Don't be an ostrich
Lives in each of us "inner doctor", says our family doctor Lisa Levin. The body every second report on the health, and if not, sends warning signs: "this stub", "Obesiy! ", "Reduce speed! " and even: "do Not get in, kill! ". Who ever doesn't flinch from the instant of awareness, that yonder, in the right side, exactly is the problem? And then said: "Yes, okay, already passed". Besides, we have no time to concentrate on internal signals. And actually most of us, according to psychologists, banal briefs: I'm afraid to know, so pretend not to see and feel. Ostrich living in the us, refuses to read the signals of the body. Or treat them as inattentive husband to the pleas of his wife: not really.
Suddenly the taste of the food has changed: that was delicious, became bitter, and what seemed to be inedible (e.g., starch), is delicious. If you are a woman, may well think that you are pregnant, and if a man wants and is afraid of problems, its especially), I would say that everyone has forgotten how to cook. And this may be a special form of anemia - "sister" fatigue that it is wiser to cure than to run.
What sound make your knees when you sit down? If crunch, as crunched in the camp, it is nothing; but if it suddenly turned out to sound like "bone on bone", it is better to believe my ears, than to convince yourself that you did.
Why do we need a terrible movie?
The more often the body "speaks" the same: "Tingling right... I keep coughing... dizzy...", " all the more reason to listen to the inner doctor. Almost every sad story begins like this: "He had long felt bad, but didn't want to think about that. But even inexplicable fear, vague feeling worthy of them paid attention. Family Dr. Lisa Levin told how once it had a girl 23 years with the urgent request to make her a colonoscopy to check the intestine. The doctor asked what she was concerned, were there any problems with the intestines someone in the family. She said that never, nothing and no one had. And that she doesn't even have any pain or disorders.
"What you worried about? asked the doctor.
"You see, I had a dream. As if sitting in a small room, without Windows, without doors, and my stomach barbed wire is tightened. And I am so scared and hurt was in a dream... And I decided, should be checked.
Dr. Levin, hearing about the dream, tried to dissuade her, but she persevered. When a couple of weeks she had a colonoscopy, I was diagnosed with bowel cancer in the early stages. Dr. Levin said:
- Well, that girl was annoying. Because we would be late.
And then she many times cited this case as an example of a miracle, but as an example of what fear is assistant, which should not fight, and who should be listened to, even if everything around you is ready to take you on a laughter.
Shout and carpisa
Tennis player turned, swung and... felt a sharp pain in his groin. Friends drove him to the nearest room with a phone, called the doctor, who on the basis of the symptoms described gives a quick tip on what to do. Woman doctor on the other end was calm, said:
Nothing terrible. Let's make an ice pack, and let it be. If at that point the player would listen to, and not himself the doctor, and cried: "Urgently take me to the hospital! "you would be disabled. The spermatic cord torsion, which happened to him suddenly demanded a simple but immediate operation: without her genitals would shortly disappear, and they would have to amputate.
This case is yet another proof that in critical situations the main authority - you and your pain. Pain is the cry of the body. Than it louder, the faster we need to make a decision. By the way, the victim on the tennis court was quite sure, that, if that day on the phone the doctor is a man, the Council would be correct. Women may not be the spermatic cord torsion, what they know about the pain?
However, contrary to this opinion, obstetrician Michel odent, a man and a clinic Director in the city of Petiver in France, teaches his patients to feel and understand the body during childbirth. Most importantly, he believes, is to fail to "keep face". According to the observations of Auden, when in childbirth participate husband and other family members, birth almost always difficult and protracted. A woman can not relax, concentrating on the "guests" and not on yourself. And, most amazing of all, the climax of the relatives of the missing woman if specially gives birth to when they leave on a moment - to snack. Michel odent is not asking women not to cry and to be courageous. He asks them to do something that tells them the body. If you learn, you can "spend" their own childbirth almost without pain.
Deuce behavior
Liz Burbo - a physician from Canada, author of the famous book "Listen to your body, your best friend on earth! "I am sure that disease, ill-health is a request body to change our behavior. And a little bit of their own character. Strange to hear this from a therapist, who, it would seem, is obliged to treat the symptoms to prescribe pills, vitamins, or a new diet. But Liz Burbo does not adhere to traditional principles. And her patients do not complain, and, to the surprise of the medical community in Quebec, well. Try on a few examples to present, it is difficult if you will follow the method of Dr. Burbo.
If you have arthritis, it is a sign that the body reacted to the thought that you all operate". Cease to respond to requests from everyone, and if you can't do, serve others with joy. Then the body will recover.
Gum disease zoom: you do not have enough determination. Enough to be afraid to make a choice, find the strength to change.
When back pain is a sign that you feel as if the whole world fell on your shoulders. The subconscious mind seems to say: "Quit thinking that you are responsible for someone else, squared shoulders! ". If my back hurts at the top, so you do not have anyone to lean on. And if it hurts the lower back, most likely, so do you react to the absence of material security.
And throat ache just so. It begins to persity and inflamed from great resentment. Try not to be offended, and angina recede.
People may start to cough when he seems overwhelmed by life and circumstances. Rare cough occurs due to self-blame. Body, coughing, as if asking: "Relax, take it as is! ".
Kidney disease arises from frustration and resentment. This state of mind can influence chemical processes, to capture their delicate balance.
Dr. Liz Burbo, it seems, knows the answers to all occasions: constipation happen from reluctance to change anything, diarrhea, on the contrary, the pursuit of rapid changes... Canadian doctor assures us that we ourselves do sick and can heal themselves too. Only if all are willing and able to change? Easier to search for causes of diseases, genetics, age, poor environment, than to say to yourself: "Yes, I behave badly, there's the body, and indignant. But I will change at least for the sake of it! "
Most likely, this is the approach of the future, which is to live, not listening to themselves, hardly anyone will.
It is important
Western medical school an unhappy. American doctors widely criticized the system, which takes them from close contact with the patient, replacing it formal. Rubber gloves, regulated treatment, the pile of papers... all to consider, to see and hear the patient. The "inner doctor" in the U.S. believe the dentist. Exactly dentists often see things that others did not notice, and send their patients to be examined by various experts. Seeing, for example, pale gums, caring dentist will probably ask: "And the heart you have checked? "
Come home, open your mouth in front of the mirror, surprised, as you still did not pay attention to the color of your gums, and re-listen to the heart, which, perhaps, had made it clear that it is a problem, Yes you did not believe.
Back hurts? Yes, just you all go!
Arguments and facts
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