Soy diet reduces anxiety caused by chemical substance bisphenol - this is the conclusion reached by scientists from the University of North Carolina, reports Exposure to bisphenol a increases the level of anxiety by altering gene expression in the amygdala - the part of the brain responsible for response to fear and stress. Bisphenol a with properties similar to the hormone estrogen. Incidentally, he can become a cause of cancer.
The study's author, Professor of biology Heather Patisaul (Heather Patisaul) States that bisphenol a can cause anxiety in some animal species. The main objective of the study was to understand why and how this happens. To do this, scientists have studied five groups of rats. In the first consisted of animals treated with food low amount of bisphenol a, and one group in addition received dietary soy. 3 group consisted of rats that received normal food. Rodents of the fourth group ate foods rich in soy, 5 group consisted of animals receiving more estrogen.
The results showed that in rodents exposed to BPA, and not treated soy, anxiety was significantly increased. However, in animals on the soy diet such changes are identified. In addition, the first time scientists were able to establish that the anxiety caused by the changes of gene expression in the brain.
Researchers believe that the beneficial properties of soybean caused contains phytoestrogens, however, for more accurate detection this regard, they will need a number of new research.
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