Deadlines at work, unpaid bills, traffic jams and nenalezena personal life are just some of the problems facing the modern woman every day, and what to say about the continuation of this list?
Daily stress
All of these problems, significant and small, that happen to us from day to day, immersing us in a permanent emotional state called stress. And if with irritability and nervousness we can cope, constant headache, muscle tension, tachycardia, anxiety, we are able to shorten life, because of the above problems lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of the body.
Do not think that we are exaggerating, speaking about the reduction of the duration of life: depression, insomnia, hypertension, migraine, heart attack - this is one of the few companions a man who is constantly under stress.
Today Women's Magazine offers you four ways of dealing with stress. And if you connect these 4 components together and will abide by these rules, then a long, healthy life without stress is provided to you.
Physical load. Yes, Yes, yoga, Pilates, fitness club or swimming will help you cope with stress. During sports activities, your body comes to life improves circulation and oxygen to all organs and tissues, produces the hormone of happiness endorphins.
Eight hours of sleep. If you want to overcome all the stress and to deal with the problems - get enough sleep, but most importantly, stop to think before going to sleep, being in bed, about a day past and the day to come. If you follow rule # 1, you will instantly fall asleep, barely your head hits the pillow
A balanced diet. Appetite or, on the contrary, eat everything? This may indicate disturbed state of mind, but it is not necessary to despair. Forget the snacks and fast foods! From now on you will eat only healthy and quality food: cereals, vegetables and fruits, fish and white meat. And, of course, do not forget to drink at least half a liter of water a day.
Organize yourself
. Distracted by little things at a time, as selected deadline? Or maybe it does not have time: eight hours per working day you no longer enough? These life situations can cause us stress. So organize your day, and if necessary, describe every minute of his work schedule in the weekly.
Developing yourself physically and spiritually, you will not only load himself with vigor every day, but will be able to avoid stress. If you want to avoid a stressful situation is not managed, it will be easier to find the way out and make the right decision.
Women's Magazine
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