(Folk wisdom)
They say if you know what the person wants, it will give the key to his character. Only the dream must be really secret. "Secret" means that not everyone about his dream and tell. Well, if relationships have already reached the stage where the two share their secrets, the characters of each other already clearly visible. And the key is not required.
And yet, is it possible to say something about the man, overheard his secret desires?
In my experience, people can be divided into four types: the romantics, the pragmatists, nihilists and ordinary dreamers.
Tend to dream about what they have. Little want to play basketball. Poor - to find the treasure. Hungry - to open a restaurant. The ardent young man dreaming of a perfect women. Young ladies are waiting for Prince on a white horse.
A common feature romantics - enthusiastic dissatisfaction. Every conversation starts with "Oh, if only! ". The degree of romanticism is determined by the global and neispolnimi desires. If this trip, round - the-world and on elephants. As well as This necessarily Romantic dream of something for humanity, during the trip it is necessary to find the cure for all diseases, solve crossword universal happiness and smoke smoked the pipe of peace in the world.
The trouble with the True Romantics that they are very difficult to be happy - Planck pleasure pulled up too high. Indeed, if eating a juicy steak, remember that in the world there are millions of hungry and destitute, to stomach ulcers - hand. Sad reflections on the imperfection of the world deprive romantics energy to actually do something. Neopolyol dreams binds his hands and makes legs unsuitable for fun to walk at least to the satisfaction of the needs of the romance.
And yet for humanity Real Romance is a godsend. Because it is to their dreams we join, empathizing Harry Potter in a dark cinema hall. And it is "unenforceable" desire suddenly bring the opening and fill the world with new things, such, which has never been, let the impossible become a reality. Good sense of humor Bernard Shaw also said on this subject: "Some people see the real things and ask: "Why is this so? " And I dream about things not found in nature, and say, "why not? "
Often derived from former Romantics. It happens that Prince on a white moped meets his Dulcinea in the next street, there is a small monthly treasure in an envelope and pay the mortgage for a two-bedroom Palace. Further dreams already undramatic to enhance what is available. As a rule, pragmatists have already learnt their abilities carefully and dream about something quite earthy and real. Unreal dreams pragmatics two parameters - the number and time.
T-shirt pronounced pragmatics in large letters written "will be not Enough! ". Even if at the moment for all the happiness you already have, pragmatics will restlessly in the first place? from what it "all" - it is not "forever". Secondly, at any time the neighbor may be a newer model of the "whole". And thirdly... IS not ENOUGH!!! Two cars are not a luxury, but a means of transportation, four apartments is not housing, and real estate investments, and a dozen sexual partners is not a harem, and collection.
Pragmatic dreamer really want everywhere to lay straw and everywhere to close the vents. They are true conservatives and new trends feel a threat to their comfort. That is why pragmatists wary dreams of the romantics, because the latter is too often threatening, saying, "we are his, we will build a new world". And this is for the pragmatists sounds ominous.
The role of the pragmatists in the stability of society and the world is huge. To them belongs the function of preservation of cultural and material values and increase welfare. And while their romance revolutionary dreams are trying to spin the wheel of history, pragmatics condense the center of gravity of the pendulum something urgent to preserve the balance of money and evil".
Equally often get jaded from the pragmatists or completely disillusioned romantics. These are two different subspecies of the nihilists, but the essence of their dreams one happiness will come, if you get rid of anything unnecessary.
Relatively harmless nihilists who want to get rid of excess weight. They struggle with themselves so much time that the rest of the world isn't is. In addition, the process of war with your own body is very addictive - the winner is always the same, but the prizes are different each time. So in the game to lose a few pounds for summer, you can play your whole life.
Equally touching all those who want to get rid of excess the fact that we already have. Someone suffering from the abundance of vegetation on the face and body moles, someone doesn't know what to do with free time, and someone does not rest an extra million on its own account. Such nihilists we are grateful for the invention of laser hair removal and cosmetic surgery, for the development of the entertainment industry, as well as for charitable donations all suffering from hunger, disease or actions... other nihilists.
This is another type of nihilists, resulting from disappointed romantics, much more active than the first. Their motto is "Take from the rich, give to the poor". However, the second part of the slogan is very often forgotten. And then ideas about what the world would be better without the rich, strange, or bald. The main idea of such dreamers "do Not try for yourself! ". Particular caution should call this statement in the mouth of people, which obviously would cost to take care of themselves. Hair, there. Ihaven...
To direct the activity of the nihilists in the right direction, you can follow the advice Jerzy LEC: "Podany his dream enemies, maybe they will die in its implementation".
Ordinary dreamers retrieved from wonderful children. Pink, blue, crystal dreams equally inherent in every child. If the parents were attentive to the desires and needs of their offspring, from little dreamer grows into an adult that can turn a dream into a goal of his life.
In the case when the true dream of the child is ignored or ridiculed, grew quiet dreamers trying to live in a fictional world, designed by someone else - in the world of books, movies or computer games. If wishes were overly satisfied and the child was not allowed to take the initiative in meeting the needs daydreaming could apply to the oversaturation. And this is probably the worst thing that can happen to a dream - no.
The most amazing and inspiring circumstance of our lives is that we are not frozen in time and space of the statue. In life we can be pragmatic and romantic, and nihilists. And all we can from time to time to be children, plunging into the world of childhood dreams, sinking into sweet dreams, where everything is possible, even meeting with the dream.
School of life
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