Sunday, November 2, 2014

If sex hurts

If sex hurtsAlmost half of women experience pain during or after sex, continuously or from time to time. If you are one of them, don't suffer in silence. Many women are embarrassed to admit it, prolonging their agony.

Meanwhile, experts say that there are many tools that will help you and make sex painless.

Use our guide to find the cause of the pain, and ways to get rid of it.

Nine reasons for painful sex

Issue # 1

What's happening

: You feel a sudden sharp pain in one side, when your partner penetrates you. You may also feel a dull pain during menstruation.

Possible causea cyst of the ovary. It affects almost 80% of women in the period preceding the onset of menopause.

Solution. Most cysts are harmless and disappear by themselves within two or three menstrual cycles. Your doctor will do an ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis, and will ask you to come to be checked again, if after two or three months, the sex is still painful. Meanwhile, you can take 400 mg of ibuprofen an hour before close location to ease the discomfort. Preferred position when you are on top you can control the depth of penetration.

Issue # 2

What's happening

: Your genitals itchy and sensitive to touch. After intercourse, the vagina is red and as if blazing.

Possible cause: fungal infection. In a quarter of cases with the described symptoms, it serves as a "trigger" for pain during sex. Don't expect a typical "cottage cheese" discharge. Doctors say that it is a myth - selection is not always accompanied by a fungal infection. Sometimes pain is the only signal. Culprits itching can be and hygiene sprays, scented pads, perfumed Soaps or bath oils - they can all irritate the delicate mucosa of the vagina.

Solution. Visit the doctor who will refer you for tests to confirm the presence or absence of fungal infection. And if the infection is still there, he will prescribe you medication. If you have sensitive skin, buy non-flavored strip, hypoallergenic soap, wash underwear gentle means, for example, those used for washing children's things. Meanwhile, use an ointment containing hydrocortisone (what - you will be advised by the doctor): it will reduce itching.

Issue # 3

What's happening: You are experiencing pain in the perineum during penetration and during sexual intercourse.

Possible cause: scar tissue formed due to rupture or dissection of the perineum during childbirth. Almost all women who have had such an intervention, experience pain during sex about three months.

Solution. Massage the painful area once a day for several minutes with the use of lubricant is water-based (substances that reduce the friction). This will reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings and make the skin more pliable to facilitate penetration. If the area is very sensitive, ask your doctor to prescribe you an ointment containing lidocaine. If after a few months the pain will not disappear, you will have to do a little surgery to remove scar tissue.

Issue # 4

What's happeningDuring sex you have the feeling that his penis on something hits. You may also be painful menstruation, back pain and the need for frequent urination.

Possible cause fibrous tumor of the uterus. This benign tissue that grows on the wall of the uterus. Its size varies from that of a pea to a grapefruit. Women with tumors three times more likely to experience pain during sex than healthy. When the fibroids are up to 40% of women aged 30-40 years. Doctors are not completely clear what exactly causes its appearance, but may cause the malfunction of female sex hormones - estrogens.


. Consult your doctor, who will prescribe an ultrasound. When the size and localization of the tumor will be determined, the doctor will select the appropriate treatment. Surgery is the most effective way of getting rid of fibroids. But there are also more gentle methods. They seek to block the blood flow to the tumor. Left without power, she dies.

Issue # 5

What's happening: Your partner's penis doesn't slip inside your vagina. He has to push it, and it hurts. Vagina gets irritated.

Possible cause: vaginal dryness. Faced with this problem about a quarter of the women, almost constantly or periodically. The most common causes of this condition is the administration of antidepressants, low libido, which does not allow to get excited enough natural lubrication stood out in excess, breastfeeding and menopause, when estrogen levels are reduced and, accordingly, lubricant is allocated is not enough.

Solution. Use the lubricant is water-based.

Issue # 6

What's happening: Your genitals burn, and you feel a sharp pain during sex foreplay and during intercourse. Likewise, you hurt to put a tampon to ride a bike, just to sit long.

Possible cause: vulvovaginitis. It is a disease that can affect or all of the external genitals, or a small area at the entrance of the vagina. The cause of pain in this case lies in the irritation of the nerves of the vulva. Although experts do not know exactly why this happens, but believe that initiate the onset of symptoms can: vaginal rash, frequent yeast infections, antibiotics.


. The treatment is usually long, mainly because it can be difficult to diagnose and identify the cause of the disease. More than half suffering from vulvodynia women visited three doctors, and for many, they failed to help. Unfortunately, many doctors believe the symptoms of vulvodynia in the "head".

So the first thing is find a doctor who will treat your problem as a disease requiring treatment, but not as a "whim". The majority of women are assisted by a comprehensive treatment, combining antidepressants, analgesics and physiotherapy.

Issue # 7

What's happening: Excited you feel hot throbbing pain in one of the outer labia. You can even feel a bulge the size of a large bean.

Possible cause: congestion in the gland, the existence of which you never knew. Bartolini glands are two pea, located in each of the lip. They produce lubricant increases arousal. The ducts of these glands can become clogged or to be infected.

Solution. Contact your doctor. He outpatient'll do a small operation: make tiny gland incision, securing it in such a way to form a small hole. Naturally, the operation is done with anesthesia. The hole will provide continuous drainage of the prostate. The incision will heal in two to three weeks, to have sex at this time is impossible.

Issue # 8

What's happening: During deep penetration and after sex you feel a sharp pain radiating around the pelvis. Sometimes this pain is similar to premenstrual hurts you constantly.

Possible cause: endometriosis. It affects about 15% of women of childbearing age. In this disease, the tissue lining the uterus, "grows" in other pelvic organs, causing pain.

Solution. Endometriosis can cause infertility, it can also precede the development of malignant neoplasms. Therefore, women who are experiencing feelings similar to those described above, should immediately consult the doctor who will determine how serious the disease, and to find adequate treatment.

Issue # 9

What's happeningpain : pain is distributed between the hips while in the vicinity and accompanied by the constant need to urinate. Urination is accompanied by acute pain.

Possible cause: infection of the urethra. This problem is known up to 80% of women, more than half of them experience pain during sex.

Solution. Visit the doctor who will offer to test urine for the presence of infection, and if the diagnosis is confirmed, will prescribe antibiotics. If you suffer from chronic infections, ask the antibiotics prescribed and your partner. Studies show that treatment of both partners increases the probability of escaping infection of the urethra.

According to the magazine "Home"

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