Monday, November 24, 2014

What fats to eat in order to lose weight

What fats to eat in order to lose weightRushing in pursuit of the perfect figure, the first thing that falls into disgrace, fats. Butter, buttermilk 3, 2% fat, sour cream, cakes are banished forever from the refrigerator and replaced free of grease products. But whether they're good?

Fat-free foods - friends or foes? Battles on this subject longer than one year are in the media. Some sources believe that products with artificially reduced fat is dangerous for people and their regular consumption does not lead to weight reduction. Others, however, are advised to maintain a form to enter into the diet as much as possible low-fat dairy products. So who is right? As always, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Not an easy arithmetic

Nutritionists unambiguous in its decision: fat-free foods are needed for those who care about their weight. They bring great benefit, because the most frequent causes of overweight are excessive intake of simple carbohydrates and fats. Reducing the amount of fat that comes from food, you can remove one of the culprits of obesity.

However, to the expulsion of the enemies must be approached with the mind. Without fats the human body cannot, and they have the same right to the presence in the diet, as protein and carbohydrates. The main thing is to keep balance and proportion. Fats should account for 30% of calorie intake.

Lush person weighing 100 kg per day, you need about 2100 kcal, then, of which 700 calories should be fat. Make simple calculations: 1 gram of fat produces 9 kcal, respectively, it is possible to eat, the total fat content of which is equal to 77 g

It would seem that it is easier: eat fat-free foods... and slim. However, with dairy products we get only one kind of fats - saturated. And yet our body needs monounsaturated and polyunsaturated - famous omega-3 and omega-6. Moreover, the ratio between different types of fats in the diet should be 1:1:1. That is, from 77 g 25 5 g need to get from dairy and meat products, other 25, 5 g of olive oil, nuts, avocado, olives and 25, 5 g of fatty fish, sunflower, Flaxseed oil and nuts.

Where to look?

Saturated fats

. Whole milk, cheese, butter, sausages, meat, coconut oil and palm oil.

Monounsaturated fats. Olive, peanut butter, goose fat, nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, walnuts, pine), avocado, olives.

Polyunsaturated fats. Omega-3 and omega-6. Fatty fish (tuna, herring, flounder), soy, linseed, sunflower oil, eggs, grape seeds, nuts and nut butter.

Learn foe

As experience shows nutritionists, many people believe that fat is only what we do and pour", and simply forget about hidden fats. But meat, poultry, offal not only contain protein, and fats, and not at all in harmless quantities (e.g., meat, depending on the form may contain from 5 to 30% fat). Few people pay attention, how much fat dumplings, ice cream, sausage, sausages, and even dairy, and sweets...

In 100 g:

- sausage doctoral - 22 g fat

- smoked - 40 to 45 g fat

- ravioli - 11 g fat

- chocolates - 36 g fat

It's all saturated fats. In confectionery, chocolate products, manufacturers generously add palm oil, and it refers not to unsaturated fats, like other vegetable oils, and saturated.

According to statistics, it is the bust of saturated fats is often the cause of completeness. As a rule, Russian men are too much you get them from meat, and women with yoghurt, kefir, cheese, milk. Therefore, if vegetarianism is not your destiny, fat-free foods will effectively reduce the percentage of fat. Only have to choose the right diet products.

Traditionally, dietary product is boiled beef tongue. Although this is not quite correct. 100 grams language contains 16 g of protein and 12 grams of fat - almost half the daily allowance of saturated fat. But the diet meat - chicken breast - 23 g protein and 2 g of fat.

Science read

Not all low-fat products are equally useful. Seeing bright labels "low fat", "zero fat", "light", do not rush to put products in the basket. Read the composition: some manufacturers write honestly, what the fat content is reduced, however, a number of large letters forget to specify that to increase retention were added preservatives, starch, sugar and other fillers, which significantly increases the amount of carbohydrate and caloric content of the product. So, low-fat yogurt can of diet product to turn into a high-calorie carbohydrate bomb.

Sometimes consumers fall into the trap magic words "light" and "light". Now you can find on the shelf light products, made with the addition of yogurt. But there are other instances, which include TRANS or hydrogenated fats.

Get TRANS fats out of the ordinary vegetable oil by special processing - hydrogenation. Molecular structure of fats is distorted. Artificial structure perfectly fits into our body's cells and interferes with cellular metabolism: prevents the full power cells and contributes to the accumulation of toxins, the development of atherosclerosis.

How does hazardous component in the product, you can learn, studying the label: if it is written that contains hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats - it is better to leave the product on the shelf.

Why not hodeida?

The war on fat has long swept Europe and America. Use low-fat products, low-fat diets have become an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. However, the number of people suffering from excess weight, despite the refinement of food is steadily increasing. Yes and many of our fellow citizens might notice: shifting to products with low fat content not guarantee the disappearance of unsightly creases.

The thing is that our logic often makes the wrong conclusions. It is believed that if the product is easy and low in calories, you can eat two to three times more. And it turns out that reducing fat component of the diet, increases the amount of food stretches the stomach, and then to more new additions in the weight throw.

Comments on Lydia Ionova, dietitian, :

Full people too often rely on fat-free foods, forget about a balanced diet. It is the key to successful weight reduction. Substituting sour cream for low-fat yogurt, cheese "zero" cheese, many conclude that there is no fat, therefore, the weight should be reduced.

When you stop paying attention to calorie intake, excess of other macronutrients - proteins and carbohydrates. In such cases, to reduce weight will not succeed. Fat-free foods is not a panacea, but in a complex approach to treatment of overweight they play a significant role.

Simple tips on how to lower the fat content

- Cook porridge on the water or fat-free milk and do not place it butter

The butter in the cereal needs of children and pregnant

- Replace the sausage and sausages lean beef and poultry without skin

- When preparing sandwiches on bread, put a slice of lean pork, baked in the oven

- Replace cheese low-fat cheese or cottage cheese. Think about it: in 100 g of cheese with a 17-percent fat contains 17 grams of fat - almost daily norm!

- Often eat white meat poultry (breast) without skin


Sonin E.



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