Monday, November 24, 2014

Cryotherapy: rejuvenating ice

Cryotherapy: rejuvenating iceWashing with cold water, rubbing the face with a piece of ice - these procedures are well-known women from time immemorial. Because they help to preserve your youth and health of the skin! "I want to look beautiful - never anywise hot water", - it is with this Council began the first acquaintance of a young girl with the art of caring for your skin.

Even then, the women knew that the ice is an excellent cosmetic remedy for coping with many cosmetic problems.

Women's Magazine will talk about how using ice massage to renew and maintain beauty.

Ice massage

Take a small soft towel, dip in hot water, wring out and straightened, quickly put on the face, covering the forehead, cheeks, neck. Keep the compress until the towel cools. Then massage your face with ice soft circular motions, but remember, at one place the ice does not keep, not to overcooled water skin. Do it gently so that the ice cube slid. At the same time, hold your free hand skin along the lines that it did not move.

After an ice massage to repeat the compress, after which you should rinse the face with cool water, Pat dry and apply a nourishing cream.

For this massage, you should make ice decoctions and infusions of herbs, fruits, vegetables. Note that water for cosmetic ice must be clean and of high quality drinking or mineral.

For this natural homemade cosmetics you will need: a bit of vegetable raw materials, water, mold, ice maker and freezer. So, what it is possible to prepare cosmetic ice?

Healing cubes


Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water 1 teaspoon of leaves and flowers of sage. Tightly close the lid and leave for 40 minutes. Strain, and freeze. Due to the content of essential oils, tannins and vitamins ice from the infusion of sage improves metabolism and blood circulation, nourishes the skin. Especially useful for oily skin, excessive sweating.


Pour a glass of boiling water 1 Cup mint leaves, insist in a sealed container 40 minutes. Strain, and freeze. Mint ice well tones up the skin, eliminates fine pimples, constricts dilated blood vessels, removes wrinkles.


Polurazrushevshayasya buds and young leaves of dandelion (500 g) pass through the juicer. Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Mix, freeze.

Ice from the flowers and leaves of the dandelion effectively reduces wrinkles, especially aging skin.

St. John's wort

Take 2 tablespoons of flowers and herbs St. John's wort, pour boiling water. Insist night in a tightly closed glass container. Freeze. Ice from the extract of Hypericum well enlarged pores, eliminate acne.


Peel of one orange and one Mandarin rinse, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist in a closed glass container in the day. Strain and freeze.

The ice reduces fatigue of the skin, restores its freshness, elasticity and its nourishing properties. For the same purpose you can use the juice (1 part), orange, Mandarin and grapefruit, diluting its mineral water (2 parts).


Women's Magazine

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