Just imagine, you do not sit in a queue for the doctor, don't run the procedure and do not even go to the massage. At the same time, your immune system stronger than stone walls, smile whiter January snow, and blood vessels and heart in perfect condition. And now the most important thing is to be healthy, you spend a total of 90 seconds.
This is faster than block ads on TV. Tempting?
You have only to leave the most popular myth of our times: to maintain a healthy lifestyle takes time... actually not as much as you think. Yes, a 30-minute sports is still important, and sleep 7-8 hours is a necessary condition for healthy and beautiful. And still leading experts know very simple and amazingly fast ways to significantly improve health. So while your favorite movie interrupt bright rollers, take care of their health.
Watching the smile
Passionately Zelaya. Let your loved like it for other reasons... But if you believe the dentist Ann Murray, kiss activates the saliva in the mouth, which in turn cleans the teeth and washes away bacteria, creating conditions for the great and terrible Decay. If you, alas, no one to kiss, buy chewing gum without sugar.
Securable gastric
Watch the temperature in the refrigerator. If the indicator is cold 4 C or above, your food is in the area of highest risk is at a temperature well breed bacteria.
Every year millions of fans curd cheese, early watermelon salad with mayonnaise, cakes fall in the hospital with food poisoning. One of the reasons is improper storage conditions. All refrigerators new generation has a light. Watch that he was exposed to a sufficiently low temperature level.
Forget about the headache
Keep your posture. Remember, as you sit behind a Desk. Exactly as in the first class? "Poor posture often causes a headache. But as a rule, never take into account and consider nothing," says MD Roger Cedi.
One of the provisions, which easily causes throbbing pain: head forward, neck in line with spine. The nerves and muscles in the skull base are clamped, causing discomfort.
This often occurs due to the fact that you "sponsees" on the chair in front of the computer. Or try something better view on the screen. Watch that the head was in its place, they are not "moved" neither forward nor back. Physical therapists offer the following program:
Imagine a string running from the crown to the ceiling. And you, like a bus, can't get off the line.
Check from time to time, to the ears in line with shoulders.
Put on the phone reminder every 30 minutes to watch the first two paragraphs.
Slowing down time
Breathe lavender and rosemary. Night floral fragrance will give you a sound sleep, and a day will lead nerves. Just 5 minutes it took to those who participated in the experiment in order to appease the anger. They just inhaled the scent of lavender and the level of stress hormone cortisol in saliva decreased by 24%. If on the window sill there is no "cure" in pots, buy essential oil. Released to worry about nothing.
It's great because stress increases blood pressure and weakens the immune system. By the way, the scent of lavender and rosemary are very afraid of free radicals irritated molecules that precipitate aging and disease. According to scientists, the radicals quickly leave the body.
Strengthen the rears
Cook a bowl of cereal. Whole grains are not just useful, they can prolong your life. Those who ate 11 servings per week, the risk of diabetes, asthma and heart was below 3 times.
Make a choice in favor of oatmeal, brown rice, brown bread, whole grain cereal, and (Hooray! ) popcorn. "In whole cereals remains biologically active part of the plant, " says project Manager David Jacobs. Life to plant life and to the one who eats".
Take care of eyesight
Eat the egg. No offense carrots will be said, but scientists believe that eggs... better for the eyes. They have more important carotenoids - lutein and zeaxanthin. They have a positive effect on the retina and improve vision.
The content of carotenoids eggs are second only to dark-green leafy vegetables. But doctors advise not to rush with salads - the body to better absorb the antioxidants from eggs.
Worry about cholesterol? Not: one egg per day will increase blood levels of lutein by 26% and zeaxanthin by 38%. Indicators of cholesterol and triglycerides will remain unchanged.
Dialed antioxidants
Add avocado. The vegetables are annoying drawback: they are not fat. And without it your body cannot metabolize carotenoids, which cleverly fight with cancer.
The biggest fans of salads - women. Especially when you need to get into your favorite jeans. Scientists have proposed one group to sit on a salad with avocado, and the other without. The blood test showed that those who ate fatty vegetable" was 5 times more lutein, 7 times - alpha-carotene and 15 times the beta-carotene compared to those who avocado was not given.
Take for tea figs. Dried fruits are known as the rich in antioxidants. But in some more, in others less. Scientists say that the most useful are those that are not particularly in demand. Figs and prunes received the most points in terms of nutritional value! A small handful of these fruits will double your antioxidant protection, that is, the ability to eliminate free radicals. And it is almost twice more than after a Cup of green tea.
Eat fruit salads
. Antioxidants like the company: a mixture of oranges, apples, grapes and blueberries makes them 5 times stronger than each fruit separately.
The content of phenol (a kind of plant substances that reduce the risk of chronic diseases) components for the salad go in the following order: cranberries, apples, red grapes, strawberries, pineapple, bananas, peaches, oranges and pears.
Increasing muscle
Do gymnastics. Not necessarily to join the club or to invite the coach house. In order to be flexible, graceful and plastic, just normal stretching. That's not to mention the power that you feel in the legs.
Those who loved to lie on the sofa, and then complain of "tight hamstring", has offered to do stretching 5 times a week. Scientists measured their flexibility and strength of the thigh muscles at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. Exceptions: all muscles have become stronger and more flexible. Together with the tendon and the quadriceps (front and back of the thighs). With strong legs you are not afraid of any Hiking or travelling through the Carpathians, no extra kg
Fight cancer
Eat the peel. How useful is on the surface... the usual Apple! Cutting off skin color, you deprive yourself of natural protection against cancer. Recent laboratory experiments have shown that a dozen chemicals that are in the skin of apples, inhibits the growth of cancer cells in breast, liver and intestines.
Scientists believe that the grade does not matter - peel everywhere equally useful. But if you don't want to overeat pesticides, buy fruit from the garden. Natural are not unnaturally square sizes.
Take supplements
Vitamin D and calcium every day, brick by brick build a wall through which cannot penetrate the cancer cells. 4 years it took scientists to prove the strength of this Duo: women who took supplements, the risk of cancer decreased by 77%. Vitamin D strengthens the immune system. And this is the first barrier to malignant tumors," says study author Joan Lap.
Your skin produces vitamin D when it gets sunlight. But to boast of good weather is not always possible. In order to get a daily dose drink multivitamins. They give the desired effect and not subject to health hazards.
Lower cholesterol
Love pistachios. If your kitchen has never been these overseas guests, go to the nearest supermarket - with a special invitation. This will allow you to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. At least 11%. If we convert this modest figure by the language of the heart risks, then you are as much as 22% better immune from trouble with the engine.
Pistachio is one of the richest sources of plant sterols. "Are substances that reduce the absorption of cholesterol from the blood," says study author penny Kris-etherton. Just do not forget that in the handful of pistachios not less than 160 calories. So if you put in the salad nuts, lei less refills. And when sprinkled with crushed pistachios vegetables, don't add a lot of oil.
Replace sugar with honey. You have a sweet tooth? Switch to natural desserts. Since ancient times, honey has been used not only as a delicacy, but also as a medicine. In particular, it was applied to the wounds, because it has natural antibacterial properties.
Today, scientists say that its impact may be even deeper. Tests have shown that honey reduces the oxidation of bad cholesterol, and it is in this form it is deposited in the form of plaques in blood vessels. Of all the varieties best suited buckwheat honey.
Support the mind in the form
Drink green tea. About you long walks glory sharp-tongued ladies? In order to stay in this status, do not skip evening tea. Not only does green tea inhibits cholesterol and reduces the risk of cancer, but also contributes to the development of intelligence.
In Japan, where tea is revered not less than the blooming Sakura, scientists have wanted to see for yourself the veracity of loud statements. And saw that those who drank 2 cups of green tea per day, successfully passed the tests of intelligence (in particular, for memory). The more they drank, the better were the results. Perhaps for clarity of the mind responds to something else, for example, communication, typical for a Cup of tea. However, these data may partially explain why, where in honor of the green traditional drink, dementia is less common.
According to the materials of the magazine "Prevention", may 2008
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