Monday, November 24, 2014

Tyranny duties

Tyranny dutiesModern urban woman lives at three speeds: fast, faster, faster. And so - to a nervous breakdown. But this hectic pace can be reduced without damage to themselves and others.

Sometimes it happens that we drive ourselves in stressful conditions. And this takes place in absolute silence. For example, you did something as an exception, but after some time and you and others is already perceived as a duty. Endless "I should" grow like a snowball, creating an unpleasant feeling that you're not your own, that life passes by. If you feel overwhelmed with responsibilities, it's time to reconsider their "debts" to others.

Traps, in which we get

. A stressful situation arises when we postpone important things to last. And then have a rush job and sit in the office till ten at night.

Relatives. You assume the liability (or you impose) that take a lot of time and do not bring any pleasure from having on every holiday to call the relatives to meaningless work at the cottage on growing one green tomato.


Some of us reach for a rag and cleaner literally every hour, and at the sight of unwashed cups despair. And also sure that dinner should always consist of three complex dishes, cooked.

Friends. Do you think it my duty to drop everything and rush to the other end of the city to look at the skirt, which I bought yesterday, your friend, although you have got other things to do.

Children. You uploaded your child numerous circles and developmental courses, where it is necessary to accompany. And if children are two of them, mother fit to scream "help"!

The hobby. That you're not forced to do, but here you can get trapped. Let's say you started to walk into the dance Studio. But then you are interested in digital photography. But if you throw a dance, your partner will be left behind, and the teacher will fail, because it is so much effort put... And you are trying to accomplish and in the Studio, and on fotokurs.

The social life. We often in addition to their desire to be involved in the Assembly of the occupants of the house, clean the Playground, a meeting about the construction of a gas station under your window.


Every day you check your email and respond to emails. And if you look at your e-mail every hour, that time just seeps like sand through fingers.

Reset the ballast

Don't worry: abandon unnecessary does not mean to be irresponsible selfish or to give up what is dear to you. You are only exempt from the things that contribute nothing to your life and take the time that you really need.


- Make a list of all of their duties at work, home, children, relatives and friends. In short, write down everything that you define the words: "I must... "

- Now carefully review this list and select 5-6 things that are really important - just for you. Note the priority items in red.

- Think of what you could refuse? What happens if you stop to perform, for example, "paragraph 8" and "item 12"?

- Select one very useless to you duty, which only takes time, and try to abandon it.

- In a few weeks, evaluate your own life without performing this duty. If everything goes smoothly, look for another item, which I would like to get rid of.

Sometimes to withdraw immediately from something does not work. Maybe you just for this is not yet ready. Don't curse yourself. Find another item and try it out.

At first you will probably be tormented with guilt. Because around waiting on you previous behavior and could clearly make you understand that you have changed. Of course, not for the better from their point of view. Do not fall for provocations: tell yourself that this waiver will allow you to free up time for something really important, something that you've always dreamed of.

... And freedom you will be greeted with joy at the entrance...

So, you've seen: the world hasn't ended after your home twice a week ate for dinner fresh sausages with pasta, not your brand burgers, you are not less than one and a half hours.

Now look at the list of their duties and try to be freed from the greater part of those who do not fall under the label "Important! "

. Review your schedule - do I always have to stretch the working day for 10-12 hours? Entrust routine functions technical staff.


Spend time with those people with whom you are well and nice. But consciously limit contact with grumpy cousin or uncle grumpy.

House. Refrain from daily global harvest, distribute responsibilities between the home. If you have the financial ability, hire a helper on the farm. It is better to pay for cleaning, but you can spend a whole day with the family.

Friends. It makes sense to abandon long conversations with friends on the phone - it's better to spend less, but "live", combining the meeting with a pleasant and useful: a walk in the Park or a meeting in a cozy cafe.

Children. Limit electives children up to two maximum. This will make life easier for you and the child. Give him the opportunity to choose something for everyone.

The hobby. Many of us have a list, what I would like to do. Yoga, photography, hang gliding - this is all very interesting, but it's impossible. Turn on common sense: for example, hang gliding is costly not only time, but funds as fish cannot exist without constant cleaning of the aquarium. It is better to choose one thing.

The social life.

Avoid these cases, unless they involve very important questions for you.

The Internet and the computer. Check your mail and your LJ no more than twice per day, install a good spam filter. Place your order in the folders of your computer, get rid of old unwanted files.

Combating stress

Stress management


Kucherenko M



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