Sunday, November 30, 2014

Why do women orgasm?

Why do women orgasm? The female orgasm is a real headache not only for the careless and inept representatives of the stronger sex. Not much of a problem, though in another sense, he seems to biologists-evolutionists. A paradox, but still no one knows why it is needed. Soon the "male" answer "for fun" - it's not perfect, and here's why.

In evolution, nothing is a given. And if we experience physiological pleasure from anything, this pleasure is quite practical justification. Now, with "male pleasure from sex simple. It, so to speak, reliability and simplicity make a man to go into all sexually-heavy, that is, to work to further procreation. In short, the male orgasm was really invented for life on Earth".

With women more difficult. To start: some primates it is not there (so offended by the evolution failures include, for example, females Gibbons). In humans, according to statistics, every tenth woman had never experienced orgasmic pleasure, and there is every reason to believe that it's not only and not so much in the sexual skills of a partner. A growing set of data that the female orgasm is a thing very optional, forced biologists to revise previous theory on this account.

Previously it was thought that an orgasm is not only contributes to the strengthening of relations in the pair, but also stimulates the care of children, somehow improves the reproductive physiology of women and, Yes, is a measure of the ableness of men. But if he was indeed carrying a serious evolutionary load, would play a role in reproductive behavior, he would be more "accessible". Besides, what sense would there be in the clitoral orgasm, which can be achieved without the introduction of the penis into the vagina - and consequently, without any fertilization? If orgasm works on sex, and sex should be working on an orgasm.

Doubts related to female orgasm, were almost allowed in theory, formulated in 2005. It turned out that it is the byproduct of male evolution: men have received important and appropriate for them to orgasm, and women too, something is supposed to get from this evolutionary process. Similarly, men from women went for the company nipples, which they don't need: breast salinopolis nobody fed.

But, alas, this explanation was not confirmed in further studies. Scientists from the University of Queensland (Australia) has published in the journal Animal Behavior article with data that refute the theory of female orgasm as a by-product of male evolution. The researchers assessed the relationship between sexual stimulation and orgasm by several thousand pairs of twins. Just participated in the experiment 2 287 pairs of same-sex twins and 1 803 heterosexual couples. If female orgasm is tied to male, heterosexual twins ' ability to orgasm" should be the same, because the same genetic material.

The hypothesis was not confirmed. In pairs of same-sex twins, between brother and brother, sister and sister, were indeed observed correlation between the frequency, ease and ways to achieve the highest sexual pleasure. But there was nothing on heterosexual couples. So you can hardly say that women have gained the ability to experience orgasm as non-functional "toys" inherited them from men. On the other hand, by itself, this method of research allows us to question the results because they were based on the subjective feelings of the participants.

Previously, the same researchers published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine work, where he reported that the ability to orgasm in women is amazing image does not correlate with a number of other important characteristics, among whom were such personal characteristics as level of neurotic, extraversion, impulsivity, etc. So that the female orgasm seems destined for a long time to embarrass research minds. It is possible that this feature was extremely important in the past, but over time has lost its meaning, becoming a relic of the past, and now women enjoy only the remnants of past abilities.

Prepared according to Wired.

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