Country novarossi boys
One of the recent sociological research, almost half of the women willing to live with infantile partner, a quarter are willing to try in the hope to fix it. According to other statistics, 27% of men under 35 in the most prosperous countries of the world prefer to enjoy a homemade dinner prepared for them by parents, and not in a hurry to move in my own house.
It all starts in childhood. It just so happened: the education system long ago took control of the women. Boy teach and educate women. He said: take the example of girls. Don't run around at recess, see how grandly girls go in pairs? He say be good and it will grow as your spree somewhere father. He said: be a real man. Without explaining in what are functions of a real man. Or explaining - but the way they see women themselves.
And then... a Friend once complained that in a crowded subway to her molested drunk citizen. There were dozens of men, head and shoulders above a few years younger, but at the sight of this horrible scene, they averted their eyes and stubbornly pretended that nothing was happening. The girl got home, frightened and sarianna, and the next day he signed up for lessons Aikido. "I can't trust men, I can only rely on yourself." The vicious circle. Because men will not become stronger because women will take up arms. And to blame only men and novarossi boys - still does not work, because with a weak man is always a strong woman.
They are
"Favorite sons". "Every son once had a mother whose beloved son he was. And every woman had a mother who loved her son she was not" is from a book by psychoanalyst and writer Judith Viorst.
Beloved sons, spoiled, pampered. Them lunch, bring on the tray, they will give money for a movie and be sure to Pat the shirt. And after him: "Son, you don't protudes" and "Purse, purse forgot! " And thirty-year-old boy goes on a date. Don't know about you, but I'm afraid of unmarried men in perfectly ironed shirts.
"Carlson". A friend of him, frankly, unimportant - arrange the room is a mess and surrenders at the sound of other steps. Drag the Kid to walk on roofs and will disappear at the critical moment. Will not come to help, doesn't keep the promise, will not stay together with the other was responsible for the pogrom. But a jar of jam to take and to simulate terrible disease is always welcome. The main feature of such male irresponsibility. With him should not start a family, it is not necessary to count - will still run. With him is easy and fun when circumstances have, and that is why such men often become the soul of the company and the favorites of women.
"Usurpers". This type of infantile asserting itself at the expense of women. As a rule, their girlfriends are ugly and shy, with minimum requirements and minimum confidence. Strong and self-sufficient women "usurpers" just too tough.
"Eternal students". These men in the shower forever remain students. Career for them is an empty sound. Their way of life similar to obseity a rented flat for a couple with a friend or sharing accommodation with parents. Freedom and minimal effort - that's their motto.
Among these men a lot of losers. They can be realized in a world in which it is necessary to make decisions independently, and therefore almost always lose. Here are seven of the characteristic features of a loser.
He feels a constant sense of self-pity. For their own failures and their own inaction, he will have lots of excuses.
He will never miss an opportunity to say "man is not the case if you ask him to wash the dishes, or at least to collect dirty things and load them into the washing machine.
- No step without momma! My mother, incidentally, may well be and wife. Such men cannot exist without care. So he constantly doubts, and to decide for him - a real torture. Why? Yes because it means to take responsibility.
He does not know how to handle money. His balance is always negative as he spends more than they can afford. Planning costs - not part of it. He needs everything now.
"What is our life? Game" - it completely agree with this. But in Opera or the theater, such a man will be unlikely. But it would not move from computer games. And its reality - the most that neither is virtual.
He very reluctantly throws out the old stuff and give up the junk.
To own ailments is very seriously - even to the lightest. But will prefer to sit back and complain, instead of treated.
Who are they
Mothers". It assures psychoanalysis, the character is laid in the very young age under the guidance of mom and polished under the strict supervision of the same female part of the family. Since childhood my mother take them all the decisions, and cope with all problems. They come to school, to bring clean water to the teacher, viewshow their Prodigy deuce. They come in a military registration and enlistment office to deal with the villains, who decided in such weather to take her son to the army. To teach your child to self-sufficiency for such moms equivalent of losing it.
Wives with complex "momma".
Some women experience a deep inner comfort, as for your husband, "mommy". The scheme is the same - Hyper, the desire to dominate. However, there may be another point: the man, especially successful with the opposite sex, is a real treasure. Therefore it must be love, cherish and protect. Fearing to lose a man, women forget about everything - including itself.
Therefore, their husbands - full and smooth, and they compete with haulers on endurance. Pull yourself agriculture, children, work. Such a common pair - tortured life wife and shining spouse, which is clearly all day long cherished. And the man, important, good, only spoiled completely feminine care. Because otherwise it will lead. Competition after all.
Not to be confused with infantile!
There is another important point. Women are often accused of infantilism those of this title does not deserve it.
First, it is a shy, silent introverts. Those who would love to say, but his interrupting and not listening. Secondly, men with the innate inner intelligence, which does not allow them to speak loudly and use competitors elbows. Thirdly, ladies often write infantilism any free expression of feelings, infantile - any "live" a man who has not forgotten how to laugh, to wriggle and fooling around. Responsible and morally adult men, who managed not to lose the children's visual perception, sometimes also want to be funny and humorous, like to joke around and be surprised.
After all seriousness - is not a sign of a Mature personality. How would say Baron Munchausen: the Serious face is not a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All the foolish things are done with this expression.
The old man Munchausen was not infantile. He just loved to dream and fantasize - real men also found that habit.
Pechorin D.
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