We are eager to lose their freedom and seek to merge fully with your loved one, dissolve in it. We forget about our dear friends. They, especially those who have not met their soul mate, they resent us and unsuccessfully trying to lure to a meeting in a cafe, theatre or just for girl gatherings. We forget about their Hobbies and interests - how are we going to waste precious time on something besides communicating with dear man!
For example, you all his spare time to spend in the company of his beloved. And suddenly the work causes him to go somewhere for a week. In this situation, you have a global problem - what to do?
You by itself, as it turns out, are nothing. Loneliness, as well as the society of friends-friends, it seems you completely boring and gray. You feel uncomfortable and uneasy. Any trip to the cinema or to the exhibition comes down to serious thoughts: "the Sooner the better he came, how hard me one! "
This scenario can lead to a very sad outcome. All your life is reduced to a single person. If we assume that this person from your life will go (believe me, anything can happen, even if at the moment it seems absolute nonsense), the meaning of your life will disappear together with this person. You cannot do something the main and the only joy of his life. It turns out that you have only one bearing - if it will fail, you will fall, too.
The lack of personal space leads to serious problems in the relationship. If you are used to do everything together, anywhere without each other without the pressing need not to leave the house, then automatically you have generated increased custody of a loved one. You not allow him to breathe, and he, in turn, overlaps you the access of oxygen. You grow with each other, which prevents each of you move.
Never forget that you are a valuable human being. You're Personality. If you feel that you start to depend on the loved one, and without it, can't get full pleasure from life, urgently get a hold of yourself.
Learn to take pleasure in the time you do not find the side of his beloved. Organize a trip to a nightclub with her friends, but if this method is for you too radical, just pochustvuy in pajama party exclusively in female company.
Find the activity that will have you like: yoga, swimming, aerobics, dancing, clay modeling, photography, drawing, shaping... the List is endless. The main thing is that you had some things to do in your spare time, with the exception of communication with your partner. Believe me, your classes will strengthen your relationship. Of course, provided that he, too, will find a good hobby. You will develop each in his own direction, and then to discuss emotions and impressions.
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