 kcal), - the product is useful. Due to the low fat all the nutrients are fully absorbed. Tiramisu a lot of potassium and magnesium, which are necessary for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Pavlov, I., L. Yudin
Arguments and facts
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