Tuesday, November 25, 2014

When and how to give children the juices

When and how to give children the juicesRegardless of how hard people using innovation techniques and technologies to catch up and overtake the mother-nature, it is not often possible. And certainly he was not able to achieve this in the preservation of all vitamins and other nutrients contained in fruits, and so we need to maintain immunity and vitality.

Fruit juices baby food can be compared directly with fruits only in one case - if you take an orange or Apple and manually or using special units to squeeze the juice out of them. And even in this case, the concentration of vitamins in the juice of a direct extraction will be even slightly, but is still less than the original fruit the fruit is a certain amount of vitamins contained in the skin, which people do not eat food.

The juices from the store

Go to any supermarket and running look at the endless row of stalls with colourful bags with juice, you may find that the problem replenish vitamins us and our children solved. However, it is not so. Juices freshly squeezed in our country will not meet, and if they find it is very expensive. And this is understandable - these juices are made directly in the places of growing fruits, can be stored in special conditions that require expensive equipment, no more than one to two months. Therefore, to deliver an all-natural juice in our most Northern edge, manufacturers spend a lot of money, which is reflected in the price.

The bulk of juices that commercials are referred to as 100%, those actually are not. This so-called concentrated juices, and the content of vitamins is a maximum of 80-90% of the original number. So 100% does not work.

However you should not fall in the opposite misconception is that all concentrated juices literally Packed with all sorts of chemicals, artificial colorants and flavorings, and almost any alien parasitic organisms live. Actually it's not all bad: in fact, concentrated juices are made from juice freshly squeezed. In addition to this procedure may even add natural flavors to make the taste of the juice is richer and more enjoyable. That is, in its structure, the concentrated juice is identical to the freshly squeezed juice at a certain difference in the amount of vitamins and greater shelf - life-my best quality juice from concentrate saves up to one year.

Nectars... worse?

In addition to juices freshly squeezed and concentrated juices are nectars and juice drinks. Nectars are derived from those types of fruit, 100% juice which is almost impossible to eat because of the taste, for example, Apple or grape. The content of vitamins in the nectar is 25 to 50%. As for juice drinks, "vitamin capacity" which is 10-20%, they basically are designed to replenish the body's need for minerals, and to quench the thirst and to tone up.

Useful if the juice?

Now, no one doubts that the juices as a source of vitamins is very important for the human body. This is not to forget the least, Australian scientists believe that excessive consumption of sweet fruit juice for children of school age can be one of the causes of excessive weight. But still, at what age and in what quantities it makes sense to make the diet a little baby juices so that it brought him a favor?

For starters, let's say that the "juices for adults", which the vast majority of our stores, doctors are not recommended for children under 3 years. Primarily, this is because along with the products of reputable companies on the shelves is often to find juices cheap, but containing chemical components. These artificial substances can have a negative impact on the fragile health of very young children.

Domestic assistants physicians earliest date possible first use children juices, speaking about the undesirability of such a step previously four months of age.

For a child to choose only the juices are well known manufacturers. In addition to certain guarantees of quality tested companies always indicated on the packaging all the components of the juice, and you will always be able to determine what you poite her baby.

Baby juices - what's the difference?

Baby juices (at least for children up to 1 year) must be made entirely of one kind of fruit or vegetables. When that offer: multifruit, consisting of two or more types of fruit juices "heavier" in terms of its content of vitamins, their food energy value is higher than the one-component juice, they can harm the child. When you use offer: multifruit juice a much higher chance to cause your baby allergic reaction, and it would be difficult to determine which product is reacted negatively the child's body.

Juices are also divided into clarified (free from impurities) and juices with pulp. The latter contain vegetable fibers, which stimulate motor activity of the intestine. This, in turn, can lead to digestive disorders in young children. So don't give juice with pulp children, at least up to six months.

Than to drink your favorite child?

Start to drink the juice must be done gradually, with very small portions, with half a teaspoon. Such caution is justified - if the child has an allergic reaction to some juice effects will be visible, but almost painless. In any situation, allergic and other reactions of the child to juice it should be noted, is not to close our eyes and to consult with your doctor. If all is well, no allergies, no, the daily serving of juice can gradually around to the first day of birth, bring to 100 ml.

Experts and experienced parents are advised first to regale baby Apple juice without sugar. When the child gets used to the new food, you can go on the juice from apricots, plums, peaches. Then you can try offer: multifruit juice, juice from citrus fruits and berries, statistically cause the most allergic reactions (e.g., strawberries), and exotic gifts tropical countries avocado, mango, papaya and others.


A. Babitsky



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