The lack of movement, lack of exercise is a common problem for all office workers, regardless of their specialty. Busy schedule leaves little time for much needed rest. Meanwhile, the extra energy boost you can give your muscles without getting up from your Desk, for example, at the time, as you type a document or talking on the phone. Of course, this will not prevent willpower and discipline in the exercise - only then the muscles will get the desired tone and glance in the mirror will not cause negative emotions.
Exercises for legs: sitting on a chair, legs apart at a distance of approximately 20 cm, First pull the foot up, the heel remains on the floor. Voltage stop alternates with relaxation. You should start with 20 times, then you should increase the load.
Then do the same thing for heels. Pull the heel up, the toes remain in place. The voltage alternates with relaxation. You also need to start with 20 times, then you should increase the load.
You need to sit on the edge of a chair, feet slightly apart. Pulling one
leg and hold it for 15-30 seconds. Then to relax. Then the same
the repeat for the other leg (for each 20 times).
For belly: sit up straight and squeeze your abdominal muscles for 15-30 seconds. Then relax.
Long biceps: spread your arms parallel to the floor, then do 20 circular movements clockwise and 20 counterclockwise. The fists should be compressed.
For the inner thigh: sit straight, feet apart at shoulder width, toes up, heels on the floor. You should minimize the knees so that the inner thighs completely touched.
To the outside of the thigh: exercise similar to the previous one with the difference that the toes are slightly spaced apart, and knees when the lifts are pulled in different directions.
For breast: you need to sit up straight, abdominal muscles in tension. The original position of the arms need to be bent at the elbows and spread to the sides parallel to the floor, then voltage to connect the front of the chest and with the same voltage to return to its original position.
For shoulders: to place your hands, fingers voltage stretched out, palm to the floor. Then pull up with your hands and return to original position.
Each exercise should be repeated 15-20 times, ideally 4 times a day. This is quite convenient, for example, the first time You do exercise in the morning after waking up, then twice at work, and for the last time in the evening before going to sleep. The implementation of this complex takes 10-15 minutes, the main requirement is muscle tension at runtime.
It is best to exercise before dinner (half an hour) or, on the contrary, after (half an hour). But for objective reasons, it is often impossible. Then the problem is solved by performing separate exercises for the working day.
Exercise over time can be varied with more objectives: to learn specific breathing technique that promotes better circulation, and as a consequence best to supply tissues with nutrients and oxygen. First of all we are talking, of course, about improving on this background, the overall tone and increase Your performance. Perhaps after a certain time after systematic exercise program state at the end of the day will not be so tired, and kind of "squeezed lemon" will be history. And then, as you know, all large undertakings grow from small sprouts.
In addition, experts say that it is better if the notorious office lunch will consist of vegetables, chicken or vegetable soup. Sweet, by the way, is also recommended, but in modest quantities. Known fact is worse than "sandwich snack during the working day cannot be. Once You have decided to take care of your health through fitness in the office, correct and eating habits.
There is another problem, it is extremely disturbing to make this "industrial gymnastics" is a psychological barrier. Every person consists of different components: laziness, confusion, fear of the new. On the other hand, in the absence of time to full fitness classes and optionally, at least a little to maintain its physical shape, the cost to break their beliefs and habits. I hope You will not argue with the facts such as improved immunity against the background of regular exercise, improved circulation and breathing, beautiful appearance and good mood.
O. Zorina
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