Sounds almost like a death sentence. Many men, suddenly knowing that their partner is a virgin, just will not be happy. This is not only more responsibility to yourself and the girl, but the number of male fears.
For example, a man may be afraid cause inexperienced girl pain or make something not so.
To avoid all these hassles just warn in advance of your man about this circumstance, prepare yourself both mentally and physically. To say that the first proximity will be a pleasure means to lukavice. But let it at least will not cause any psychological injury and will be only a new step in your relationship.
2. Diffidence
"I'm not beautiful, too thick or too thin, I have ugly hair, small Breasts and curved legs."
Self-doubt can win even need! Ideal people do not happen, each of us has its own advantages and disadvantages. Not always appearance plays a major role in relations with men. Of course, the clothes meet, but remember, often not the most attractive at first glance, the man may be a good conversationalist with a great sense of humor - and even handsome on the cover of a glossy magazine will appear on the background of the already not so perfect.
Look at yourself in the mirror carefully - perhaps you are too self-critical. "The taste and color of comrades no, like people completely different, regardless of height, weight and hair color. The more that sexuality in bed is not connected with excess weight, length of legs and hair. Find dignity and learn to emphasize.
3. Inexperience in bed
"I won't be able to deliver satisfaction to your partner, I have too little experience".
Complex "inexperience", I was once at all. Afraid that the man would remain unsatisfied, not worth it. The main thing is to be able to share with your partner your fears: tell the man what I fear and what I'm not sure. It is together you will solve this problem. If a man is much more experienced than you, loves and wants to be next - he will do everything in bed so that your complexes will evaporate, will teach you everything you need. Most importantly, do not be ashamed of our fears and doubts.
4. Complex "comparison"
The idea that you are worse in bed than the previous girl of your partner. Thinking is bad... especially on such an ungrateful subject. There is always a chance that someone does some things better than you. But due to the fact that some Lena cross-stitching is much better than you or Anya stunning knits scarves, you don't get upset! Sex is an art and it is not only possible, but necessary to learn, as with any other activity where you want to succeed. No need to remember scenes from movies and think where to put now the right hand, and how to accommodate the head and chest... Sex is the spontaneity, the partner and the situation in which you find yourself, make sex much better than any filmmaker and staged picture.
5. The complex of "Alice in Wonderland"
Yes, Yes, the name of the complex actually exists in psychological practice. And suffering from it, women are not to be envied, rather, their partners. Ladies suffering from this disease, live in a world of fantasy, fairy tales, princes and knights. They believe that someday Prince's got to come back on a white horse or sail on a ship with scarlet sails, and take her beautiful castle. Will they live happily ever after. These girls are not ready for real life, relations, normal sex, where the partners enjoy each other, not only everything is done for the pleasure of women. They live only a dream and dreams. The same men of the earth, which at the time replace the future Prince, I'm sorry. I can only advise to address to the expert - maybe it will help.
6. Passive attitude
In this case, the woman simply does not want to strain to do some things that can bring pleasure and comfort to the man nearby. Do you think that effortlessly all will be well. But in reality it is not so. Relationship, living together, sex requires all bilateral efforts. Above them you have to constantly work to improve, to find some solutions to problems and not to stop. In relationships, as in life, the rule of survival of the fittest. Think about the fact that you more: a quiet peaceful life, without any surprises and news or interesting, bubbling life with beloved man? Draw conclusions and change your approach to life, until it was too late.
7. Increased demands on partner
Of course, all women tend to dream, to draw in my head the image of an ideal man and partner. It should be similar to Brad pitt, figure on Ashton Kutcher, to be smart as woody Allen, charming no less than Bruce Willis. I think the list each of us has our own. But we live in the real world - and not in the TV. And what lies behind the camera, can we really not like it. We don't know what all these actors, writers, athletes in real life.
You should not make excessive, some unrealistic requirements of human beings - after all, you're not perfect! Isn't it better to help earth man to become a little more ideal just one for you?
You should not suffer because of some small complexes and fears. Because the life we have one and live it is fun, happily and with pleasure! The main thing is that relationships, whether sexual, family, or love, brought only pleasure and not an extra headache.
Psychology of love
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