For millennia, men fought for what they wanted. Using physical force, they got food, found treasures and sought beautiful women. Survive only the strongest, and it was a struggle to the last drop of blood. It is clear that in the period of high technologies, issues rarely solved by force. If there is a conflict, the men begin peace talks. However, genetic memory is stronger technological progress. In the hearts of men understand that if their arguments will not be strong enough, they always have a last resort, physical strength. This does not mean that they will use it, but the idea increases their confidence. Women, by contrast, see their weakness. This is the reason why it is difficult for us to argue with men: when it comes to aggression, genetic memory is working against us. We know that if they hit us, we will not be able to make change. What can we do? First, we remember that even predators attack only those who show your own. Secondly, we must not forget that for thousands of years men were working through their hands, while women have honed their skills of persuasion.
Men are more in control of yourself
From childhood, boys are brought up as future defenders. They are convinced that they must not cry, do not need to fear and should protect the weak. They must be strong, self-control, and nothing to fear. Society requires a real man to be the same in any situation. And men try to meet these requirements. At the same time, this does not mean that in extreme situations, men are not nervous. They are nervous, but don't show their feelings, so the opponent gets the feeling that the enemy is absolutely calm and confident in his power.
Women by nature are more emotional and sensitive
Their nervousness more visible, they are easier to bring to mind and, ultimately, to strike at their weak points. To avoid this, learn how to control himself on the people. Watch your gestures, facial expressions and voice. When you are nervous, breathe deeper and not take hasty decisions, for which you will be ashamed of later. Your goal is to survive until you get home or to another location where you can easily and freely Express their feelings. You should not keep the negativity within yourself, negative emotions need to vent. But confident people don't do it in front of strangers.
Don't forget about one more advantage: the company requires from men that they controlled themselves. Those who can't cope with it, is considered weak. Women, by definition, should not be strong. On the contrary, very often the softness and complaisance allow you to twist a man around her finger. It is unnecessary to collect his will in extreme cases, but if you do this, it will be your great power.
Men are focused on results
Men solve problems as automatic machine: they are on to something targeting and doing everything to achieve this. But most importantly, the process of achieving them is not so important. Tactics and strategy may vary according to the circumstances, but the main thing is the result. Women usually pay more attention to the process. They are more concerned about the following issues: How best to behave? How to behave? Did I get it right? It turns out that all sorts of things distract us from the main purpose and often the goal is not reached. You can imagine the difficulties begin to fear them and as a result do nothing. To avoid this, configure your thoughts only on the positive. But the main rule is self-confident person the following: you need to immediately solve problems when they occur, and not to worry about things that just seemed so far away.
Men are not afraid to offend
Men rarely admit that they have problems. This is because from the very beginning, men do not think about the feelings of others when they meet their interests. Purposeful people aggressive. They have a goal, and they go to it, not paying attention to what they think their colleagues and subordinates. They are not afraid to offend and to be rude. For women, on the contrary, it is very important what others think about them. They want to be good before all, to be admired and loved them. As a result, they agree to things you don't want just to not offend colleagues and friends. We don't want to be too pushy and to impose their views on others. But confidence and rudeness is not the same. The main difference is in how you defend your point of view. If you do it politely and understood, no one will be offended. You must remember that it is not possible to be good for all, even if you passionately want.
Men can't stand to think about their mistakes
They hate it to such an extent that even willing to cut all contacts with witnesses their mistakes. Men easily get rid of negative experience, saying, " what was done cannot be undone, so it makes no sense to worry about it. But for women it's not so easy. We played in my head bad situation again and again, thinking about all the possible methods that I could do." We exaggerate, making mountains out of molehills. And when we need to start doing something new, we instantly remember how horrible it was last time. In this situation only applies one tip: to extract something positive from each error, to understand what lesson you learned from the situation, take a note of it and move on.
Men concentrated on their careers
Confidence requires high self-esteem, which, in turn, grows with the help of professional success. Women spend a lot of effort on family, children and the household, while men are focused on career, and thus, more successful in this aspect. But even here the fairer sex have a big advantage. If men do not get a career, it means that the collapse of all his hopes and the end of his overconfidence. Women, on the contrary, there is always a home and family, where they can best Express themselves.
How to restore my confidence:
- Pay attention to their achievements, even the most insignificant. Praise and reward yourself - at least, going to the beauty shop.
- Make a detailed list of their achievements and progress. Mark those that cause the most envy in others.
- Remember pleasant things. If you are not very good, recall a situation where you showed yourself and try to keep that feeling of victory.
- If you feel that you are already at the limit, focus on something unrelated to the problem. Count all the pictures on the wall. Try to remember a poem or song. Already better? Now you can continue your work.
In a stressful situation, try to vent negative emotions. Work out, do some house cleaning or simply take a stroll. When people are physically tired, he had no strength left to self-criticism.
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