Uniting communities, tribes, and peoples, the men created a huge Empire and state. Scientific discoveries made strong half of humanity, drastically transformed modern life. Traveling and conquering new lands, the men managed to extend their understanding of the world to the borders of the whole planet.
But the aspirations of men has not ended. Oceanographers explored the deepest ocean trench, the astronauts overcame the pull of the planet, and archaeologists have looked into the distant past, but historians have reconstructed the events of "bygone days". And one day, looked around, the man decided that he had had enough. And was proud to call ourselves homo sapiens, i.e., a reasonable man.
But calling yourself a "reasonable" and even being able to believe in it, a man somewhere in the depths of the soul began to doubt, whether it is so, because there is still the mystery, which doesn't unravel. And the name of this mystery woman.
The same male logic that drives progress and we are so proud of, is helpless, as soon as we try to understand the woman and understand her. And moreover common sense be our weak and vulnerable point in the relationship with the beautiful part. Perhaps women will be able to call and at least another one of the "Achilles ' heel" of men, but... that's another topic.
However, despite the complexity of the "women's issue", the men managed to achieve some success. But the process of cognition of women was very difficult, because we know that not only men don't understand women, but women often do not understand themselves.
Let's start with the fact that women are always more objectively assess the strengths and weaknesses of men than women. Perfectly explains this bias statement connoisseur of women, who noted that the main reason for the dislike of women to each other is male. You can disagree with "a cause of contention, but the fact that one friend will never recommend another that dress that she really came, clearly confirms this opinion.
When talking about the disadvantages of each other, men and women behave very differently. Men in all that relates to women's weaknesses inherent in some condescension and derision. But the beautiful half inclined not only to judge men, but to condemn severely. And it's understandable that a woman has the right to choose, and it urgently needs the ability to assess the future Challenger "hand and heart".
It is worth to mention the grudge. Men usually all forgive and forget. And women on the contrary forgive, but never forget how someone unflattering expressed their address. Therefore male "caution" in judgments about women becomes quite understandable.
It is no secret that the appearance is for women of paramount importance. And the reason men that no matter how high or valued personal qualities of women, first pay attention to feminine beauty. Although male beliefs about the ideal appearance women may differ, we all adhere to the unwritten rules "a healthy woman is a beautiful woman." But when your choice makes a woman, the criterion of "visual appeal" is not playing to her such a role. In order to understand how the appearance of men for her "minor", it is enough to recall the well-known fairy tale "beauty and the beast", as well as to remember a few illustrative examples from the lives of relatives, friends or acquaintances.
Why did that happen? Everything is quite simple. The woman is, first of all, the mother, and the man is the breadwinner. Therefore, men like beautiful women, because their beauty implies (although we do not always think about it) the health of future children. And women like men who are able and to protect the family and provide it with all necessary. Thus, it appears that the beauty of men is for women only pleasant addition to the above qualities.
All women well-known tendency of men to dwell in two extreme conditions, namely physical activity and complete passivity. And given that women themselves prefer more smooth and constant loads, such "behavior" men often finds a misunderstanding on the part of the weaker sex. But before we judge, let's look at the history.
For thousands of years men were hunting and war, and women were the "keepers of the hearth and took care of all the household chores. So for centuries have developed our own rhythms of life and evolved our preferences for a variety of activities. Why men choose professions that are associated with risk, unpredictability, the spirit of rivalry and struggle (i.e. devoid of monotony). Modern research even proven that men have an innate need to bash, hit, score, shoot, you have to use the "explosion" of energy. And women, with patience and perseverance, able to perform thin and monotonous work with a given program of action (i.e., predictable).
There is an assumption that the modern language invented by men. Maybe so, but in the perfection of speech captured just still women. But fellowship is designed to bring together people, for some reason, it was almost the main "sticking point" in relations between the strong and the weak half of humanity.
If you look at this problem from the point of vision science, it will explain all of our "misunderstanding" by the difference in the functioning of the brain. Definitely that during intercourse for men involved only a small area of one of the hemispheres of the brain. While women in the "work" included more extensive areas, and both hemispheres. Using the whole brain gives women a huge advantage in dealing with men, but at the same time confusing the "women's minds when you need to distinguish the right side from the left. So about half of the women are not able to instantly tell which hand is left and which is right. So if a woman shows a turn in the wrong direction, this is not to say her absentmindedness. But back to our language.
For women it is the process of communication, and for men - the particular result. If a man thinks silently, the woman prefers to think out loud. Men love to talk about their successes and women about their failures. Even these few examples are enough to understand why the average demand women is 6000-8000 words a day, while men are limited 2000-4000 words. Yes, women are "chatty", but only when viewed from the perspective of men.
And in conclusion, I would like to mention about "male" and "female" friendship. It is believed that only the male friendship is real. As for women, the friendship between them is rarely strong and durable. The same can be said about the so-called "friendship" men and women, which exists only in words. Indeed, in such relationship man woman is considered at best as a "backup" option.
The reasons for this situation are many, and distrust of women to each other, and their constant competition for attention, and a natural desire to be "the one". But the main reason of "indifference" women for friendship noticed La Rochefoucauld: "Women are so indifferent to the friendship that she seems fresh in comparison with love".
Well, it's difficult with him not agree...
School of life
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