Monday, November 24, 2014

Seven myths about cholesterol

Seven myths about cholesterolIn recent years, many people believe that cholesterol is definitely a harmful substance, almost poison, with which you should fight only eat fat food, to take special medications that lower level, and so on, But actually the most popular views on the role of this substance in our health or exaggerated, or fundamentally untrue. We were asked to debunk "the cholesterol myths" of dietitian of the medical centre "Viria" Svetlana FUS.

Myth 1. The harmful cholesterol

On the contrary, it is very useful. Of cholesterol in our body generates hormones, it forms the basis of bile, included in the structure of cell membranes, nerve tissue, is involved in the formation of vitamin D. Harmful as it is only when it is in the blood in excess it leads to problems with blood vessels.

Myth 2. Comes only with food

This is not the case. The basic amount is about 60-80% of the cholesterol in our body synthesizes itself, and only about 20-40% of it comes from food. Moreover, if we limit the cholesterol special diet, its formation in the liver is increased, and Vice versa. Therefore preventive cholesterol-free diets questionable. They are relevant only for those who have cholesterol levels actually increased. All others to overdo it cannot. Keep in mind, most rich in cholesterol foods - pork and dairy products, especially cheese.

Myth 3. The primary cause of the disease

By itself, high cholesterol may not be the direct cause of any illness. It is only a marker of metabolic disorders. For example, a very common idea that cholesterol is a major cause of atherosclerosis. In fact, atherosclerosis other reasons. This obesity, frequent stress, bad heredity, liver disease, inactivity and Smoking.

Myth 4. Fat helps

If you have it in moderation - up to 20 grams a day and rarely, it can actually reduce cholesterol. But more than for him to lean, the greater will be the opposite effect - cholesterol will increase.

Myth 5. Cholesterol is the most important fat index

In addition to cholesterol, there is still fat index, which many doctors believe is more important! This is triglycerides. If high cholesterol is only a weak sign disorders of metabolism, elevated triglycerides - bell ringing. But like cholesterol, they will just indicate that in the body there is some violation of the metabolic syndrome, disorders of the thyroid, etc.

Myth 6. People with high cholesterol live on less

Indeed, there are studies confirming this. But scientists ignore other studies that say the opposite! For example, in 1994, Dr. Harlan Krumholz from the Department of cardiovascular medicine at Yale University, has published data showing that people with high cholesterol have died 2 times less often than those who had low level.

Myth 7. To normalize cholesterol can only drugs

This is not the case. Natural products, such as egg yolk, nuts, unrefined vegetable oils, contain, along with cholesterol, a substance that normalizes fat metabolism and cholesterol metabolism in the body - phosphatides.

Get tested. Check the fat level using biochemical blood analysis. It is made in most clinics and laboratories. Safe level of triglycerides is less than 2, 0 mmol/l (180 mg%). Cholesterol check by three indicators General and its norm is less than 5, 2 mmol/l (200 mg%), cholesterol of high density, it should not exceed 1, 0 mmol/l (39 mg%) and low density (it is just the most "risky" cholesterol). Its rate of up to 3, 5 mmol/l (130 mg%).



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