Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Stress management

Stress managementStress is protective reaction of an organism to environmental effects. Excessive stress can destroy the body. One stress can be superimposed on another, so frequent stress especially dangerous.

First, under the influence of stress can cause disease called neurosis. Neurosis serves as a beginning for a whole range of other diseases, chief among them:

- hypertension,

- atherosclerosis,

- coronary heart disease,

- heart attack


- ulcer of stomach and duodenum.

Among the causes of stress include:

- the impossibility of self-realization,

- loss of expensive people,

- moral and physical loneliness,

- very high standards for themselves and others,

- too fast pace of life,

- everyday failures, etc.

To cope with stress can influence on the psyche (soul) and physiology (the body).

First - about the impact on the body

Locomotor activity

Exercise helps your heart and lungs to cope better with their work. Nutrients and oxygen are easier to penetrate in different parts of the body. Waste products easier appear. System enzymes better balanced, therefore the muscles can be relaxed more fully. The body is restored during sleep. Stamina increases. Word the entire body is significantly enhanced. In addition, under the influence of physical activity a significant part of the emotions just "burns".

Release emotions

If You feel that You have accumulated inside sharp enough voltage, you can throw it together with tears. If there are people with whom you can share your experiences, it's good to talk to them. Finally, psychologists sometimes recommend to vent their emotions on paper. You just need to write all that concerns You, then this paper to throw away. They say that when a man expresses his feelings, he is still a little vzvinchivaniya, but after a while you get the rest.

Stands apart

the loss of loved ones. The death of a relative, a loved one, a pet, a shattering of dreams - all this can lead to very serious experiences. Experiencing grief, people usually takes a number of stages - stages that help him to say goodbye to the past and re-dedicate yourself to this. The steps do not always go one by one, but in one way or another people of their senses. This process is also natural and predictable as the formation of the crust on the wound and the subsequent feeling of itching, talking about healing.

Shock the natural emotional anesthesia. When the pain is too great, Your mind temporarily "turned off". People can feel this numbness that will behave as if nothing happened.

Explosion of emotions. Here emotions can burst into convulsive sobbing, in a quiet tears or deep sighs, when consciousness comes the news of a severe loss.

The anger. At some point You may feel anger. The anger at the injustice of Your loss. Even anger at someone or something lost.


. Don't be surprised if physical discomfort will follow the experiences of loss. Your body may respond to temporary insanity.

The fright. When You will experience grief You may not always be able to feel old. In this case, people may panic and even to think that he had lost his mind. Fortunately, the voltage that caused the fear fades.

The guilt.

During the experience You can blame yourself for that loss happened because of You. The feeling of guilt sometimes seems more tolerable than the absence of the perpetrator or any explanation.

Depression and loneliness. You may notice that avoid those who don't understand. The sense of alienation, heartache and discouragement can develop into depression.

The difficulties of the restoration period. You can resist their liberation from attachment to the past. The memory of the past may delay Your return to normal life.


In spite of all the troubles hope, somehow, always appears again and starts to grow.


You restore your life using new powers gained in the process of experiencing grief. The past recedes before present.

The resistance of the natural course of the development of feelings of sorrow fraught with negative consequences. If You try to ignore the entire recovery cycle, refusing to acknowledge their suffering, it will only aggravate your condition. When You are trying to hide feelings and to dull the pain, You only delay the healing process. The wound may be infected and remind yourself with greater force, perhaps even in a few years.

Any of the stages of the experience of grief can knock You out of the saddle": constant panic, frequent illness, not a passing depression. Sometimes people don't even know the source of this is not permitted in a natural way the mountain.

How to survive a heavy loss?

By all means go ahead and do not restrain their emotions and suffering! Suffering is not a problem - this solution! People who undergo a surgical intervention, usually expect the pain and accept as fact that their physical strength will be restored immediately. People rarely do the same with regard to severe emotional loss. They often do not let yourself time to recover, complicate your stress so that they become impatient. Allow yourself to feel the pain that follows the loss. You need time to recover.

To end suffering, You must implement yourself in something new. Look for people and situations where You could invest your love and energy. Experts recommend to join a group of other people who are also experiencing grief. In case of loss of a man, without which, as it seems, life has no meaning, don't take any irreversible decisions. The stress to make the right decision, it is impossible for objective reasons. Over time, You may decide that you need to live in memory of a loved one. It would be nicer if You lived and tried to be happy. You can also dedicate his life to the cause, which was busy, You dear man. In the quiescent state the meaning of life may appear very suddenly!


You need to eat more fruits and vegetables, high-quality grains and less animal products. The coffee is better to replace it with tea. Tea, if necessary, well-toned, coffee may be too much to bring. To a moderate dose of alcohol can be used only if You are sure that You will not face alcoholism.

Because negative emotions weaken the body, it is perfectly logical to assume that positive emotions strengthen his. The way it is. (Installed, for example, that 1 holiday strengthens the immune system for 2 days.) Therefore, more laugh, and in General, more enjoy your life.

Sexual intercourse also has a beneficial effect on the body. This is true even kiss lasting a few minutes.

Water treatments

You on your own experience, you need to determine what will be useful for You. You can use hot or warm tub and shower, from early morning, and it is possible for the night. You can try tempering procedures. All useful douche; 1 minute - warm water, 15 seconds cold and so from 5 to 10 repetitions.


The body recovers the more, the more he relaxed. Best of all he relaxes during sleep, which means you need a good night's sleep.

However, for gaining complete mental satisfaction, the above tips may not be enough. So will talk about several ways in which you can significantly affect your mental state.

How to deal with stress?

1. Whatever stressful situation has not occurredwill suppress all negative emotions. Then calmly discuss the situation. Accept the worst that can happen, and then start to improve this situation.

You must accept what you cannot change. Whatever happens - stay calm. Think: is it possible to fix its position? We can understand it only in a calm state. If not, just yet, this cannot be changed, then tell yourself is destiny, and may still be so, it could be worse. If the situation can be corrected, how much more do not be nervous, and think and act!

Today, if You failed, then maybe it's for the best. Maybe now You have a new look at your situation and your goals, and You will discover some new and more exciting opportunities! Believers say about this: God never closes one door without opening the next one.

2. Learn to live for today!

Stop worrying if necessary in the future to solve some problem. If time permits, one should just forget about it, and it gives an amazing effect. In almost all cases without exception, after some time, the decision itself comes to mind. But sometimes, life is rotated so as to solve the problem is not necessary - you can go the other way!

Worry about the future is simply absurd. Nobody knows what will happen in the future. It is possible that You already poisoned his life over some distant events, but by the time everything is a thousand times to change. Live for today!

Some human natures tend to think that at this time they only prepare for the future life, when something will happen something interesting and that will begin this life. Never build rosy future plans. It is doubtful that the coming days will be better than today. Learn to enjoy each day. Do what You enjoy. Unfortunately, we do not always remember that the meaning of life is life itself, every day, every hour. Forget about what happened in the past, stop worrying about the future and try to get maximum pleasure from every single day. Of course, all this does not mean that we should abandon the reasonable planning. But it should be reasonably quiet planning, and not worry or pink dreams.

3. Remember: it could be worse! How could You not feel bad, You should remember that there are people who are much worse. Remember how many people with congenital deformities. Remember those childhood bedridden, has no hearing and vision. Many people, without thinking, would give his whole life for the opportunity to live at least one mediocre day that You live. Think carefully about whether You are eligible to take offense at his fate, it could be much worse! Psychologists sometimes recommend that if You are bad, then find someone who is worse and help him.

4. Do not fret when dealing with others! If You do not like something people just tear a relationship with him and forget him! If You want to communicate with someone, but it has some variations in the nature, do not try to change it. Take man as he is, or part with them!

If You criticize, then first of all throw away the emotions. Think of it is written from the point of view of logic. If the criticism is fair, tell criticizing thank you, because now You can correct a defect and become better. If the criticism is unfair - just ignore her remark!

5. Evaluate yourself!

Some people worry about what others may think of them and so much poison your life. Try to get rid of it.

6. Learn to interact with people! We all need emotional saturation. When people are not in contact with other people they may feel fatigue, depression, anxiety. Contact can reduce stress because it increases energy. The art of contacts is not always innate art. It can be learned.

7. Learn to say "no"! Many people do not know how to say "no". They are afraid that they will think badly. A clear unwillingness to perform repeated requests, and at the same time, the inability to say "no" can lead to stress. Think about it, because there are people that almost never asked, but not less than love and respect. You ask because You always agree. If You calmly but firmly say that busy today, no one would think to question. Speak as if You really need well, for example, to the doctor. And it is not necessary several times to apologize.

8. Think positive! We all, however unconsciously, constantly talking to ourselves. We define ourselves, what should I do, tell them how we feel. If You inform yourself just about the bad, you will end up in a stressful condition. You know it's bad news: "nobody loves Me, nobody needs me, I see through, I always fail". Try to tell yourself something positive. "I get much I learn from your mistakes, I will act and do better." Positive attitude towards yourself and life itself is an effective remedy for stress!

9. Reevaluate your values, if you want! If You are worried that he can to achieve something before you waste your nerves, ask yourself, to what values You want. Otherwise, it may be that You are wasting nervous energy in vain. It happens that after reaching some goal that the person does not feel real satisfaction, and can come complete emptiness, from which it is difficult to get rid of.

You need to analyze, evaluate, confirm, reject, to rethink the values, self-image, which constitute the very essence of Your life. Incorrect beliefs, very high standards for themselves and others, no real goals can be a source of constant stress. For example, if You are convinced that failure is a disaster, You can build your small trouble to the level of great crisis. If You believe that life should always be happy, you'll probably face strong disappointment at first. Do not expect too much from life, and then there will be less frustrating and more enjoyable moments! Often people just don't know what's bothering them. Therefore, it is important to formulate the problem and write it on the paper. Remember that a well-defined problem is half solved the problem! Plan a possible solution can also be recorded on paper.

10. The skills of self-organization.

Learn how to plan your life. Otherwise, You will feel that life leaves under Your control, or even be stupid to go with the flow.

Answer the following questions:

- What do You want from your life?

- How do You want to be in five years?

- What is Your goal for the next six months?

- What goals You reach the next week?

Analyze what You spend your precious time?! You will learn how to spend it more effectively! Ask yourself questions: what went today? Which took a vacation? If You don't spend a lot of time in vain? Always move away from the TV, if there's nothing really interesting? Time is the most important resource, because it goes forever! Constantly look for opportunities to reduce the waste of time on minor things!

Today, begin to make rational changes to your daily routine. Just saved 20 minutes per day to give a 70 year increase in one year. For the year, you can do something that can change your life completely. Just don't skimp on the rest, especially sleep.

The most time-consuming to perform the work in those hours, when the body develops maximum activity. During stress in the blood increases the concentration of certain hormones, and this gives the body a large amount of energy. During the day happen, natural variations in the concentrations of these hormones. The first peak at 9 to 12 hours, the second for 16 - 20 hours. Keep this in mind when planning your day.

Anxiety often eats away at a person when the person needs to fulfill their potential, but to do it for some reason fails. If You, for example, have tomorrow to do a lot of things, You can very nervous from that fear of forgetting anything important. I.e., the body "remembers" that he will need to act and how to act is not exactly clear. Hence the concern. To get rid of him, in the evening, it will not hurt to plan for the next day. Those things that You are going to take, must be recorded in order of importance. You can even briefly indicate how You'll do so-and-so. So, knowing that at any moment You will be able to look at a piece of paper and do not forget, You will get rid of this kind of experiences.

To get rid of stress, you need to:

1. To change what You can change, and accept as fate, which so far cannot be changed. Remember: we are in this world, no one should! And, God never closes one door without opening another!

2. Develop a positive attitude to everything. In any even very negative event to find the profit for themselves.

3. Learn to live for today and enjoy every day.

4. Never be offended by fate. Remember, things could be much worse!

5. To avoid unpleasant people. If you have to communicate with people unbearable, then rejoice that You are not like them.

6. To increase self-esteem and worry less about what others think about You.

7. More communicate with interesting people. Learn communication skills.

8. Reevaluate your values, if necessary.

9. Organize your life so as not to waste time.

10. Plan your life.



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