Make big bets
"While doing what you do - we have what we have," says an ancient truth. And it explains the success strategy: until we go unloved work, do business, which is a burden, and communicate with people who us anything we teach, we cannot forge ahead. To get the result of higher than normal need to do much more than the usual minimum.
This means that in order to one day get a job offer of your dreams, you need to start now to attend the interview, to learn (or remember) the languages to enroll in refresher courses, etc. the Main thing is not to sit around and do more bets.
Here and now
Do not wait for better times, because there is a chance that they never will come. As soon as you be born with some brilliant idea, immediately seek to embody it in reality. Otherwise it will make someone else (after all ideas have their heads in the air, and the winner is the one who catches the essence of the first). If you already came up with a brilliant name for a culinary blog, then do not delay - make an account and start sharing with the world its gastronomic discoveries. If you don't do it today, tomorrow may be to bite your elbows with the words: "I first invented it! "
Not to be discouraged!
To achieve success need to cultivate not only the will to win, but a calm attitude in the lesions. While failure will confuse you and put in the far corner of the bed, where you will cry and sprinkle ashes on his head, the bird of luck and will remain a metaphor. Treat your losses easily, because they are only an intermediate result, which is always possible to correct the second and third attempt.
To survive the simultaneous failure will help morale. When you start a new business, immediately calculate what may be losing and than it threatens you. This will allow you to realistically assess the risks and prepare "for the worst". Of course, tune in to the failure is not necessary, but a wise rationalism doesn't hurt!
Don't listen to the pessimists
In the life of any of us fairly "well-wishers", ready at any moment to dissuade us from risky behavior. On the one hand, this is good - there is always an opportunity to look at the situation from the outside and additional to insure. On the other intimidation pessimists can rapidly break your confidence in the correctness of their actions. So always think carefully what you say people tend to think life is a dangerous thing, fraught with a lot of unpleasant surprises. Of course, they have every right to speak in a similar vein, but no one obliges you to follow their covenants!
Don't aim for perfection
Striving for perfection can be a long time to keep you on the road and not to give to achieve the desired goal. After all, immersed in jewelry work on the little things, you can lose control of the process of achieving success.
For example, some are afraid to speak in a foreign language until then, until you are sure that you know by heart all the irregular verbs and idioms. But this is not entirely true, because the comprehension of all details can take a lot of time, and if you focus on them, on other vital steps you simply do not have time and effort. Therefore, at least in some spheres of life, allow yourself to be satisfied by the Intermediate level.
Listen to the emotions
Emotions - our faithful guide and compass, so you should always pay attention to them.
And success are not only positive processes taking place in the soul, but also negative. If you are jealous of your friend or colleague, this is a great sign! Envy helps to understand what we exactly want, and shows how this can be achieved. We are jealous of familiar people and, therefore, know exactly how they achieved success, which we are so concerned, and this, in turn, allows you to focus on those aspects that need improvement. For example, your friend got a promotion because I was proactive and punctual. If you can't tell myself the same thing, it makes sense to start to develop the qualities, which, as you've seen, can bear fruit.
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