Sunday, November 2, 2014

A delicate problem: everybody

A delicate problem: everybodyInflammatory disease is the most frequent diagnosis on admission to the children's gynecologist. And, first of all, we are talking about an inflammation of the vulva and vaginal walls (vulvovaginitis). It is annoying, but without treatment in the future may cause infertility.

Girlish features

In children inflammatory process often develops on the outer genitals.

Vulvovaginitis infectious origin

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mechanical (rubbed the panties)

- chemical (linen poorly rinsed her, and it left pieces of washing powder)

- heat (hypothermia, burns)

- the presence of foreign bodies in the vagina (for example, parasites pinworms).

They usually pass quickly, but the treatment may be delayed if you are susceptible to infections.

Vulvovaginitis infectious origin

in the structure of gynecological diseases in this age 60-70 %. Especially dangerous they are for girls under 10 years. The mucous membrane of the vagina they are thin and easily wounded. The fact that squamous epithelium that covers the body, consists of a small number of layers, cells were gogavale and contain almost no glycogen. Therefore, the vagina becomes alkaline (as opposed to sour in adults) and populated conditionally pathogenic microorganisms - mostly epidermal Staphylococcus. His presence is considered normal. But these microbes contribute to the development of nonspecific disease. Unlike specific, the perpetrators of which is different pathogenic agents (gonorrhea, chlamydia, Mycoplasma...) the transmission - household: total towels, bedding, linen. This may sound strange, but you can become infected even through a piece of soap, if before it was used by a carrier of the infection.

These symptoms mother should not miss:

- discharge from the genital tract;

- redness and itching of external genitalia;

the burning and pain during urination.

If you do not take measures

Acute vulvovaginitis can become chronic.

- Chronic vulvovaginitis causes synechia (fusion of the labia), polyps, warts, scar changes in the vagina.

With age have impaired fertility.

Security system

Protect the daughter from anything that weakens the immune system:

from frequent colds, laryngitis, childhood infections, diseases of the urinary tract, intestinal dysbiosis. In some cases, the disease causes the uncontrolled use of antibiotics.

Timely identify

allergic skin diseases, endocrine disorders (diabetes), metabolic disorders, worm infestation and spend adequate treatment. Often the disease is caused by pinworms are small worms, parasitic in the lower intestine.

Remember the rules of hygiene

To get ready in the direction from front to back and not more than two times a week to use ordinary soap. Better - and safer - to replace its low gel for intimate hygiene. Linen should be changed daily.

Go to the gynecologist

On the eve of a visit to the gynecologist is necessary cleansing enema: pediatric examination is usually performed through the rectum. Before you go into the office, ask your child to empty the bladder. It is useful to bring to the examination towel - disposable diapers are not all clinics and socks.

The doctor looks at the external genitals of the girl. If necessary, it performs vaginoscopy - examination of the vagina with the help of the device-vaginoscope. Then take the brush strokes on the pathogenic flora.

How to treat vulvovaginitis

Usually this is done comprehensively:

- Symptomatic treatment: sit-bath, washing the vagina with an antiseptic solution (e.g., 0, 05 % solution Lexicon®).

- Etiotropic treatment: antibiotics, vaginal sticks, candles, ointments.

- Treatment of opportunistic diseases.

- Restorative therapy (multivitamin, immune modulators, and so on).

In 2008 finally, a special medication for the treatment of vulvovaginitis in girls - baby vaginal spark Lexicon® Doctor Before this drug to children gynecologists was problematic to handle vagina of the child. This was due to the anatomical features of young patients is the presence of a hymen. Had to use douching, which wash out the normal flora.

The makers of this drug has taken into account this feature and developed a drug specifically for young patients. Vaginal suppositories are of small size, which allows to use them in girls from birth without touching the hymen. Candle uniformly handles the vaginal wall, through which comes a rapid recovery. If your doctor has prescribed to the vaginal suppository child should be taught the correct procedure of administration of the drug. The manipulation is so simple that it can hold the girl's mother at home.

- After remitting candidiasis normal flora of the vagina should be restored with eubiotics (Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin).


Kovalev D., MD


The health of the schoolchild

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