Names in this ritual porridge many: Koleva, eve, sochivo, syt. Often " serves as a memorial dishes, but also in the New year's eve (old style), Christmas Eve, Epiphany and other Orthodox holidays. Kutya is an essential dish during lent, it is prepared in the days of remembrance of the dead. There are several variations of this dish:
- rich kutya (lean kutya with a variety of components, which is prepared in Eve);
- generous kutya (before the New year, perilous dish with the addition of butter, cream or milk);
- hungry kutya (on Baptism, a dish that consists mainly of corn-based ethanol and sweetener).
Kutia is brewed from a variety of cereals and whole grains: wheat, barley, barley, rice, oats, and even buckwheat and so on Wheat or other whole grains usually pounded in a mortar with the addition of water and was separated from the chaff. After cooked in the oven for several hours (up to 3 days), in modern conditions it is possible to do without a stove or oven. Wheat and grains can be soaked, so will significantly reduce the cooking time. They should be good to seethe and become soft, buy whitish tint.
Very popular now kutya and rice (although this deviation from tradition), and to prepare it is not so difficult. Sometimes it is believed that the kutya of rice served mainly to the funeral, but you can prepare it on Christmas. In order to properly cook the rice, you need one Cup of cereal, pour one and a half cups of boiling water, tightly cover the pan with a lid and cook the rice for three minutes on high heat, six - on average, three on the small. Twelve minutes without opening the lid, let the rice sit for a couple.
In General, the rice can be boiled for a couple from the very beginning, as other cereals. The main secret of cooking basics for Kuti in the fact that it was brewed, soft and at the same time loose. You can also cook the basis for Kuti milk (here we must be careful, as not all cereals are cooled therein) or in a mixture of milk and water (but this kutya will not lean).
For Christmas kutia usually served meatless milk of the poppy, walnut or hazelnut, or mixtures thereof, or almonds, if kutya eating, you can fill it cream, milk and butter. To prepare the walnut and poppy milk need to steam Mac and pour boiling water over the nuts, then grind them in a mortar, to scroll in a grinder, grind using a blender to release a white liquid.
Also " traditionally filled with liquid honey or honey dressing by syt - for her honey should be dissolved in warm boiled (but in any case not boiling! ) water. Also in Ukraine, there was a tradition to prepare a semi-solid kutya, bringing her Uzvara (compote). For these purposes you can use sugar syrup, diluted with water jam.
In " you can add many fruits, steamed and chopped, boiled, frozen fruits and berries, compote and jam, steamed poppy seeds, nuts, and in some cases, jellies, and candies (but it is rather the exception to the rule), as well as various spices to taste.
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