Woe from wit
There is such a branch of medicine: etiology - the study of the causes of diseases. The start of flu, for example, she explains the sabotage on the part of the virus, and cancer is a failure in the immune system that destroys cells mistakenly read the genetic information. However, even in the midst of the epidemic, many remain healthy and cancer diseases, fortunately, are faced not all.
Scientists interested in the question: the disease choose us or do we? It turned out the choice, though unconsciously, still very often is a man. Sick or not, largely depends on the character, temperament, personal qualities and mindsets.
Philosopher and healer Vitaly V. Karavaev, which many people know he worked out the balsams, believed that the egoist is much more likely to develop allergies or cancer than the altruist. If you don't care about others, treat them with hostility, the cells of your body do just as well begins to produce antibodies against their own kind or grow to the detriment of all else, as it happens during the formation of tumors.
However, microscopic aggressors can be called to order by mental efforts - this confirms the story of 9-year-old American Ben Daskin, which is immersed in a computer game, to defeat this terrible disease - leukemia.
Virtual treatment
The plot for the game was developed by special order: the boy was killed painted a web designer cancer cells, bred in the virtual vessels, and abnormal leukocytes disappeared from his own blood! Scientists are not in vain liken the brain is a biological computer, the subconscious virtual world of electronic games, and herself (assuming that the player is completely given process, disconnected from the outside world) considered a form of mental samochodowe. This method of treatment has adopted 35 of thousands of patients with leukemia.
Thoughts about the main
Favorite Hollywood story: the heroine's soul, and it literally turns inside out. Well, if the path to the heart is through the stomach, the reverse is also true: when the heart is heavy, good digestion can not count. Nausea on body language expresses the inner protest against the current situation. "I'm sick of these thoughts! ""you exclaim, not even imagining to what extent the right.
The digestive. Irritated because of the trouble can and intestines. He begins to lazy or to work in accelerated mode, if you allow yourself to think about the bad. Corrosive scandalous nature and penchant for sarcastic remarks is a direct path to a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gall thoughts lead to problems with the liver and gallbladder, and envy people green because of failures in the spleen. Thought so at the time of Hippocrates, and modern doctors do not deny this connection.
Bleeding. Particularly sensitive ladies often respond to the feelings nasal and uterine bleeding. The rate of formation of a blood clot to seal the vessel depends on the psychological state. When you worry, the blood coagulates more slowly. Costs a bit to calm down, and the coagulation system returns to normal. That is why healers so easy to "exorcise" the blood under their hypnotic murmur grave thoughts evaporate out of your head, and prehispanica optimism the body restores the impaired functions.
"Hurts from thinking chest! " - complained to the doctors heroine Chekhov and Dostoevsky. They did not exaggerate: the psychological discomfort leads to a hormonal crash in the female body, which affects the mammary glands (and not only them). The breast is compressed, becomes painful - so emotional pain is transformed into the physical.
Postpartum depression. Through it are many. It can cause depression of function of the ovaries and infertility, if not to drive away bad thoughts and not to inflate in a shower of sparks fading joys of motherhood.
Ancient science
This psychodermatology. It studies the influence of mental States on physical for almost 200 years. Its founder, the German physician Johann Christian Heinroth the first of the doctors spoke seriously about psychosomatic disorders - notorious diseases from nerves, about which so love to walk comedians.
"Most of the diseases which we are most afraid of," claimed the Czech humorist Leszek Cumorah. If you are afraid to cut chincua vegetables, or to tuck the foot on the icy sidewalk, that is what you will - not according to the law of meanness, but because of self-programming. Persisting in some favored fear, for example, darkness, heights, or AIDS, it is easy to bring themselves to panic attacks, reminiscent of a heart attack or stroke.
But the same suggestion you can cure ulcers, asthma and migraines, getting rid of bad thoughts that support their existence. Try it - you will succeed! After all, the story of his illness, by and large, does the man himself. British scientists describe a unique case, when the fat woman, who could not manage to lose weight, falling asleep, clearly presented, as runs on the endless road, dropping excess weight, and in the morning woke up all "soap", often with a beating heart - and five pounds gone!
Rating psychosomatic disorders:
- 1st place - digestive disorders, gastritis, ulcer, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia;
- 2nd place - skin diseases;
- 3rd place - Tiki;
- 4th place - endocrine problems from obesity and diabetes to the menstrual cycle and infertility;
- 5th place - migraine and other pain syndromes.
Don't fuss!
The most crushing blow to the immune system not cause conflicts and quarrels, flashing home.
American doctors from the University hospital Ohio state examined 50 couples who have lived a long time in the marriage. Immunological analysis of blood, held repeatedly revealed that the couple, who several times a week to find out the relationship, reduced resistance. This increases the risk of catching the infection, cancer and reduces the released fate days. Especially suffer from family squabbles women: their immune systems were more vulnerable than men.
Your actions
Think about loved ones with love and don't skimp on the foreplay!
They cause increased secretion of the hormone oxytocin, which brings a feeling of happiness and increases the overall resistance of the organism. Research scientists have confirmed that tenderness is the only drug which has no overdose!
Cry when you're hurt! English scientist William Frey, who investigated the chemical composition of tears, convinced that they help burn. Neviplachennie tears seemed to accumulate inside, suppressing the immune system. It is no coincidence that the iron lady and the knights without fear and reproach, whose eyes are always dry, and live shorter lives and suffer more.
Do not dismiss trouble.
Many try not to think about them, turning a blind eye to the problem. Triggered a psychological defense, which experts called preemptive. The brain tries to quickly erase the memory disturbing you, growing it to a conscious level in body. It seems that everyone has forgotten, but who have had their mind memories of unpleasant events undermine your health. That is why it is so important every night to make a "debriefing", noting words and actions, causing even a fleeting psychological discomfort.
Think, why are you so bothered, and consciously try to break free from negative emotions - then they will not become a source of disease.
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