The legendary Maya Plisetskaya does not give interviews: believes that all journalists will muddle or skillfully alters the meaning. But for us, she made an exception.
I since the childhood is not at odds with true
- Once you said that you will never take what you think is impossible. What you can not do?
"I never wanted to dance infantile role. Not that these ballets I didn't like, no. But I knew it was not for me, and I was not interested. If you want to portray a girl, not to mention the child, as in "Coppelia", I clearly understood - not my.
-Nevertheless, now you sit like a girl, with her legs under her palms.
"But that's not the role.
- Hypocrisy, lies in the art for you, an abstract category or..?
I since the childhood is not at odds with the truth. It I cringe Pushcha red cloth. And in art and in life. Recently my friends gave me to read Chapter about me in the book Ekaterina Maximova "Madame no. Written Maximova made me sad, I must admit. Saying to me many kind words, she bitterly offended me, claiming the truth. I especially hate to hear such words from the lips of Katie, which I always kept for the crystal man. You know, when I wrote to her greeting at the request of one of the major Newspapers birthday, it took only a few minutes - so happily sang out my attitude to her. And now I see that it is the same as all. Disappointment sad.
"Where is your house in Moscow, Munich, Lithuania?
- Maybe on the plane? We've go... Munich is a wonderful city. But we are there because of the professional musical Affairs Shchedrin. First of all, it was his publishers still, Hans Sicorcki, and current, Schott, with whom he has an exclusive contract for the last ten years. Schott is the oldest music publishing house. Publisher Beethoven, Wagner, Stravinsky. Recently played in Munich Symphony Shchedrin, and one of the leaders of the publishing house after the concert, said: "Today was the evening Sutovsky composers". And there were Wagner, Schumann and Shchedrin...
In Munich we rent an apartment, in addition, it's time to confess, not going anywhere - there are excellent doctors. And Lithuania is the birthplace of my mother: she was born in Vilnius. We live in the same house for twenty-second year. And love this wonderful country, people love it. And, in my opinion, they reciprocate us.
Speaking of doctors. In late fall I tore a knee ligament injury, is a scientist it is called "native ligament knee". Left leg I jog, and many times I in the past have hurt. Once I spent two years did not jump. And here I was in Rome on the studs, it was damp. I slipped and fell on the pavement. And famous Lithuanian surgeon Arunas Porvaneckas I have done the operation. Amazingly well. And then nursed me the kindest, most attentively doctors at the sanatorium in Palanga.
But Moscow. What can I say. My Grand theatre. My faithful friends, the world's best ballet lovers - Moscow audience. But what to say, Moscow I always have in the heart. But sometimes happen to me in my Moscow and oddities. Recently, the Fund G.. Ulanova, led by Vladimir Vasiliev, spent a Great evening, dedicated to her memory. I was not invited, you won't believe. And many times I danced with Galina Sergeevna several performances: she is Maria, I am Zarema in the fountain of Bakhchisarai, she is Giselle, I - Myrtha in Giselle, she is Katerina, I am the Mistress of Copper mountain "Stone flower". Can answer you - thought Plisetskaya not in Moscow. But on TV several times in these days showed me at the concert Spivakov. Yes exactly before Ulanovskaya evenings I spent the whole day in the Large, where they filmed material for television movie, all have seen, with all the talked. From distant countries invited Vasiliev ballet brethren, but not me, three kilometres from the theatre, Tverskaya street.
"Svetlanov was talking with Tchaikovsky"
"You danced countless performances of "Swan lake". What you remember particularly?
In Beijing in 1959 he gathered all the people's artists of the USSR and of the Great, and from Kirov, everything was very personable. And I had to dance Swan" Leningrad Konstantin Sergeev. By the way, I piled on the support a few times - well, nothing you can do about it. But most importantly, conducted by Evgeny Svetlanov. Rehearsals no, but he's not a ballet conductor. Me-the pace is not important, any I will still catch - whether fast, slow, my hearing seems to have. Even if I specifically want to "catch", I am still in tact will get. But what has been suggested by Svetlanov, surpassed all. The orchestra he didn't sound slow or fast, as it happens in the ballet, " he sounded surprisingly powerful, rich. By the way, when I asked how you play, I always said, "Conduct, as the author notes. And not, as in the circus, under the foot,". Svetlanov played out as he felt Tchaikovsky. It is impossible to tell, it was their dialogue with Tchaikovsky. I was shocked in the third act, which begins with the trumpets - output Odile. Pause. Suddenly, a blast of sound at an incredible pace. And I already. It was scary effectively. Further, already in the final, go tours around the circle, and he would ask such a pace! I started the circle and thought, "Or death, or to survive! " Out! And what was the success. I was excited. It was truly creativity. Further, nothing in my life was not - Svetlanov same ballets were not conducted.
- And the famous fire?
- Well fire knew ballet, knew each dancer. I always said As you stood up in preparation (initial position before a dance. - "News"), I already know how you will dance". He had a fantastic memory. For example, completely forgot some variation. His name was, and he said: "it was so". He remembered all. Was very endowed by nature. He only looked at the scene because they didn't see the notes, this was short-sighted. And it tragically ended. Everyone knew that he was almost blind, but the thought still sees something. And here comes the Leningrad Askold Makarov dance in "don Quixote", the replacement seems to be. And no it is not said, and he never thought to ask what in the Moscow edition of its variation in the wrong place, as in the Leningrad. And when he, according to our version, it is necessary to leave, he quietly went into the dressing room to improve makeup. And suddenly hears on the radio my music. And on the stage did not exist. The first violinist pulls the Fire behind the coat tails of the coat, they say, stop. But it was the last performance of Fire. More of it in the poster did not set.
"But we say? Will tear the legs will lose jump"
- You always, even at home, look very elegant. Have you wondered what is elegance?
"I'll give you an example - Pierre Cardin. He by nature is elegant, so he and his clients dress elegantly. So many years I am dressed only in him. It feels fantastic style. He does not think: "I will stand up and be elegant". Thus he can walk in anything - in their things, of course, but the coat can be wrapped inside the collar, or the button on his stomach open, because he's always in a hurry.
Then he has taste. And knowledge. Once it I was impressed. I needed a costume for a film Efros "spring waters". But I was not sure that he knows who Turgenev. Not that I doubted it, but still he is Italian, Dante, Petrarch, of course, knows, and here is a Russian writer. And as soon as I told him: "Pierre, I need a costume for "Spring water" Turgenev," he immediately replies: "torrents of spring is 1840-year. And made a few costumes - just the Royal gifts. And money with me, I didn't. He knew that I can't pay: each costume cost as a machine. They are now in different museums. You know, you never know what, and I gave it away. Costume from "Anna Karenina" in St. Petersburg, something Bakhrushin, something in the Museum of the Bolshoi theatre. And where others can't remember.
Then at Sotheby's meet - the thing from Pierre Cardin, and even in one instance, created specially for you - it's an expensive rarity.
If they will not get lost, thank God. And if they burn or throw away in landfills will be sorry.
And at least one of your famous tutu preserved?
- Full of them at the Bolshoi theatre. Last year was the jubilee Shchedrin, and I look: came in the "Carmen-Suite" three tobacco cases. And all in the same costumes Carmen. And it should not be so! It turns out, all wearing my costumes. I say, "Girl, what are you doing! " And they reply: "We are so easy to dance to! "
- One of the world's choreographers would you like to dance?
When in my youth I was taught him all the ballets in the Bolshoi, we even dream about it did not dare. But later, when I was driving, I was curious about new trends. For example, the foresight, I would love it danced. The béjart I danced, Roland Petit. That's interesting: I absolutely admit Balanchine. But personally wouldn't want him to dance. This is not mine, it is too abstract dance. And people love to have something. When I danced the Dying Swan" in India, no one asked about what this dance is all understood. And when she danced the pas de Deux from "don Quixote", he asked. I don't know about it. About thirty-two fouettés. This technique, as people love to understand, to empathize. You know, on stage to do a lot of technically great, perfect tricks, and the audience went home, had dinner and forgot. And if he remembers, so you it hurt.
Is that Karsavina or Pavlova heel in Arabesque was up and no one paid attention?
- Now in the ballet still changed, as in sports. If before someone jumped half a meter, all shouted "hurrah", now jump on two and a half, and it is in order. And why are those the same? Today we're watching a film about geltzer - what? Trouble. Or Oh, or ha-ha-ha. And when next it came Tikhomirov, Shchedrin looked and said, "Well now only Chaplin's not enough." Because Chaplin in contrast acted with such "cabinets".
And Marina Semenova, which was not fragile, really was a Royal on stage?
- Yes, Semenova appeared on the scene - and you no one else had seen, she was able to draw attention to themselves. I haven't seen her in youth, in my memory it was in the body. Herself nothing was denied, most importantly, what she had refused, in the work. You see, at the Vaganova hardly was able students. Vaganova did ballerinas from almost nothing. Even with useless data they knew how to do. Many who were at the top position today would dance in the corps de ballet.
- Today, the ballet has a lot to lose because of entrainment technique.
"You know, at some of the first ballet competitions I was in the jury next to Ulanova. And here is one dancer lifts his leg almost straight twine, behind the ear. Ulanova leans over to me and says: "the Girl has the wrong address". And the dancer is not passed into the third round. Four years later, so did Nadia Pavlova, and received the Grand Prix. But we say? Will tear the legs will lose the jump.
Ballet is an art fluid and always new forms. Everyone is dancing, he feels.
- Yes, one will show the way, and another another, and I got another ballet. I remember Elizaveta Gerdt said, "And Petipa so did not! " She was asked: "how? "And I don't remember, but not so. And that's all. I danced at least ten versions of "Swan lake", and everywhere was written: Petipa. But I don't want to talk bad about anyone, I have quite openly wrote about it in his book. When I wrote it, I had little hope that I all loved. I wrote how it was. But most people only wait for the compliments.
"After this role, I hate you! "
- Who of the Moscow ballet masters were you interested in working?
- Igor Moiseev in "Spartacus". He made me a batch of Aegina, a very interesting and dramatic, and technically. Particularly spectacular was the scene in the tent Crassus. And passions! For example, one stately lady, looking Moiseev "Spartacus", I said, "I have always adored. After this role, I hate you! " By the way, it was purely in the Soviet. Artist movie or drama not been awarded, if played a negative role. I know many examples. Will at least one: in the film "Lenin in October" best played bacon, which for Lenin watched. But all have won awards, and he - no. Or was a wonderful actor Andrew Veit. Beautiful, high. Now he was playing so that I remember it still, but he's got any awards: he played a negative role.
But let's continue about Moiseev Aegina. Role-it was terrible. It
Harmodius, associate Spartacus, was tempted, that he betrayed him and moved to the side of Crassus, that would kill the army of Spartacus. For that, the scene was set an enormous couch on which occurred Adagio. And here Harmodius falls to my feet - and at this time in the tent comes with Crassus. I put a hand brush down, as did Patricia at the circus - it's done! It was a scene of extraordinary force.
Why do you think the USSR was a real ballet - to and technique was, and spirituality?
- Ballets Vakhtang Chabukiani. You see, many dancers and choreographers is such a rarity, unimaginable. It was always, and remains the case today. If I put "Laurencia", "Heart mountain", I think they would have sounded. In the new version.
- Ballet - people internally very disciplined, responsible. It helps you in life?
I wouldn't say that I'm a very disciplined person. Of course, I'm not warmed up before you play a hot shower, as a prima ballerina, but I remember Elena a.ilyuschenko I screamed: "Oh my God, already the third call, and she still paints eyelashes".
- How do you assess the situation at the Bolshoi theatre with the arrival of the head of the ballet by Alexei Ratmansky?
On Ratmansky you can hope for. Man he's smart and talented. As a performer always understood why he was on stage, and it is very rare. He was a very good dancer and an amazing artist. Here it is I have always been impressed - I still remember the scene. Of course, it will be difficult in Large.
His "Bright stream" I liked this charming Comedy ballet. I really liked his individual performances. Then I danced with him "Afternoon of a Faun" in different countries. And I will tell you that such a stylistically accurate artist not met, it was the finest work. Well all stand up in this famous pose a la the figure on the ancient Greek amphora - and I don't need anyone after him. I do a lot of good could be said about it, but I won't. And you know why? He is now home Big and people might think I have anything you want.
Taught at the Moscow school group) is bad
- In addition to dancers who would you yourself could imagine?
- To have the brush of the painter is what I would like. But I never tried. You know, like in that old joke: "You play the violin? Not tried it, but probably play".
- And what are you proud of?
- My husband and I constantly admire.
"You two are such a strong, vibrant personality - how do you live together?
- You know, with such a man as he is, it's easy. Sometimes creative people, even loved ones, somehow jealous of each other. With him it can't be. He aches for me as anyone. If not for him, I wouldn't have "Carmen-Suite", "Anna Karenina" and other ballets. I wouldn't danced. You know, as in the drama move on to other roles: he was the first lover, and became Sancho Panza.
- You can go to the Bolshoi theater?
I always go quietly. I like the Bolshoi theatre. I danced a lot and for a long time. Any situation in the theater of life is always there, but I have no sense that I uncomfortable there. If there was a new Ratmansky ballet, with pleasure would go - I new is always interesting.
- What do you think: well-learned today Moscow dancers?
- Some things I don't understand. Because he taught at the Moscow ballet school group) is bad - and dance in the theater well. Although if analyzed, it is clear - the world is open, watching others watching myself on video and this is the best teacher. Thought dance stunning, and looked up and grabbed his head, began to correct.
- I cannot say, what is your favorite party?
- Of course, because each was a favorite at the moment when I danced. That's how I adored "Bolero" - just don't know what else I loved. Then there was "Isadora" - this is not my second life, and the last third. First was a classic, then new ballets Shchedrin and further Bejart. I danced five ballets. Moreover, four were produced especially for me and the last-miniature, which was followed called "Ave Maya". By the way, for some things béjart music picked up Shchedrin. Not her, of course, but he always felt that I need at this point. As for "Ave Maya" did you note was brought to him. And then another, and rehearsed with me.
"I do regret that he had not studied at the Vaganova?
Is my unhealed wound.
- And what about our famous teacher, your uncle Asaf, M. Messerer?
And he never made any comments. He gave a wonderful class Alexander Gorsky - comfortable for feet that never one of the ligaments or muscles, it was impossible to break. And then do your rehearsal now as you know. He was not a teacher, which will tell you how to do it right, technically precise. But in the ballet he understood perfectly.
- Do you have friends? Rather, those who you would like to pour out his heart in a difficult situation?
- The friends I have, the devotees, but about emotions - I'm not sure I need it.
Luxury crushes on me
- You know that you are with Galina Vishnevskaya for your books called "people's Avengers"?
- Oh, really? Why?
- Why: having completed their education in the USSR, having it all possible awards and titles, you went abroad to work in the West for crazy money even to complain its Soviet past, as you pursued...
- Don't forget: while I danced, lived in Moscow, and not abroad. And I had to say that Stalin was the gold? Here's to you! This will never happen. Nor by what authority I do not say this.
In the book you write about your travel abroad period: "Moses said, "the Aliens will save us". What do you mean?
Then from me, many have turned away, not even greeted, and for the same meal Nadezhda Nadezhdina I just purposely hurt pushed. But Igor A. Moiseev took me a big part. As Vakhtang Chabukiani, who invited me to move to Tbilisi. Now, Moses had in mind that as soon as we have someone starting to sling mud, foreigners immediately wastrel ears: "How is so-and-so oppressed? Let it loosen, will support! " And very many in this was played by musicians, writers, ballet. If you're a fugitive, pursued by the authorities, then you are artistically significant, on top of the situation. It now exists.
- Whom do you most often think of?
- Uncle Shchedrin, Evgeny Mikhailovich, and our housekeeper Katya Zamkova. Uncle Eugene was incredible kindness and knowledge of people, and I always wanted to talk to him. And now I want someone with little to say. And she impressed me with his truly Tolstoy wisdom, authenticity, wit.
If she's that sick, she is truly a genius, two or three words could explain his condition. And we, sinful, hundreds of phrases and can't tell the doctor that sense, what's bothering you. And then, she was the most honest man is purely rural poverty. I respected her very much. She married did not. I asked her: why? "So all the drunks who go W? "
- In Moscow, in Munich - you live very modestly. You don't want, say, to change the furniture is more modern?
- You know, the luxury of me as very depressing. When we are with his landscapes are invited somewhere and put in some hotel chic, it struck me. Somehow, we are not accustomed to roskoshestvuet.
Lily and Elsa were two amnesie witches
It is impossible not to ask you about Lilya Brik. Don't regret not reconciled with her before her death?
- Lilya Brik was extremely controversial person in relation to absolutely everyone. Without exceptions. In this contradiction I've got. She and Elsa, her sister, were two amnesie witches who found pleasure in the ability to constantly spoil life for each other. When I came to Paris, Elsa said, "Well, Lelechka a lot of nasty things said about me? " In Moscow Lily was asked the same question about Elsa. Something else tells me: "I don't know what to do. I shook hands with one person, come to Moscow, and Lily says to me: "Why do you greet him? He is a scoundrel." Next time I'm with him no greeting, and Lily already reconciled with him. I just can't Lelechka to please. And then Lelechka thinks I'm a millionaire. I am liters send spirits tell me, Maya, she watered them? " Lilia them all in a row gave, elegant, widely. All she got, she immediately evaporated.
Once out such a case. Was this journalist Lucy Lozinskaya, which me with Lily and introduced. And Lilya something quarreled with her husband. And if she argued - literally from a ladder was lowered, not less. And Lucy I then said, "You know, for me though the window was curtained off, I like living in the dark." And I Lila told. And you know what she said? "Well, let's get divorced". And it was Lily. Want to communicate with her " just be with her. If she likes, without borders, if you hate, it will just drive you crazy with the light.
And as Aragon existed between them?
He was tolerated but not loved Lily for what she gnawed at Elsa. When in 1972 with Lily we were already at loggerheads, Aragon arrived in Moscow as if nothing had happened, continued with us companionship, immediately came to Big on the "Anna Karenina" (Elsa was not). Lily was furious. As we talked, she kept asking her last husband, Basil Play of katakana: "Bob, don't we, he was not told? " He meekly replied: "of Course, Lilik, spoke." But Aragon Lilinoe fury not heeded came and shouted "hurrah".
- What can you say about the recently published correspondence of Lily and Elsa?
- Oh, life is such a complicated thing. Lily and Elsa irritated, but loved each other. Yes, and aesthetically they were like minded. I was interesting to read. Moreover, we Shchedrin mentioned there on almost every page."I am not Gramsci"
- What can you deduce from itself?
- If in the theater or in my life happened the conflict you were involved in a fight or waited out the situation?
As when. I always surprise took from swarnalata, and I don't immediately answered. It is in life, not once but then scolded herself: "Oh, well I never said that! " Impudence, it overwhelms me.
All think that you are a hard man. And really?
Let what I want and think. I'm just very demanding. And to him, too. And if you believe that this is a bad character, what can I do? Change is harder than the hair itself to raise.
- You samoudi or try to live with them in harmony?
Unfortunately, I bite. Always.
- What do you think about those inevitable wrinkles?
- The fact that they cannot escape. Once Sati Spivakova in Paris began to tell me about some supercrema from wrinkles. I say, "is that possible? " Not invented yet people like that, I think. It's, you know, there is an old garden and a new garden. But like anything there or not is quite another matter. Same thing with the face of a man: show up - babied it or running.
I don't see old age, wrinkles beauty. I do old people do not really admire. And so molodyascheysya the old man or the old lady is really funny. By the way, in my youth I never did wear makeup - it was naff. The famous pictures with Kennedy in the White house I don't have any makeup - I then it never came. We suet bought on the market, to remove makeup, nothing in the shops! And the famous lignin, which in the theater were asked to remove make-up, including the stain from the body, " it was the cruelest torture, just stripped the leather pieces.
"How went your famous phrase "I am not Gramsci"?
"I said one French journalist who was interviewing me. I was terribly plagued with all sorts of questions - what I eat, what I mode. I read in a French magazine Andrei Voznesensky and used in his "Portrait Plisetskaya".
- Who of the partners was better for you?
- Perhaps, Nikolai Fadeyechev. He is happy with me and that was not a careerist and never started any intrigue. Thought Kolya only about themselves. If he was a little bit sick, no way to dance will not, even if you've failed her. I once danced with him "Laurencia" only in order to give the public understand that it it can. And I so sore knee! He cold never on the scene did not come out, basking every intermission - he or injuries that never was. Selfish - Yes. But evil no one did.
- You are a class doing?
I stopped after the last injury. After the twentieth of November last year. All drinking for my health - and, alas, not helped...
- What do you think about his "daughter", which allegedly gave birth in fifty-one years?
Well, all it came up with my cousin, "lady, pleasant in all respects: the journalist was paid, and the girl found similar. But to remember about this today reluctance. She is the Fairy Carabosse - lives in anger. You know, one man said to me not long precisely defining the phrase: "Error your relatives that they identify themselves with you". Tell me how I could be confined in the same day (the birthday of ludocity ridiculously identical) to dance in a fifty-one year performance after performance in Australia, where the tour was called "Maya Plisetskaya and the Bolshoi ballet"? Contrive secretly to fly for a few days in the USSR, and somehow in Leningrad, and somehow straight into the hospital for the KGB? Give birth there hastily daughter and immediately give her the first counter barren kageneckia? Then immediately fly to Paris on the feast of the newspaper "l'humanite", where dancing on the ten-table buzarovska "Bolero" for thousands of people outdoors?
- Do you believe in fate?
- Yes. But the character is destiny. Not all, but a lot of people in life defines itself. How nature man is born, he will remain a lifetime. But if a person is motivated, he will be able to direct your destiny.
That's what you were lazy, and look what you have achieved.
Is this fate. Destined to be so. But I loved to dance. Since childhood adored the theatre.
You know the feeling of envy?
- I can say without boasting: I have nothing to envy. The Lord gave me the ability and good data, at the Bolshoi theatre I've taught him a lot of ballets, I seem to have world-wide fame. And most importantly - I have a wonderful husband, what more could you want?
Shamina L
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