The first sounds
Words are also considered onomatopoeia: AB-AB, mu, tick-tock. In this period of a child's life all of the words used them in the singular nominative case. Mainly vocabulary toddler is in this period of nouns. Approximately 18 to 20 months first words baby replenished verbs. It is, first of all, verbs in the imperative mood: let go. The child begins to make attempts to link words in a short sentence: mom, give! Daddy, go!
The number of words
For two years the child says, usually around 300 words. By this time, his first words baby will be not only new nouns and verbs, and adjectives. At this age a baby starts to ask his first question: "What is it? ". In three years the child learns grammatical forms that allow them to agree on words in a sentence, there are cases and wordy phrases, and conjunctions and pronouns. For four years the child is already able to build long sentences, coherent stories. In this same period there is a second question, "Why? ".
The mechanisms of remembering
For each stage of development a child's speech is a lot of work. The first words are given to a baby is not easy. After all, you need to be able to correctly repeat for adults heard the word. And it requires so much effort! Therefore, the baby often repeats the same word, practicing his pronunciation, listening to himself, trying to say better. The period when the child begins to utter the first words of a baby should not be ignored by parents. You need to talk to the child, not to ignore it, to listen, to repeat what he said, so he knew he had heard and understood.
Correct it
It should be made clear to the child that fellowship with him is interesting, not dismiss him, soft and friendly to correct, if the kid says is wrong. But at the same time not to demand more from him than he can at his age. If parents do not talk with your baby and don't listen to him, the development of a child's speech is delayed, and the vocabulary is very limited. That is why it is so important to support the child who is just learning to pronounce the first words in his difficult but interesting fact. Therefore, in any place, at home or on a walk, you need to show a child new things, to talk about what surrounds him. Each new word is better first to clearly pronounce separately, and then in the sentence.
The formation of words
There are many ways of speech development of the child. You can use them even before the child starts to speak. First of all, it's reading books. It is important to do it, looking at pictures with the baby. First, parents describe what is depicted on the picture, and then the child, at their request, finds familiar objects. It is useful to read fairy-tales, where repeated the same phrase: "Turnip", "Kurochka Ryaba", "Kolobok". Well to tell the kid short poems, Russian folk tales, sing songs with him. In addition, you need to monitor your speech. To say the words should be clearly and correctly and in no case to prevent rude or abusive language. Also no need to talk with your baby too didactic, teacher's tone. This might discourage baby's desire to communicate.
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