Fleeing from terrible migraines, debilitating toothache or acute colic, we reach... right behind the pill. But, silos, analgin, aspirin. Each of us has its own set of capsules and pills. But not for nothing that the doctors themselves like "black" saying that one treat, and the other KALEKIM. Long-term use of drugs can lead to even more serious trouble than a headache attack.
The first blow
it is necessary for the liver and kidneys, providing cleansing our body from the rubble of toxins and other waste. And not to forget that medicine is not the only thing that we loaded. Add to the doses of painkillers, hormonal and cold portions of vodka, smoked and roasted. Poor nutrition and hard liquor is another drawback of our everyday lives, depriving the body's ability to cleanse itself from chemical precipitation. Any substance that is not close in structure to our cells and tissues, is toxic. And then - sad: metabolic disorders, slips of the brain, the nervous system.
The process went
You become irritable or sluggish, as sloth in the dry season. This is a valid manifestation of intoxication. Because nerve cells are most sensitive to the chemical composition of our internal environment. Just at the moment when violated any social ties, people can say what happens to him long - side effects of those drugs, without which already do not. So the process has not gone too far, take care of myself. First and foremost, you should
to reduce the load on the kidneys. To do this:
- go on a light diet. The food should consist of light products (vegetables, fruits, cereals, lean meat and fish). All this only boiled or stewed;
- drink enriched with vitamins liquid in sufficient quantity (fruit juices, broths, juices and water of excellent quality);
- there is no later than 19.00 to at night to free the liver and kidneys from any loads.
The second task is to support the liver:
- to exclude from the diet of alcohol, strong tea and coffee. For initially healthy body this is sometimes enough to almost neutralize the destructive action of the components of the drug;
in parallel, the doctor may prescribe protecting drugs (substances that protect and strengthen the liver cells). As a rule, they are made from natural raw materials of vegetable origin. This milk Thistle in different kinds of drugs on the basis of artichoke (hofitol), cholagogue collectings, immortelle or all of the above in various combinations.
But if you approach the issue carefully, the sad effects of hormonal therapy and, say, a long etching themselves from bacteria antibiotics differ significantly. Below we have tried to systematize the available data and proposed to postpone tablet, replacing it with alternative methods.
appointed to resolve the inflammatory process, which is called pathogens.
Common side effects:
Typically, for a company with pathogenic destroyed and need microflora.
- Penicillin, amoxicillin, ampicillin, erythromycin can disrupt the absorption of carbohydrates, fatty acids.
- Sulfa drugs (Biseptol, streptocid, sulfadimetoksin, rice) affect the synthesis of vitamins of group of Century
Long - term use of tetracycline may also cause darkening of the tooth enamel.
How to neutralize:
- Take together with probiotics, which help to restore the normal microflora (lackovic Forte, Linex).
- Drink significant amounts of water (not less than 200 ml). After taking amoxicillin, lincomycin, tetracycline should not drink juices.
- Do not drink with sulfonamides dairy products, and eliminate carbohydrate-rich food.
Alas, from the time of Alexander Flemming (discoverer of penicillin) was not more effective than antibiotics, can in a short period of time to deliver us from germs.
Attention! Tea and coffee will alter the pharmacological activity of many drugs. So talk with your doctor, if you love to drive teas or can't live a day without coffee.
prescribed for the relief of pain, relief of spasms. Such medication (non-narcotic - aspirin, paracetamol, aspirin) are prescribed by doctors in cases when you do not know the origin of pain. But, as a rule, we know everything, we choose the pain on your own taste, without delving specifically into the essence of the discomfort. Analgesics do not resolve the cause of the pain, they only dull the reaction to it.
Common side effects
- He irritates the mucosa of the stomach, worsening the process of absorption from the intestine.
- "Regular use of analgesics can lead to kidney function and scarring," says Dr. William Henrich from Medical school at the University of Maryland. 7% experiment patients were found to have problems with the kidneys. Surveyed for a long time received either aspirin or paracetamol.
- When connecting with alcohol (if you use aspirin and paracetamol as anti-hangover potions) increases the degree of liver damage.
How to neutralize
Drugs such as Panadol, Coldrex, paracetamol and dipyrone, you need to take after a meal. If lunch was a long time ago, and stop pain still necessary, get drunk analgesic solution of starch.
Aspirin thins the blood, reduces the iron content. Therefore, it is undesirable to use it with fish (increased risk of bleeding).
If you have been drinking aspirin or paracetamol, convince the doctor to give you a referral for an ultrasound of internal organs. Once a year cdavi blood and urine tests creatinine - so you can view the status of the kidneys.
After working at the computer hurt your hands?
If you're a righty, transfer the mouse to the left side of the keyboard - control left hand relieve muscle stress. When this Council took 27 right-handed-Canadians, scientists learned that thus less straining your wrist, shoulder and hand.
Frequently remind yourself of your knees?
Snigi weight. During the 18-month study participants complaining about such pain, lost from 3 to 6% of body weight and noted significant improvement in health. It is assumed that the decrease in the body's hormone leptin (produced by fat tissue) eases pain in the joints.
Walk in the fresh air! According to Boston University, vitamin D reduces pain. To get his daily dose, just enough to expose to the sun the face and hands for 15 minutes a day. There is no sun? Take daily 200 IU (5 mcg) of vitamin D.
Try rendering. This representation of images, which says the therapist or his voice on the tape/disk during a session. Something akin to auditory training. After a 12-week course of listening twice a week 10 to 15-minute records aimed at relaxation of muscles, the women noted that they can relieve pain without medication.
The experiment involved women of older age, but young people with similar problems, too, is to experience this technique.
- assign to eliminate heat, pain, especially in the joints, to relieve inflammation. Classic drugs of this group - ibuprofen, diclofenac, indomethacin, Ketanov.
Common side effects
As with other analgesics, irritate gastric mucosa
How to neutralize
Accept only! after eating
Drink fish oil or take capsules if you do not stand its specific taste. The daily Supplement to the diet of 3 g of fish oil reduces swelling and stiffness in the joints in rheumatoid arthritis, also reduces inflammation - the main symptom of the disease.
Try sujok therapy (acupuncture). 570 patients suffering from knee arthritis were asked to Express their feelings before and after acupuncture, fake acupuncture (when the needle is injected in the wrong place) and lectures on the treatment of arthritis. During the experience continued to adopt the previously prescribed medications. Those who did acupuncture, noted significant pain and stiffness of the joints, the improvement they had two times greater than the rest.
Hormonal contraceptives
assign to prevent unwanted pregnancy or for cosmetic purposes - oral medicines improve the condition of skin problem.
Common side effects
- Long-term use of contraceptives can cause rapid development of already existing diseases in the woman's body.
- Weakening of the immune system, insomnia.
How to neutralize
Hormonal contraceptives should continue to take only 9 months (adapted to the pregnancy course), and then pause in 2-3 months.
Drink parallel to the every day 2 mg B6, 75 mg, 400 mg magnesium, 8 mg of zinc and 400 mcg of folic acid. In order not to overload the kidneys additional chemicals, it is better simply to indulge yourself with bananas, muesli with dried fruit, a salad of leafy vegetables.
To prevent unwanted pregnancy, use condoms or other contraceptives, other than oral.
assign to eliminate edema, high blood pressure (furosemid, origit).
Common side effects
Dehydration and excretion of significant amounts of trace elements (magnesium, potassium, sodium). As a result, may experience convulsions, muscle weakness, heart rhythm disorder and weakening of the immune system in General.
How to neutralize
- Associate taking diuretics prescribed drugs with complexes of trace elements. Or eat raisins, dried apricots, bananas.
- Drink more, and a minimum of salt in the dishes!
For the desired effect you can use herbal infusions (birch buds, leaves, cranberries, juniper berries) or slobozhanin coffee. They do not cause a sudden loss of fluid, but nevertheless well deduce its surplus from the body. However, dried fruits and bananas in addition are not cancelled.
prescribed for the relief of allergic reactions (dermatitis, rhinitis, swelling).
Common side effects
Sleepiness. But the drugs of new generation, such as loratadine (claritin), already do not have this drawback.
Try homeopathic treatment.
Vitamin bomb will not work due to analgesics
Many office workers on the table are bottles of vitamin pills, and they diligently eat every day put norm. But few people know that aspirin or aspirin which too often accompanies working day normal workaholic, impairs the absorption of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Don't forget: in addition to synthetic drugs, there are the usual fresh vegetables, the same pepper.
We advise:
Larisa Boychenko, chief doctor at the private clinic "Forest"
Natalia Chariton, doctor of higher category, therapist Training and practical center for family medicine
According to the magazine "Prevention", September 2007
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