Recent studies of the American Association of cancer research has proven that overcooked meat and a delicious crispy crust contribute to the development of cancer. During the experiment, laboratory rats who ate the steaks, mutations were detected in the spleen and intestine. This is due to the fact that when frying the meat-formed carcinogens - heterocyclic amines. They promote the development of cancer of the colon, pancreas and mammary glands, stomach, lung and prostate. When frying kebab can be partially minimize the harm done by carcinogens, if you use a marinade one of the three spices: Chinese ginger, turmeric or galangal. It is proven that they reduce the amount of heterocyclic amines in fried meat on average 70%.
Shashlik is a common cause of exacerbations in people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Nutritionists do not recommend to indulge in fried meat patients with gastritis, cholecystitis and peptic ulcer disease. If you can't resist to try flavored barbecue, at least carefully cut away the fat, crisp and choose mild sauces and marinades. Do not take too much meat and patients with cardiovascular diseases. It is proven that eating every day, 50 grams of meat, the man several times increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease and diabetes.
Buying a kebab failing sanitary control, you run the risk of Contracting swine or bovine tapeworm, trichinellosis and toxoplasmosis. The latter is especially dangerous for pregnant women, from which the disease is transmitted to the fetus, leading to his death or irreversible pathologies. Unlike perinatally acquired toxoplasmosis is most often asymptomatic. Going into the chronic form, he quietly affects the heart, eyes, nervous and other systems. In acute disease the person complains of headache, low-grade fever, weakness, nausea, and during the examination the doctor observes the enlarged liver and lymph nodes.
Porcine and bovine tsepni use of pigs and calves as intermediate hosts. In the intestine of the animal developing larva, which gets to the muscles and is converted into vesicles tsistitserki or Finns. They can get into the human body from undercooked meat kebab. Reaching the intestines of the consumer, the Finns develop into tapeworms - Cana, reaching in length from 1, 5 to 10 meters. Unlike bovine, pork tapeworm can survive not only in the gastrointestinal tract, but also in the brain, eyes, liver. Symptoms of infection with these worms are different from nausea and vomiting to the almost complete lack of appetite. "It is very important to buy meat that has a certificate of quality," warned the doctor - transfusion Andrew Calls. Experts recommend to carefully inspect the meat for the barbecue: infected zipname product you can see small bubbles with the liquid.
A characteristic feature of infection trichinellosis - swelling of the face. Roundworms lay in the villi of the small intestine of a person living larvae, which then together with the blood spread all over the body. The first symptoms people notice not earlier than two days after infection with Trichinella is a Allergy, itching, fever, vomiting, abdominal pain. If time does not go to the doctor, the larvae can get into the nervous system and cause paralysis and even death.
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