Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The rules of life of Jack Nicholson

The rules of life of Jack NicholsonI always wear sunglassesbecause I got them as prescribed. Long ago, the average American in me believed that there is a certain amount of affectation. But in southern California is very bright sun. Also, if you know the cons of living in public, you begin to recognize the need for protection. I accustomed to look people in the eye, but I can't look into the eyes of anyone who wants to look into my: I won't have enough mental strength.

I hate advice - everything except his own.

I hate to give advicebecause people still don't listen to them.

I love the conversations. I'm always willing to change your mind, just let me going to work out. I guess I am the only liberal who read "Treason" by Ann Coulter (the bestselling journalist-conservative, staunch opponent of the Democrats. - Esquire). I want to know, you know? I like to listen to others. This is for me the true elixir of life.

It seems to me

few people truly understand what rest is and how important it is to relax properly. Now people are competing with each other for holidays, like to fit in our puritanical view of the world, he needs to have some additional value. But if you play Golf, to arrange the loan, this is not Golf, right?

I was very happy with my Joker

. I look at it as a piece in the style of pop art.


removes what is before it.

After September 11 I was yelling. All possible positions were announced: for, against, good, evil... I had nothing to add. And I thought: now is the time to intervene clowns. See what I mean? That is why I have devoted several years to comedies.

Ashamed to admitbut I only read the sports pages.

The best form of sportand I always thought basketball, although he is not very adapted to it.

In my opinion who was born after the war, alien to the idea of personal responsibility. It seems to me a tiny but important difference in generations, which explains a lot. People are disappointed. They don't want to take responsibility for their own failures, preferring to say "I am this and this reason" or "I got that, and that's the reason". Everyone tries to blame everything on someone or something.

I learn a lot in life nautilsI'm just a boy playing on the beach in gambling.


I attach less importance to the fact that the actors are commonly called "imaging". All these prihramyvaya and seilebost, manner of speaking... I don't want to mess with them. It must come from within. Most importantly, who you are. Here's what you need to work. To any role I fit avtobiografichesky.


I spoke on the phone with Sean Penn. It seemed to me curious that I was not among actors, supporters of the Stanislavsky method, which was recently published in one article, and I told him about it. And he added: "I still manage to fool! " I think it is a great achievement. Because, in my opinion, in the acting world, there is almost no one who better would understand the method of Stanislavsky and more guided them in their work than I do. It is strange that no one notices. Perhaps it's because the reality and the idea of it often diverge.

Why would not to take all the achievements of the modern mind and not apply them to the traffic.

Believe it, want not, but in fact on the right of the President to privacy (in 1974 the U.S. Supreme court rejected President Nixon's right to confidentiality of conversations with staff that had direct relevance to the Watergate scandal. - Esquire) I was on the side of Richard Nixon. Imagine yourself in the place of the President - don't you want to disclose his every word and every action? In my opinion, it's just silly. No one cannot take away the right to privacy. Do this and one is to cling to another, and eventually we will get a bill with Monica. In life we have to look soberly. People are people, and should not require them too much.

My mottolive with pleasure.

Of courseI'm not so steep as think of me. Not a fighter, and so on. If anything, I'd better go home.

Children can make your life a fullnessthat would be impossible without them.

Really up to thirty-seven years I did not know that my sister is actually my mother. But I long ago realized that in the world a lot of things I don't know. If I give too much importance to what he does not know, it didn't come out. Focus on the positive - that's my opinion. It's a trick, but useful.

Another old actor rule: down easily, so always Tanis up.

Men dominate due to their physical strength, and because they are capable of compassion where a woman it will not show.

For women - if you're gone, so gone. Their verdict cannot be appealed.

Now in our country operates a tacit agreement that the white man is the only legitimate target for criticism. And we basically put up.

Many people the average age secretly wish their lives were more romance.

Don't know

true if this statistic, but I heard somewhere that single women over forty are now three times more than single men. This is the result of the women's movement. Chicken dispersed to their coop.

I am very kind to the rules of good manners. How to pass the plate. Not to shout from one room to another. Not to open up the closed door without knocking. Skip forward lady. The goal of all these countless simple rules to make life better. We cannot live in a state of chronic war with the parents - it's stupid. I carefully watch their manners. This is not some abstraction. This is all understandable language of mutual respect.

I grew up from the agewhen asserted talk about what you do not know.

If I take the

list the milestones of my life over the last ten years or more, this list will get quite a lot of events associated with children. Know how it is: they write an essay or poem, and you have a lump in your throat. They give such overwhelming love. Lauren won the football tournament. Ray is a big guy. From Jennifer your boutique it is called "Pearl". She's a clothing designer. I must admit that the show its fashion I did not regret smiles and handshakes when are own paintings, I don't try. They will not go for the sake of their children!

Fan does not feed bread - let's come up with his theory.

I think the Greeks invented the sport in contrast to philosophy. In sports there are absolute rules. There is no doubt: either the ball in the box or out. Or ten yards passed or not. Either you hit the basket or misses. There is clear!

In General I liberal Democrat, but Bush does not make me such hatred, as the rest of the Democrats. I remember the Second world. We were off in the house of light, as if from the beach we could attack. And how we were to behave in a contemporary atmosphere? We had no choice. And now it either. Don't know what else could make Bush. We just go with the flow.

My daughter is thirteen

. Last time I think: "could you make these pants, not to walk the streets with bare navel? "

What I'm good as a father? I all the time is near. My love asks for nothing. And I know how to help the children in their expression. I have something to suggest - if they are willing to tell me what their difficulties, because I was in life a lot of difficulties. I try to show them a world without embellishment. I want to instill in them a deep inner conviction that to be happy - it's okay that you don't need to constantly create problems for yourself, which you have actually not.

I resist

all of the generally accepted beliefs. My religion is to be direct, to live in the present. It's an old cliche, I know, but it's mine.

Believer I envy. I am not able to believe in anything supernatural. Anyway, for now. Not that I didn't want it. That is, I want to believe. Even pray. Pray something... higher. I have a feeling God. In my opinion, it is more superstition than religion. It seems to me that this property of human nature.

Do unto others as I want to have with you: if you think about it, what else we need from religion?

I never dare to scold those who believe abortion is murder. I myself illegitimate. Now I could not be.

There are many big liebut nobody wants to discuss.


which often sets the actor himself: where would you go, if I wasn't limited by this episode?

For a long time I was afraid to be alone. I had to get used to the loneliness. I still sometimes think, Oh, my, I need someone to talk to, and I'll lose your mind! But now I like to be alone. Honestly. Loneliness is a great luxury.

On my attitude to Golf

influenced one plate in Japan, on the wall of a Buddhist temple in Kyoto. It is dedicated to competitions in archery, which was being held there. Imagine such a long colonnade. At the end of the square four by four inches. Participants sat on the floor, cross-legged, and had to send arrows so that they did not touch the walls. The world record was something about 180 straight shots in a row. I relate to sport, as for poetry, and it made a big impression on me. Since then I began to think about Golf, how about a Buddhist shooting competition.

I play Golf not for the sake of competition. I tell everyone that cheating to me is not played for money. What keeps watch football. All bets. People don't want to watch the game: they follow the forecasts bookmakers.

I become grumpy

it's true. Nobody yells and not more squeals me. But the hardest days are when I come home and suddenly realize, "gosh! They were right! What a nerd am I"! And this happens at least once or twice on each picture when you... before you feel confident, you're so important, you know what I mean? And then you come home and find that you're an asshole.

Professional acting is a very difficult thing. You come in an editing Studio, look at the results of their efforts and understand: how could you not praised, a good half of what you are doing is outright crap.

I love to work with women Directors. They do not wish to make you charming.

I feel very fortunate in the sense that, in addition to any socialist and the like, I always got along well with women.

I often asking a theoretical question: if I started today, would I eventually remove the porn to live?

The less people about me you know, the easier it is for me to work.

Try to avoid banal statements about public life, when you speak with a reporter.

Try to avoid reporters.

Filmography Of Jack Nicholson



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