Of course, you can justify your irrational feeding behavior by saying, "if the body wants - so he needs". But it will not help to solve the problem of lack of vitamins and minerals. To get rid of "food addiction", review your daily diet and make it the most diverse and useful. After all, deficiency of certain substances in the body, and hence increased craving for a particular food, are the result of unbalanced nutrition.
Passion salty and spicy
If you are drawn to a particular product define what you in it attracts. For example, when you feel an irresistible desire to eat a piece of salami or ready to give your life for a bag of salted pistachios, this is not always says that your body desperately needs it in the sausage or nuts. Most likely, it lacks salt.
Variant. Moderately salt foods and don't use salt-free diets. According to recent studies, 1 gram of salt, if after lunch to slowly dissolve it in your mouth, promotes good digestion and assimilation of food. Of course, this advice can benefit only those who have no indication for salt restriction.
Passion chocolate-sweet
Most other "shokoladnaya" suffering fans of caffeine and those whose brain requires glucose. This applies to other sweets. If you are unbalanced eat, your body will also feel a need for glucose as the fastest source of energy. Namely chocolate copes with this task. But bear in mind that this product contains a lot of fat, the excess is dangerous for your blood vessels and figures.
Variant. Eat more vegetables and cereals - they are rich in complex carbohydrates. And as dessert choose dried fruit or honey with a small amount of nuts.
Passion cheese
Spicy, salty, spicy and no... You can't live without him any day, its taste is driving you crazy - you're ready to absorb its weight (in any case, eat at least 100 grams per day). Nutritionists claim that cheese adore those who are experiencing an acute need for calcium and phosphorus. Of course, cheese is the most extensive source of these much-needed and extremely useful to the organism, but fats...
Variant. Try to replace the cheese with broccoli - it has a lot of calcium and phosphorus, and almost no calories. If your body perceives well the milk - drink 1-2 glasses a day and eat cheese a little (not more than 50 g per day) and with raw vegetables.
Passion sour-lemon
Perhaps your diet is dominated by trudnosmyvaemye products, and the body to facilitate its work trying to raise the acidity of gastric juice. When cold you can pull on sour fruits and berries are a great source of vitamin C.
Option. Choose meals with moderate fat content and don't mix a lot of foods in one sitting. Avoid fried, salty and too spicy food, as well as the one that took place excessive heat treatment. Noticing problems with digestion (especially liver and gall bladder), be sure ablewise the gastroenterologist.
Passion smoked
Passion for smoked and similar delicacies usually overcomes those who are sitting on too strict diet. Long-term restriction in the diet of fat-containing products leads to lower levels of "good" cholesterol in the blood, and smoked plenty of saturated fats.
Variant. Don't use fat-free food - choose the one which still have a little fat. For example, buy yogurt, kefir or fermented baked one or two percent fat. Eat not less than a tablespoon of vegetable and a teaspoon of butter a day, even if you're on a strict diet. Scientists empirically proved that quickly lose weight, those who drink enough fats.
Food passion and disease
- Onions, garlic, spices and seasonings. Acute need for these products and spices, usually indicates problems with the respiratory system.
- Olives. This addiction is possible with the disorder of the thyroid gland.
- Ice cream. Special love to him experienced by people with disorders of carbohydrate metabolism suffering from hypoglycemia or diabetes mellitus.
- Bananas. If you lose your head away from the smell of ripe bananas, pay attention to the condition of my heart.
Sunflower seeds. The desire to chew the seeds most likely to occur in those who desperately needs vitamins-antioxidants. This means that in your body a lot of free radicals - the main instigators of premature aging.
Consultant Svetlana FSD, nutritionist
According to the magazine "Your health", No. 2, February 2006
Bakumenko C.,
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