Holders of the navel in the form of a horseshoe, not afraid of the burst in the kitchen pipe, nor the collapse of the Bank where his money. Such an individual - man strong-willed and determined, with an open and strong character. So you will always be carefree and fun. In the pleasures of love, he will manifest himself as a gentle and sensual partner, easy-to-fit of passion, tireless improviser and erotic entertainer!
The question mark
This form confirms that your partner is a poet inside and Kommersant outside. He loves the glory and prefers to be on her crest. Sex for him is a solid romantic adventure, spiced acute emotional experiences. A great psychologist, he loves reincarnation and can easily turn from a fierce lion in submissive and naive schoolboy. Amateur experiments always with everything and everywhere. With him you will always feel like a member of the new theatre with the always unpredictable ending.
Belly button, which looks like a deep and subtle wrinkle resembling a comma gives compliant and gentle nature, reminding you of the elephant - cartoon hero Pro "38 parrots". He gets along well with people, so in a career waiting for him success and rapid rise. He hates quarrels and scandals, patient and appreciate the world with you and with his potential mother-in-law. In bed spreads and sleet from any displays of affection, be prepared that you will have to conduct.
Well - you got a real sissy! The limited ability to make independent decisions will take him as your podkabluchnika. Such a great kid will need your care and attention. Don't be surprised if one of the proofs of your love and devotion to him will become an indispensable semolina porridge for Breakfast and kivircik in bed. But don't hurry with conclusions. This still turns into a great improviser and magician, because sex is the way to realize all that he shut itself off from outside. Just play along with him, think about seductive lingerie, cuddle and you will be swept away by the volcano of unrestrained passion and sexual fantasies.
It is a figurative comparison navel, educated "lots of arches". This loves to have fun and unrestrained striving for superiority everywhere, always and everywhere. This is especially true for sex, without which he and day cannot live. With it you risk to be the crater of an active volcano, and when the volcano calms down, you will need to constantly be ready for his sudden and violent eruption. Such a partner may require you sex everywhere and under all circumstances, and do not think that you will have the opportunity to challenge!
The lion's mouth
With this form is associated with a wide and inverted navel, which, as it turned out, testifies in favor of stubbornness, will and inclination to fight for a place under the sun. It is necessary to consider that its owner is a man, quite prepared to maintain a harem of groupies, and his heart and other important advantages more than enough for everyone. Typically, for such men is - "the hunt", which leads to a few ardent lovers in different parts of the city. Before giving heart to such sexual "monster", think - is it worth it!
The tunnel
Oblong and deep navel typical men conceited, loving and requiring continuous confirmation of its many advantages. Such angry at any mention of the fact that someone, something and somewhere could be better, and more so In the sex mage preliminary games, where he should always play the role of "first violin". This is the one spoken of in the "navel of the earth" and the only way to live with him peacefully and for a long time to accept its rules, where the prey is given naturally to You.
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