Tuesday, November 25, 2014


FibreFiber is rough, but we need

Cellulose is the most rough part of the plant. This plexus plant fibers, which consist of cabbage leaves, peel legumes, fruits, vegetables, and seeds. Dietary fiber is a complex form of carbohydrates to break down our digestive system is not able. A reasonable question arises: why fiber is needed? It turns out that this is one of the most important elements of human nutrition.

Dietary fiber reduces the residence time of food in the gastrointestinal tract. The longer the food is retained in the esophagus, the more time is required for its removal. Dietary fiber accelerates this process and simultaneously promotes cleansing of the body. Consumption of adequate amounts of fiber normalizes bowel.

When the results of the research showed that we would be much healthier and live longer if they used a coarse meal, many consciously became interested in fiber, although most of them did not know that she presents different types, and these types perform different functions.

Types of fiber


Present in whole wheat flour, bran, cabbage, young peas, green and waxy beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cucumber peel, peppers, apples, carrots.


Contained in the bran, cereals, unrefined grains, beets, Brussels sprouts, green shoots of mustard.

Cellulose and hemicellulose absorb water, facilitating the activity of the colon. In essence, they "attach volume" waste and faster pushing them on a thick gut. This not only prevents constipation, but also protects from diverticulosis, spasmodic colitis, hemorrhoids, colon cancer and varicose veins.


This type of fiber is found in cereal, eaten for Breakfast, bran, stale vegetables ( when storing vegetables lignin content increases, and they are worse digested ), and eggplant, green beans, strawberries, peas, radish.

Lignin reduces the digestibility of other fibers. In addition, it binds with bile acids, thereby lowering cholesterol levels, and speeds up the passage of food through the intestines.


Contains oat porridge and other products from oats, dried beans.


Present in apples, citrus fruits, carrots, colour and cabbage cabbage, dried peas, green beans, potatoes, strawberries, strawberries, fruit drinks.

Gum and pectin affect the processes of absorption in the stomach and small intestine. By binding with bile acids, they reduce the absorption of fat and reduce cholesterol. Delayed gastric emptying and, enveloping the intestine, slowing the absorption of sugar after a meal, which is useful for diabetics because it reduces the required dose of insulin.

Easily accessible fibre

To increase your fiber intake without having to eat more, you can take the tablets of the activated cellulose. They contain a balanced combination of different types required for your body.

The activated cellulose is simply indispensable in the implementation of the programme of nutrition, rich in protein, low in carbohydrates.

Scientifically developed formula that consists of natural ingredients, promotes the safe and effective control over weight.

To maintain health and optimal weight scientists and experts in nutrition recommend to increase fiber intake and lower intake of saturated fat and calories.

Sources of fiber

External coverings of grains, seeds, beans, vegetables and fruits are richer in fiber than internal. Bran of whole grains, shuck beans, peel vegetables and fruits contain lots of fiber. This is why a diet high fiber diet requires the consumption of whole grains as raw fruits and vegetables ( as much as possible).

Whole grains, beans, seeds, nuts, raw vegetables and fruits distinguishes the balance of the fibrous mass and nutrients.

The table below provides information about the fiber content in various foods and their calorie content ( per 100 g ), so you can choose the best for themselves the ratio of these two characteristics. Products of animal origin not stated here, as most of them contain very little fiber, or does not contain at all.

The fiber content in various foods:

% fibre

kcal (100 g)

Bran 44, 0 150-200

15, 0 645
Green peas 12 322
Whole wheat

9, 6 325, 4
Whole wheat bread 8, 5 210
Peanuts 8, 1 548
Beans 7, 0 58

6, 8 276
Lentil 3, 8 296
Greens 3, 8 45
Carrot 3, 1 33
Broccoli 3, 0 33
Cabbage 2, 9 28
Apples 2, 0 38
White flour 2, 0 327
White potatoes 2, 0 83
White rice 0, 8 347
Grapefruit 0, 6 35

The daily rate of fibre

Western nutritionists recommend consuming 5 to 25 grams of fiber depending on how people are watching their health.

Our ancestors fed mainly cereals received daily from 25 to 60 grams of fiber. We're the most part derived from the consumption of fruit and vegetables.

- Try to keep the daily rate of cellulose was 35,

Example of standard menu:

Featured products

The fibre

1 serving of cereal bran ( 40 g ) 9, 0 g
4 slices of bread wholemeal 6, 0 g
1 serving broccoli 3, 0 g
1 portion (120 g) beans 8, 0 g
1 portion (65 g) fresh green peas 3, 0 g
1 oatmeal cookies 1, 5 g
1 banana 3, 0 g
1 serving (100 g) cooked brown rice 2, 0 g
Total: 35, 5 g

Learn about the beneficial properties of fiber, you can experiment with products, you could make your own menu, focusing on the daily rate ( about 35 g ). And can make a choice in favor of tabletirovannoj form of fiber. Both options are equally good and give great results!

Tips and recommendations for fiber intake

- Try to gradually increase your fiber intake, until you reach the recommended daily dose. Along with this, gradually increase the amount of water consumed.

- Vegetables and fruits eat in raw form ( whenever possible ). Prolonged cooking of vegetables lose half the fiber. Therefore, it is better to resort to fighting or light frying.

- When cleaning vegetables and fruit tissue is not destroyed, but the juice is not saved completely fiber of the whole fruit, if in the preparation of the pulp is removed.

- Start the day with a Cup of porridge, rich in fiber ( per serving of this cereal contains 5 or more grams of fiber ).

- Add in the cereal, fresh fruits - so you will increase the amount of fiber in 1-2 grams.

- On your Desk regularly should be legumes.

- Groats buy only from whole grains.

- For dessert, preferably fresh fruit rather than sweet.

- Eat vegetables and fruits in between meals and during meals.



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