Sunday, November 2, 2014

The joys of colonic cleansing

The joys of colonic cleansingTotal cleansing of the body through colon hydrotherapy is a trendy modern fad. How safe is this procedure? Whether or not the joys of colonic cleansing gets rid of disease? Find out the opinions of the experts!

Colon hydrotherapy is one of the new methods of cleansing the large intestine (the final part of the digestive tract). The length of the large intestine is about two meters and its diameter is about seven centimeters. He settled microflora involved in the digestion and synthesis of vitamins.

When the balance is disturbed

The majority of the inhabitants of civilized countries violated the natural process of self-purification of the intestines. This is due to sedentary lifestyle, stress, consumption of canned and refined foods, depleted tissue. The stool for a long time lingering in the gut, produce toxins that are absorbed through the circulatory system are spread throughout the body and poison it. The imbalance between the main functions of the intestine - absorption and secretion. Even at full power, extra vitamins and minerals the body is not getting all the nutrients, and thus disrupted the internal organs. So we are looking for methods by which to purify the body.

Get rid of toxins

To cleanse the body always used water and herbal teas. Using enemas were even treating some diseases. But, unlike a regular enema, which is washed only the rectum area, with the help of modern equipment washed the entire colon. Colon hydrotherapy quickly removes his walls of dead cells, mucus, toxins, pathogenic bacteria, parasites. Several procedures are excreted faeces, purified intestinal villi, the intestines can absorb the food. The result is stimulating intestinal peristalsis.

As it happens?

During the procedure, the entire contents of the intestine due to the introduction of large amounts of liquid and massage of the abdomen is disintegrated and removed. Then there is training the muscle fibers of the colon, as calm filling and emptying of the colon improves peristaltic activity, increases tone of muscle layer. Recovering shape of the intestine increases the number of bends. Before the procedure to relax the muscles of the abdomen usually spend massage. Then in the gut by a special probe is simultaneously supplied cleaning solution and is pumped out the contents. The solution for each patient individually.

Whether you use this procedure?

A course of colon hydrotherapy can go in almost any health center or beauty salon. You will promise weight loss, clear skin and health benefits. If now the total cleansing?


Andrew Bondarevsky, proctologist, K. M. N.

The joys of colonic cleansing improves immunity and relieves many diseases

The modern person often eats unbalanced and on the run, subject to many stresses. The body is weakened by poor environment, is unable to self-purify and recover. On the walls of the intestine gradually accumulate toxins, toxins are spread throughout the body, disrupting the functioning of internal organs and affecting the kidneys, liver, lungs, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Is it any wonder that we are overweight, insomnia and hemorrhoids? Many women are not happy with your skin, turn to the beauticians. But cosmetic procedure will not give the desired effect, as long as you don't empty your bowel deposits from undigested food. Moreover, in the gut is a lot of tissues responsible for our immune system. Freed from the slag, the patient will get rid of colds.

This relaxing procedure gives a wonderful rejuvenating effect, this reduces the weight and cholesterol level in blood. Due to leaching of pathogenic flora, which feeds on the contents of the intestine in patients normalizes appetite, sharper taste. Regardless of whether you are dieting or not, the course will have a positive impact on your appearance: swelling will disappear, various rashes, skin will become more elastic. Colon hydrotherapy in combination with traditional methods will help to solve problems with alcohol and other otravlenijem, diseases of the male and female genitalia. It is generally accepted that after colon hydrotherapy passes chronic fatigue.

The method helps to improve the potency, eliminates parasites, restores a sluggish bowel. Manages to defeat prostatitis, arthritis, skin diseases (allergic rashes, psoriasis, acne). No phenomenon autointoxication (headaches, unexplained weakness, decreased performance).


Larisa Boychenko, gastroenterologist

This fashionable procedure is unnatural and causes thinking people rejection

Colon hydrotherapy is a new procedure that has supporters. But our body is not a mechanism, which can clean and start anew. It is difficult to imagine the stress he is experiencing, and being exposed to "cleanse" 60 liters of water! Be aware that washed away not only pathogenic but also healthy lactic flora, adapted to each person individually. Because of this shock interference increases intestinal dysbiosis and disturbed digestion.

Indeed, before the procedure total cleaning doctor warns absolute contraindications is cardiac disease, hypertension, renal failure, severe hemorrhoids, colitis of various etiology, cancer and hernia, anemia, pregnancy. But there are also so-called state of pre-existing disease or significant weakening of the adaptive capabilities of the organism. You can't hold a colon hydrotherapy patients with functional disorders of the Central nervous system, vascular problems, gastrointestinal ailments, emotional overload. Agree that such a diagnosis in 90 % of the population!

You cannot count on a slimming effect. After the first meal dropped the weight will return. Because you have changed nothing in the body of the cardinal! To normalize the weight, it is necessary to adjust the intensity of metabolism in the body, i.e., to cause such balance sheet when the appetite and the amount of food eaten comply with the energy costs.

And again, the intestinal wall is still alive and sentient creation, like any other organ! But nobody comes to mind is to clean the brush nose or ears, to blow out the compressor light or rinsed in a bucket of water eyeballs, although these bodies during life and dirty, and cleaned. Why intestinal allowed to go so inconsiderate?

The magazine "Your health", No. 4, April 2006

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