Years passed, and the same test is reprinted in another publication met me again. It was in the first year of my stay in a foreign city. I didn't feel comfortable around people seemed to be closed and removed... My choice magical abilities at that moment was natural: I want to be able to read people's thoughts! Really want! The test result says study psychology.
It was then that I began to collect information about how the facial expression, the facial expressions and gestures to determine a person's mood, his attitude, how to calculate the lie. Yes, it was long before the protagonist of the series "lie to me" ("Lie to me") Dr. Lightman began to disclose to the audience their secrets. A variety of materials on "how to unmask the liar" had me thoroughly studies and compared with actual practice.
Figures lie
- Frequent touching of the person-to-face, hair, neck - it really works! Moreover, I myself several times, speaking the truth, noticed that my hand reaches for his nose! But this feature is only suitable for the detection of rather inexperienced liars (I easily learned how to control yourself).
- No gestures, tension, stiffness postures in combination with "how would a casual voice thread - looks awkward and immediately draws attention to itself.
- Excessive, exaggerated gestures, very often when people are trying to look him straight in the eye ("look into my eyes they don't lie! ") - it looks all your help, especially if the topic is not so serious as to require excessive pathos.
- The accelerated pace of speech, fake emotion often serve to hide in the stream poured out false information, "mix it with the truth" ("lie quickly and will not have time to give yourself! "- if not to give in to force on you excited state, and to remain quiet, then the lie is easy to recognize.
- Unnatural smile (unbalanced, not accompanied by muscle tension around the eyes), simulated laughter immediately give the liar with the head.
- Mismatched gestures to the content of speech: the person says "Yes", and he shakes his head - that I met only once, and it was indeed false.
The direction of gaze (according to psychologists, remembering the real experience, people always look left, inventing something right), increased frequency of blinking (it is estimated that the average person blinks six times per minute, lies involuntary blinking more often), dilated pupils - check these figures lie personally, I failed.
The lie is spontaneous and well thought-out in advance. To identify the first is easier, it is usually preceded by a bit confused, which is easy to read face (uncontrolled emotion). Besides, if you ask spontaneously deceived person to repeat the stated sequence of events in reverse order, he will most likely get confused (and later realize that you caught him in a lie, and terribly angry, I personally encountered such a reaction).
Elaborate lie is calculated harder, but it usually gives an overall feeling of theatricality, traitorousness human speech, he tells memorized text.
And yet - even in the opinion of the majority of liars constantly read hard question: "do You believe me or not? " Liar difficult: it is necessary to present the material, to ensure that their own behaviour looked as naturally as possible, and to constantly look at the interlocutor to understand, it took him a lie or not. The liar is in tension, no matter how he tried to hide it.
Of course, there are the pretenders-virtuosos, which does not cost anything to cheat almost any of us (except, of course, Dr. Lightman from the TV series). These liars have - but they are few. Most of us lying awkwardly, and most buy into the lie of an unskillful and poorly disguised.
"Do you love me? the girl asks with naive open eyes.
"Yes, " replies the young man, only in the corner of his lips on one side of the face, asymmetrically) is refracted contempt.
Is true love? - she feels that something is wrong here!
And then he kisses her... Lies swallowed. The girl just need love, too right - so she prefers to turn a blind eye to lie and to respond to the kiss.
"Everybody lies! "says another serial character, incidentally, is also a doctor - Dr. house. It is difficult to disagree with it. We accept the lie as a rule of the game in this world. We lie and we lie.
And we all know that deceived.
No, to read people's thoughts I don't want. And if I could choose one of those magical skills of the test, we would have preferred the ability to fly. Sometimes to rise to the clouds and look down upon our world, our lives, our lies. I don't remember just what the profession recommended for fans of flight.
Male and female false
On a false trail
The integrity test
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