Alcoholics? real and fake
What is alcoholism, alcohol addiction is a disease, a psychological problem or a bad habit?
At the very least it really is a disease, which is based on modified methods of biochemical processing of alcohol. Causes of alcoholism is still not fully understood. Each person will probably have friends who spend their lives drinking and do not acquire alcohol dependence, and Vice versa - people who have been alcoholics for a year or two, literally before their eyes. And when medicine can't explain something, that explains genetic predisposition. Until scientifically proven is the fact that the children of people suffering from alcohol dependence, drink too much significantly more often: genetic predisposition manifests itself in unlimited adaptation to alcohol (patients true alcoholism), or, conversely, lack of portability.
There is also "false" alcoholism?
It happens. There are two groups of "fake" alcoholics. Everyday drinkers - people who for social reasons alcohol is practically the only form of leisure time. This in a sense can be called a bad habit. And there are people suffering from "symptomatic" of alcoholism. The most frequent variant is suffering from depression (often hidden, disguised) who did not find the best way to deal with underlying this disease bad mood, anxiety, gloomy views about the future, about his maliennes.
How to solve the unsolvable?
What are the treatments for alcoholism are the most common, are considered the most effective?
Method or medication, which can restore normal type biochemical response of the body to alcohol, does not yet exist. I think that his invention will be comparable with the cure for cancer or AIDS. Therefore, all modern methods of treatment of alcoholism in different ways try to circumvent this unsolvable problem. For example, the well-known detoxification is designed to excretion of toxic degradation products of alcohol.
Unfortunately, even after treatment, many people start drinking again. While alcohol dependence is increasing. And then they again run to the addiction... Why do people fall through, as it happens, is there a way out of this vicious circle?
This is due to the fact that people with alcohol dependence, are mistaken in thinking that alcoholism is a common disease which can be completely cured. This illusion is that you are healthy and can drink like a normal person, is accompanied by absolutely all alcoholics. Practically all breakdowns - attempts to test this hypothesis.
Most people suffering from chronic alcoholism, can't accept the idea that they already do not like it, and "doomed" to sobriety until the end of life. On the other hand, there are people who understand and accept the future life without alcohol. But because alcohol has become for them an integral part of all areas of personal functioning, without it their life becomes, without any exaggeration, in hell.
Let's take a short tour of this hell. Here are four basic areas of life - intimate relationships, interaction with family, work, and socializing with friends and acquaintances.
Circle one: intimate relationships
Chronic alcoholism, both male and female, is often associated with problems of sexual behavior; from the moment of acquaintance - alcohol makes the first contact prior to sexual intercourse. So without alcohol support person is unable to meet or go to an intimate phase of communication. It often happens that a man in a few months and even longer abstains from alcohol, somehow maintains a sexual relationship with his wife, and then breaks down - in fact, in order to compensate for a deficiency of sexual intercourse. If you do not learn how to build an intimate relationship without alcohol, then failure is inevitable.
The second circle: family
There is even such a term - "the wife of the alcoholic". This is the type of women who can only live with alcoholics, exploiting their constant feeling of guilt. In such pathological families, whose whole life has been permeated manipulative relationships, the man who quit drinking and becoming an independent person, ready to take responsibility for their actions and have their rights, their claims to family members is a real threat of destruction of all this clumsy design. In my practice there was a case when the wife ran away from her husband the next day after he quit drinking. And after some time, next that her boyfriend became my client..Just as she had four husbands, and all alcoholics...
For parents, the alcoholic is also a very convenient object for ongoing care, a kind of "eternal child", giving a sense of their own usefulness. Paradoxically, the members of the family, so ardently advocated the cure of a loved one, after he really quits drinking, find themselves unable to cope with the changed situation. As a result, they all forces, all the power of their affection unconsciously push people to the adoption of alcohol.
Circle three: work
If a person interesting, stressful, demanding job associated with making difficult decisions, it is inevitably linked with anxiety for the consequences of those decisions. Man drinker learns to relieve persistent anxiety with alcohol. Having lost this way, he finds himself unable to make responsible decisions, in fact, is professionally unfit for his office, profession.
Alcoholic-slave, such a convenient and flexible, not requiring higher salary and better working conditions without interfering with others to climb the ladder - bereavement for the head. Why are so many people who took the responsible decision to quit drinking, after some time, are forced to leave their former places of work. The loss of professional identity, work is also a fee waiver from alcohol.
The fourth circle: friends
When a person quits drinking, he inevitably becomes the outcast of the company, his friends do not accept or intentionally engage in alcohol fellowship. After all, the man who does not drink, is a serious threat to their self-esteem, a reminder of their own unresolved issues. In addition, most people have alcohol until some time relieves the system of obligation, gives to erupt spontaneity, creativity, making them the soul of the company. Revocation of this Tote creative activity changes all human behavior, making it, at least for a time, less interesting for others.
It turns out that the alcoholic, by and large, best of all, it is "easy to use". Some drink with him, the second use, others are cared for, others they are the boss. And in order to live a full life without alcohol, you must do one very important and very difficult step is to change the entire way of life.
The fifth circle: alone
But the most terrible conflicts happen not even in communication with the outside world, and in communion with him.
Alcohol gives the illusion that problem solving can be delayed for a very long time helps not to notice the degradation of the self. When man realizes his problem and looks sober look at what he did with himself, with his own life - this picture it is terrifying. At this stage, some back in the alcohol - not to see this terrible picture.
Man cannot live without sense life. To this meaning arose, man - every man must overcome the fear of death, finitude of its existence, must pass a very important point - the point of meaninglessness, existential crisis - and to take responsibility for choosing any particular directions for the future life. A normal person does: he first thinks to marry, then marry; wants to get an education, then frightened, chooses after school, and then enters the Institute. People drinking refuses status current crisis, from liability for these elections. The crises that he himself was constantly away, returned to him with tenfold force. What is alcoholics man way to avoid this? Drink blissfully. Or to drink constantly, but a little. If I'm drunk, then I have only one wish - to go to bed if I'm a little drunk, you can restrict viewing of plans for the week. One has only to sober up, as the range of viewing life prospects increases, and the man leans existential horror unsolved problems.
No protivoallergennoy treatment to solve these problems.
So, if someone mechanically becomes sober, his life turns into a nightmare because:
He is absolutely alone;
- Not capable of human and intimacy;
- Professionally unfit.
In this situation, how could one live? You better ask - what is the solution? If this great man, capable of feats is it with all this do it himself, realizing that these problems are not eternal and sooner or later can be overcome. If this is a normal, ordinary man, he needs help. There are at least three ways. Or the formation of religiosity, that is, an appeal to the charitable opportunities of the Church. Or joining a community such as he is (a striking example is the Society of alcoholics anonymous). Or appeal to a professional psychotherapist, creating conditions for self-overcoming all these problems.
Nazyrov Century
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