No, normally I'm all mental health. Especially with a sense of humor. That's why I'm not funny when in our temperate latitudes, where there is often excessive cool, I see girls and even ladies moderately, sorry for the tautology, premenopausal age in jeans on the hips and jacket, terminating its existence in the solar plexus area.
Most likely, the evil stepmother, who made a careless father podkabluchnika take it in this form at midnight on the Arbat, it does not. And Jack frost with the question: "is it Warm you, girl? " probably will not appear and will not give a warm jacket. And if they appear, it will chase, because naff. And ugly. But inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs is fashionable. In vitro fertilization due to the inability to conceive naturally beautiful. Only Angelina Jolie and brad pitt to him ran, because the twins wanted and money they have qu... far more than our bare waist, her whole life will work itself on drugs, because waiting for her chronic oophoritis, adnexitis and logically follows the ectopic.
First she gynecologic hospitals ametrida with the question: "what is beauty? " Then on the reproductive health clinics. And then if you're lucky - you already and midwifery institutions. Spending money much more than he was required to purchase elegant woolen underwear-shorts, beautiful thick tights and a fur jacket, covering the rhombus of Michaelis and "flower" sorry, "Lotus", with adjacent "shoots" of the fallopian tubes, the "buds" of the ovaries and the Holy of holies of the female body - uterus. And don't forget about the bladder, urethra and kidneys.
Honestly, I can't understand what is so beautiful pale or bright red rump. I may not aesthete? Or, at least, not the man? What is so good hearty flesh, squeezed jeans before the formation of long time passing strangulation furrows?
What is this "strangulation groove"? The trail from the rope on the neck of a hanged man. Because look marks from tight pants on the hips of our extreme frozen beauties. Whom they caught there in the morning frost, such unearthly beauty? Traveling from Berulava migrant workers? What are they looking for there, in the evening light smog? Passing by in jeeps for a long time and firmly married businessmen? First on the scene, and the last crisis. Genre, not sexual. Im not up to your body color forever frozen chicken inviolable strategic reserve in case of nuclear war.
By the way, if our ladies are not aware, then I bring to their attention - compression itself can cause chronic pelvic pain syndrome is associated with disruption of the normal blood circulation. And yet - colitis because of the "pressingone gut and more serious violations of urinogenital sphere. And so coupled with our climatic conditions and the freedom of sexual love without barrier contraception, the above will not add to the health of your intestines.
And drink you though all the antibiotics in the world, sipped their espumizan dissolved in yogurt, is nothing but a scalpel of the surgeon, will not help you to find the joy not only of motherhood - not to fat, to be alive, and normal functioning of all, what mother-nature "Packed" inside you. And the fact that you are lying on your back, brutally suck in canvas pants, believing that this is beauty.
No, maybe someone your flank and seem sexually attractive. Unlike flatulence. Maybe the Thong sticking out of the Bermuda triangle from frosty December morning or February starry night is an integral part of your ethereal image. After all, you are a fairy. The snow maiden. The snowflake. And fairies do not lie with a purulent inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes and do not drink horse doses of synthetic hormones that prepare a woman's body to the procedure of in vitro fertilization. And it is especially not suffer sharp when urinating, do not lie in urology with chronic pyelonephritis and not "rest" in hemodialysis, in anticipation of an endless queue of a kidney transplant.
Snowflakes are born in the depths of the heavens, falling and melting on the dirty pavement. Maiden after a tiring morning all year round rest somewhere at the furnace in Lapland or ustyugskoe hut, and fairies - just waving a wand, wings and flit from flower to flower, and not from branch to branch of the underground. And, mind you, neither one nor the other, nor the third't want marriage, children, and issues of sexual health are not interested in due to its irrevocable mythical Evanescence. Unlike us, made of flesh and blood. And blood, not squeezed artificial dams must supply oxygen to the flesh - free, snug and warm dressed - without difficulty. And not that, or "pipe" will burst, or "liquid" in the system will freeze. And you have to live with it. Without hot heating in Siberia harder than in Kenya in boots.
You know the joke? "It's a funny old age - will be around a lot of old women with tattoos on the lower back".
Girls, let's be warmer in the pants, sorry. Above the waist, sorry. And long to the floor coats, furs and jackets, sorry. And smarter in the header. And unearthly beauty - it is in Africa unearthly beauty. Because beauty is health. Corny? But not cold and not hurt. And those who Eternals wear pants, will understand. If you will certainly need a man for life, and not the partner for the night to warm frostbitten feet.
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