Everywhere you look, everywhere are the titles of the articles: "How to learn how to arrange a family dispute", "How to not be afraid of their desires", "Where the dog is buried openness"...
Unfortunately, most candid conversations in the pair come to a mutual statement claims, "I gave you the best years" to "are You even a tube of toothpaste do not close". And we should not fool ourselves saying, they say, pointing to the partner of his imperfections, we wanted to help. Well, what help? ... You with your accusations and defensive reaction partner become just like the guy from the anecdote that sticks on the street to people: "Hey you freaks, I want to help you! "
As it turns out, with a close friend already and frankly cannot talk? You! But try to share positive, not negative emotions! Often tell your partner how much you love him. Do not hesitate positive emotions that overwhelm you. Look for the kind words! After all, if your spouse only in the twentieth year of family life and say "I love you", she surprises may faint crashing! Not used our people to tenderness! So let us today to change the situation!
They say that women love with their ears, and men's eyes. No way! Us, women, it's nice to see about a beautiful male body, and they, the men, nice to hear from us compliments. But not just empty words, "Oh, you're my Golden! " (although it is nice), but the real praise for real accomplishments and merits. Well, to praise women, admire their beauty, intelligence, personality of God himself commanded. It is not what is not given to us so cheap and not valued as costly as easy verbalized attention.
So don't forget to talk about his love back often! Tell your girlfriend: "I learn from you understanding of life, love, nature, things, and concepts. What I am is your merit." You can't even imagine how such sincere words raise the self-esteem!
Tell your man: "for your Sake I am ready to change"... And it doesn't matter whether it's a new hairstyle that you think it's already a month or career of stilistki - unrealized dream of your childhood, or thorny path Housewives, which in actual fact you chose fifteen years, just couldn't bring this plan to life.
Tell your spouse that her or his smell gets you, intelligence is excited, hobby respect, friends and parents you love, smile disarms, your friends envy you... but you never know what else can generate the inquisitive mind of the lover of man? And speaking all these compliments, do not neglect the simple and powerful spell of all Nations - "I love you! " These three words can be listened to endlessly. They flow like music, they are not bored and not tired, they fascinate, they heal, they are maddening, it is necessary for every person. Our favorite is worthy of these words! So tell them about it! Don't be afraid that they will isvalued from your praise. Believe me, that from them they will only get better.
So, what to whisper our favorite:
"How can I be with you sweet (easy, well, insanely nice)"
"I'm melting in your hands".
"What you have delicate fingers! "
"I love your smell (voice, your touch)"
"I have one fantasy... I'd never told anyone before... Want to try? "
"All in your hands goes"
"You've got the chops out much tastier than I"
"How nice that our kids take your example".
And every day the repeat, as axioms, as a prayer for his half:
"I'm proud of you! "
"I need you (need)! "
"I love you! "
And believe me, that's the way it is! The words that we believe, there is a huge power. They materialize...
Fragile toys
In one village came and stayed the wise old man. He loved children and spent much time with them. He loved to make them gifts, but gave only fragile things. No matter how trying the children to be careful of their new toys often broke. The children were upset and wept bitterly. Passed some time, the sage gave them different toys, even more fragile.
One day my parents broke down and came to him:
"You are wise and want our children well. But why you make it such gifts? They try as you can, but the toy is still broken, and the children crying. But they are so beautiful that not to play them.
- After a little years, " smiled the old man, and someone will give them your heart. Maybe it will teach them to deal with the priceless gift of a little neater?
Girls about important
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